First seen October 16, 2014. Last updated on January 06, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge ELITESHOP 888 501 2 MEDFORD NJ was first submitted to our database on October 16, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen ELITESHOP 888 501 2 MEDFORD NJ charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ELITESHOP 888 501 2 MEDFORD NJ on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

98% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Click to Add
Website Click to Add
Phone 4776099537 (edit)
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What people are saying...

It happened again on 6-26-15 on April 27, 2016

I had to call my chase account to take care of it - its a scam charge for $44.... report it

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Tyrone on November 22, 2016

On my card

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Pamela on November 28, 2016

I'm %*&!ed! A random $44.00 charge. I dont know what this is and I'm so mad!

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trevor on March 18, 2017

dont know who these people are but they been taking money since november whilst my partner was in hospital have a triple heart bypass rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Ronald on April 02, 2017

I got the charge cancelled. Here is the actual phone number : 888 501 2477. The charge was to allagesarcade. I will track this further and report back.

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Clark on May 12, 2017

I've had it the last two months at the end of the month. Calling the above number and the lady said it was a "budgeting website"...she said she found three transactions on my card and "will see what I can do for you." After a few minutes she came back and issued credits for the two transactions and that I will be removed from any further charges and cancelled the "account."

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Theresa Champ on February 18, 2019

These merchants are trying to charge me do not know who They are tryed getting it stopped by my bank but they said need to get hold of them hos can I when don’t know who they are very angry as don’t want to pay charge for something not had how can I solve this !!!!

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Scam on March 21, 2019

I called the number. It is a customer support that handles dozens of online subscriptions. I don't have any. However, I had already called the bank and reported it as fraud, so the people there refused to do anything to reverse the $44 fee. Luckily the charge was put on my card yesterday and I caught it today.

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Edwin Miller on May 08, 2019

Have been charged many months on my credit card and because ELITESHOP said they confirmed my address the bank says it's a good charge. Closing they account today.

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Marta on October 28, 2019

Devolver el cargo. Es un fraude.

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Brandan Mitchell-brown on October 29, 2019

Seen charge on my card just yesterday thankfully my bank called me I told them it wasn't me and it would have charged me $44 its definitely a fraud

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Judy Barr on December 04, 2019

My card was charged $65.40 today but my bank was quick to contact me to see if I made the purchase and I was like no it's not me. Bank is going to refund money back to me

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Neil on June 22, 2020

Just found this charge this morning.Bank is going to refund the money and cancel that card.

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Nathan on July 23, 2020

Hi I had a transaction yesterday from my bank account from this company that I was unaware of and cannot contact them, do they have an email address? fuming is an understatement!!! >:-(

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OHCHANGWOOK on January 06, 2021

The credit card or debit card charge OHCHANGWOOK was first spotted on January 06, 2021. This charge has been reported as trusted by 73 users, 11 users marked the credit card charge as suspicious

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