ALLRIZA.COM 13027224141 GBR

First seen January 04, 2018. Last updated on March 05, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge ALLRIZA.COM 13027224141 GBR was first submitted to our database on January 04, 2018. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen ALLRIZA.COM 13027224141 GBR charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ALLRIZA.COM 13027224141 GBR on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

86% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Araken Leonardo Rodrigues Antunes (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone +55(21)986122192 (edit)
Category Particular (edit)
Description Cancelar la subccripcion (edit)

What people are saying...

Roxanne Tan on January 04, 2018

I saw this on my monthly billing statement that there''s a unknown unauthorized transaction on my credit card of USD1.95 and I don''t know them!!! Certainly i didn''t buy anything from them!!!!

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Thresa on February 13, 2018

This showed up on my credit card as a monthly billing of 39.95 and when I called it had already charged my credit card a second time this month. Fraudulent charges.

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Andreea on February 16, 2018

I saw this on December 8th for the first time, and it kept going taking money from my account every month. I don't remember buying anything, and I don't know how to stop it!! HELP

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Philip on April 07, 2018

Spotted a debit card transction of GBP 2.95 on my current account on 4 April 2018. I have never dealt with them. Bank notified and stop put on further payments.

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Bob on April 16, 2018

Found a monthly charge. 39.95. Never authorized it. Luckily caught it and the bank stopped payment. Evil scoundrels come up as located in Great Britain.

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Frankie S on April 18, 2018

Completely fraudulent site. Charged my credit card 39.95 .Put a block on them for any further transactions. Have contacted my local authorities to try to prevent them from continuing to do this to others

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Ruth F on May 17, 2018

saw this twice or three times in my credit card and i want this to stop i didn't buy anything on this site

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Tara on May 28, 2018

My mum has seen this on her credit card and she wants it gone, anyone know how to stop it from taking her money?

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prapapon wasyod on June 11, 2018

I just put my card number but the description told that they won’t charge just for information and you can cancel anytime. Now I have no idea how to cancel.

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Alexander J. on June 22, 2018

Just saw two unauthorised payments on my Credit card.

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ROBO on December 10, 2018

tengan mucho cuidado chicos ayer dia 8 de diciembre del 2018 me han robado 10 euros con 95 centavos desde esta web sin contar con mi consentimiento los denuncie en el banco y en la policia laerta-warning()array-true

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Louise murdoch on March 22, 2019

I have a charge on my debit card , who is this

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Anonymous One on March 31, 2020

I saw a link in a YouTube video for I went to the sight and it showed movies, all kinds. I typed in Predator and it showed a list of predator movies or movies with the word predator in the title. I clicked on Predators and it showed DEPREDATORS and listed Andrew Brody as an actor and the date of the movie as 2010. I hit play and it started and stopped. I showed a message that you have to create an account it is free, so I used an email address I use sometimes and I made up a password that was NOT the password for that email address. Then I was shown a screen that I had to enter a credit card to prove my address was in a country they could stream movies to. It said the would not sell my email address information but seems they left out they would violate you in your email by accessing it for nefarious purposes. I took the address and searched the internet for reviews. I found reviews that the "website" was safe, (meaning it would not back load malicious software on your device) but I also found these sites saying they hacked the email address when people gave their real password to their email, and they charged people's credit card monthly or multiple times a month. I am reporting it so peo pl le know how they got caught in the scam while trying to stream a free movie. I am glad people posted what happened to them so I can help them with tracking the scammers

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Amanda on May 31, 2020

I went onto my online banking account & i see that there was $229.82 taken from my account

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Gail on August 16, 2020

August 15 2020 I just was checking my bank account and this was a charge on my account. I didn't order anything from this site. How can I stop this from happening again

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Pityu on December 02, 2020

Yes 5000 dollars in my account

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adele keenlyside on December 14, 2020

I noticed a payment taken from my account ALLRIZA.COM,i have no idea what this is,it was only 92p on the 11 of dec 2020 but what happens when they take more and i have no idea what its for how do i stop this from happening again

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Kristen on January 24, 2021

Just saw this on my account don’t know what it is for. What can I do?

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Angi on March 05, 2021

I see this always on my debit card I never bought anything from them how do I stop them from charging my debit and get my money back this is a scam be careful

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