First seen January 04, 2021. Last updated on February 16, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge 247PRO PAYIK7 was first submitted to our database on January 04, 2021. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen 247PRO PAYIK7 charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 247PRO PAYIK7 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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92% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Catherine Sealy on January 04, 2021

They have taken 2 amounts of £49.75 the first was in December the second 3rd January 2021

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Malcolm Floyd on January 04, 2021

The same for me. I can't track down any legitimate payments that correlate with this.

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paul williams on January 12, 2021


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L Mead on January 22, 2021

They took £49.95 and the transaction as described as groceries. Miscellaneous Food Stores Kent That is nonsense.My credit card company refuses the payment and while it shows on my statement it is automatically refunded after 8 working days.

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Suzy on February 03, 2021

I have had £49.50 taken today from ONEPAYIK7.com origin says Yorkshire, I’m fuming at least 40mins to get through to bank/fraud team so I’ll have to keep trying 3/02/2021 this is when it happens

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L.Fenyohazi on February 04, 2021

Onepayik7.com tekken £49.50 from my bank account. I don't know how. Please help me iff you can.

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Jo on February 04.2021 on February 04, 2021

Onepayik7.com £49.50 taken from my ac. On Friday I just activated my new card in the shop. Since then I not use it and today I saw this transaction. My bank reports it as a fraud. The lady that I spoke told me that on Friday b4 I activated my new card they took £1.50 from my old card. My old card was inactivated in the evening so even if they steal my details from my old card at the moment when I inactivated they should be not able to take anything anymore. This new transaction is from a new card. Within Friday and today, they already got details of my new card. This card now is inactivated. I am waiting for a new one. The bank will return the money within few days but the issue is what if they will again steal details of my next card. The lady from the bank told me she doesn't know how they did it but I wait and see when a new card arrives and I start using what will happen. If they take it again I need to report it again.

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Mrs T on February 16, 2021

Onepayik7.com took £49.50 from my ac. check your ac. regularly. You get your money back but so many frustration by calling your bank waiting in line till you get to an agent. Be aware.

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