First seen January 12, 2015. Last updated on July 03, 2020.
The credit card charge AOL*FS SUPPORT.COM VA was first submitted to our database on January 12, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen AOL*FS SUPPORT.COM VA charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen AOL*FS SUPPORT.COM VA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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would like more imformation
No. Please explain.
I had this on my last billing-it's a fraud in my mind-i'm protestingit! sound like an Irishman I was talking to -had a pretty good brogue!
I just noticed this o my bank statement, then found it on last month's statement. How the f*#k did they get my VISA #. This really bugs me, so much so that I can not use those words here. IT IS A SCAM.
This charge is probably for your Super Anti Spyware that was offered (and accepted) through AOL. The software does work well.
I have 3 charges on my card from the same place I don't know if they are real or a scam all from phone number 866 485 9217 called AOL FS and AOL FS techfortruss and AOL FS systemmech..anybody know anything about these
I want to delete AOL*FS support from my AOL account
Would like to know what is aol fs support??- What does it do??- Have been seeing it on my credit card for some time now please respond - thank you
PLEASE cancel this.
Yes, a charge of $3.99 has been charged to my credit card.
nope. I want it cancelled please
I want to know why I'm being charged 3.99 a month for Visa AOL*FS SUPPORT.c. IN ADDITION TO 10.99 a month I pay just to use aol.
I received email from Discover asking if I had ordered whatever this is??
i just said I received email from Discover Card
How do I get a refund on the three charges,;AOLFssupport plus; and AOLFs syste m mechanics. I tried to use several features, they appear on screen, but when you click on them they go no where. Please reund my $12.97.
Just tell me how to get this off my visa card. I have no idea how my card number got to AOL to begin with, and I don't have a need for or see any evidence of it actually doing anything.
I'll just call the credit card company and have the payments stopped.