
First seen January 30, 2020. Last updated on February 16, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge 360VITAPRO03303801 was first submitted to our database on January 30, 2020. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen 360VITAPRO03303801 charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 360VITAPRO03303801 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

94% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

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Category Free mobile phone (edit)
Description Text message supposedly from amazon (edit)

What people are saying...

Geoffrey Stovold on January 30, 2020

£95.00. No idea what for. Reporting to my bank

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Gazza on April 13, 2020

I filled out a questionnaire for Sainsburys to get a free promotion, 'Just Pay P&P' of £2.95 (Yesterday) Just checked my bank and they have taken the £2.95 also £3.95...? Like a fool i did not check the small print so i will keep my eye on my bank from now on....I am afraid that they will send me this product every month at full price of £125.00! I Trusted Sainsburys or is it just a scam page just to get your bank details?

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andypandy on September 28, 2020

filled in a page from samsung telling me i hade won a new phone only had to pay postage ended up that i was on a 5day free trial and after the free trial i will be charged £49-60 a month unless i cancel when i tried to cancel was unable to find any way to contact 360 vita pro so iinformed my bank a they put a stop to any payments going out to 360 vita pro when they ask for it. hope this helps someone else.

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Carla on October 06, 2020

This company have just taken £49.95 out of my bank. I have no idea who they are or what the money is for ??? I'm very upset & angry about this as it's money for nothing to people i don't know - total FRAUD

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Keith on January 29, 2021

Total scam, a page pops up on a trusted site who appear to be running a competition when you enter & win they only charge postage, but nothing turns up and then they attempt to take money from you account, fortunately my bank have blocked every attempt so far. However I've had 3 cards so far to stop them but they keep getting through so now I can no longer use the card for online payments, very inconvenient but better than losing money to these thieves (very polite word for these B*****ds

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So furious on February 06, 2021

I cancelled 360vitapro last year. I had the transaction cancelled and blocked. I got a new card which I had not activate ine any ATM machine two days ago. Today I received a fraud alert from my bank again regarding these fraudsters. During the conversation checking the fraud team stated the company had gone to visa stating I had a standing order with them and give them my new long number on my new card to this company invoice they tried to take money again. I am in the process of complaining to the Financial authorities This is not good enough

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Disappointed from Herts on February 16, 2021

Was told I had won an iPhone or ipad. Foolishly gave my bank details. £1 taken for p&p. Got a text giving me the option to opt out, which I did same day. £49.95 taken from my account following week. Company called itself Pro enmal8.com. Luckily i queried the transaction and got a refund. Have now blocked future payments by the bank

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