First seen March 31, 2016. Last updated on February 20, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge COCA COLA HOUSTON TX COCA COLA HOUSTON HOUSTON TXUS was first submitted to our database on March 31, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen COCA COLA HOUSTON TX COCA COLA HOUSTON HOUSTON TXUS charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen COCA COLA HOUSTON TX COCA COLA HOUSTON HOUSTON TXUS on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

85% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Patrick on March 31, 2016

Got charged 6 times for $3 each so I checked to make sure I had my card and I did, it was in my wallet the whole time. So I called my bank and told them about it and they''re going to do a full refund and send me a new card Anyone know who the merchant is so I can call them about these charges

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Daniel on April 09, 2016

It's a scam. I just received a $3 charge right before nearly $1000 in fraudulent charges. If you see this, you are right in contacting your bank immediately!! I'm guessing this is how they test to see if the card number they received will actually process a transaction before cashing in on the larger purchases.

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Gary on April 23, 2016

We received an alert for $3 charge from Coca Cola at 3am 4/22/16 followed by a charge at fiesta for $108!! Contacted bank immediately. The only places we visit where the card is taken away to process is la Maria and Alicia's Mexican restaurants.

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kristie on August 15, 2016

I was notified by my credit card company that someone on Bissonnet in Houston was charging COCA COLA HOUSTON TX, taco bell, churches chicken, pizza hut then almost 600 dollars at Academy.. They froze my card and now I've filed a police report and am waiting on an investigation.

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George on October 17, 2016

There was a suspicious purchase of $4 from COCA COLA CH CHANNELVIEW TX. After seeing this online post, I immediately called my bank and had my credit card closed. I was in the Houston Area but never recall making such a purchase. I personally would not pay $4 for a soda!

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Destiny on September 28, 2017

This very thing has happened to me! Small charges from a Coca Cola for $1 followed by several large charges from fiesta and Ross. My credit union flagged the charges before I could catch them and blocked the card but my notifications still come thru of the charges showing where and how much.. people need to get off they asses and get a job like the people they are stealing from

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Spencer on June 30, 2023

I got a couple small charges from "Coca Cola Northpoint". When I clicked the notification from my banking app, they were nowhere to be seen. I suspect they are trying to test transactions and then take a larger sum later if it works. I froze my checking account and requested a new card.

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stacy guerrero on February 10, 2024

ive seen coca cola northpoint houston tx

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Nisha on February 20, 2024


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