First seen October 02, 2021. Last updated on September 27, 2024.

The credit card charge GOOGLE GOOGLE PLAY G CO HELPPAY CAUS was first submitted to our database on October 02, 2021. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen GOOGLE GOOGLE PLAY G CO HELPPAY CAUS charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen GOOGLE GOOGLE PLAY G CO HELPPAY CAUS on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

92% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Evelyncia on October 02, 2021

this transaction was very unexpected

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Robert on October 04, 2021

i had 5 different charges for $5 a piece .... WHY

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Shan on October 05, 2021

I had three charges for $5 each. They don't shoe up on my google play account and I didn't make the purchases

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hhhhh on October 07, 2021

I just had 5 charges @$5 each for google play, i don't even use google play WTF IS IT ?

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Krista Linney on October 09, 2021

I had 14 at $5 each could not find the source of it

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Sylvia Bauer on October 11, 2021

I have never used this debit card to buy anything through Google. It came and went before I knew it was there.

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John Doe on October 17, 2021

I had "Google Google Play G Co Helppay 94043 Ca Usa" 39 charges @ $5.00. Wow, genuinely just wow.

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alyssa on October 17, 2021

i had this as well. did any of you use your card on a website to buy vape supplies? The website i use always gets hacked and bank accounts stolen/ credit card numbers etc. So i now use a prepaid card to purchase stuff on the website. Just curious if yall use the same website

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Eff google on October 20, 2021

I dont but anything from google and there was 25 5$ charges on my account in 1 day its a scam someone is stealing from everyone

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Will on October 20, 2021

I had 3 pending 1 went thru for 5$ the 3 pending for google co pay and the the one that went thru was mountain view co pay seems like I fought it just in time

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Rhonda on October 21, 2021

I just noticed 19 charges on my card for $1.35 and 7 charges for $2.74. I have no idea what they are for!

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Stephen on October 21, 2021

Received a text warning from my bank; POTENTIAL FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY. Logged into our account and observed 4 pending purchases from Google Play. As wife was on phone with our bank canceling her debit card, noticed 5 more roll in, then 2 more for a total of 11 fraudulent transactions via Google Play. The fraud inspector at our bank said a total of 14 rolled in before the card was totally cancelled. KUDOs to our bank for their quick and timely ID and response. Wife says she hasn't used her debit card in months. Processing... GOOGLE *Play $0.99

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Dede on October 24, 2021

I had five charges of $5 come through my account within two days. Had to cancel my card and file a fraud report. I do not have my cats info on Google anywhere.

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shiro on October 24, 2021

Why on earth suddenly charge me $5 each transactions.

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Daisy T on October 25, 2021

I was charged $10 and then $15 and I have no subscriptions for this amount, besides they are never flat fee amounts - they always end in .99. I have no idea what this is either so if anyone finds out, please share.

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Farhan on October 25, 2021

*Play i was charged $25 and i dont know how my card used for this fraudulent transaction.

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Will Fargo on October 26, 2021

Google Google Play G Co Helppay 94043 Ca Usa 12 charges between $5 and $50. Not a happy camper. Trying to dispute with my bank.

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Neil on October 26, 2021

On 10/24/21 I found 6 $5 charges and 1 $15 charge ony card from Google pay help. My card isn't set up or used for any online purchases. How do I dispute these charges?

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Andrea on October 27, 2021

I am at the bank right now to get help to stop pending payment of 98 charges at $5 a piece. Wtf!! All from #caus This is fraud

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Gl moore on October 28, 2021

These freaking idiots are scamming people,myself 56 trans for $5.00 each,canceled card and hit me 8 more times with my new card,google billion dollar company is liable class action lawsuit im thinking ,my acct is froze now,can't access it at all,google I'm suing you

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Ross on October 28, 2021

Just happened today!! Something is going on.. Like two $5 transactions has been taken away from me on some Google play, which I never bought anything online. This is very alarming. Just got paid tf

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Sherry on October 28, 2021

Same here I had 8 $5 charges show up on a card on 10/24 that I pretty much never use, and have never used the card online for anything, nor is the card in my google account.

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Pamela Johnson on October 30, 2021

Same as well 50 charges for $5.00 each I was in the middle of moving to a different city and stopped at a gas station to fill my tank and was declined which is embarrassing and alarming since I didn't purchase anything because I was moving. I pull up the bank statement and this is what I found Google Google Play G Co Helppay 94043 Ca Usa $5.00 !!! I froze that card to save the dollars that was left on it. Next two days who ever was still trying to use it watching my texts declined payment Google Google Play G Co Helppay 94043 Ca Usa $ 5.00 six times after locking my card. Now I have to get a whole new pay card not thrilled

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Peggy on October 30, 2021

18 charges $5 each on my debit card, still pending. I never use this card, I have it linked on my google play account but have never actually charged anything on it. I only use my checking account for venmo and that's a direct pull from my checking account. I can't report the charges as they are still pending, but I'm closing down the card for now.

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John on October 31, 2021

They charged me 17 times from 1.09 € the transaction.I had never used this debit card on the internet and nowhere else. I called the bank and canceled the card and I am waiting for the stolen money to be returned to me. These swindlers must be caught.

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Jay on November 01, 2021

Same problem. It appears these charges actually have nothing to do with Google. Scammers have found that can make smaller charges and fly under banks'radar. I had to call my bank and being these charges to their attention.

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Lee on November 01, 2021

GOOGLE *Son Tri Dung 855-836-3987 CAUS around a couple of dollars each, charged 68 times to a debit card that was never used for any purchase, online or in store

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Tash on November 04, 2021

Was charged $10 twice and $25 twice and thus was done on a gift card so i guess nothing of electronic payment is safe from this scammer

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Squeaky on November 09, 2021

I recently looked on my bank account and there were 8 charges of 5$ each from Google Play and I don’t even have a google account I always had Apple. This !$^# is crazy WTF ALL on Oct 1,2021-Oct 9,2021

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Lauren on November 09, 2021

I spotted a total of 40 $5 charges on an account I rarely use. I don’t use google play and hardly use this card at all. I contacted my bank, canceled my card, disputed the charges. A day after it was resolved, the same thing happened again and I noticed 15 more $5 charges. At that point, I disputed the charges, emptied the account , and once resolved I’ll be closing the account.

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Clif on November 10, 2021

Just got hit with 36 charges ranging from $4.99 to $9.99 a couple minutes ago. Some of them say they're from a website "" and others say they're from a number, 855-836-3987. Does anyone recognize that number?

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Monica on November 13, 2021

I had several $5 charges, adding up to almost $600. It's been almost 60 days that I disputing and my financial institution has still has not returned funds.

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Trudy on November 13, 2021

1.00 in and 1.00 out. Seems as though they are checking the validity of my bank.

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justice on November 18, 2021

28 transactions at 1.59 each! Got a text saying suspicious activity, Midnight here in aus so can’t call bank, blocked card and transferred money into different account. 27 say Activision and one says Garena Mobile? I’ve never even USED google play/pay. Terrified to go to sleep now

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Chris on November 22, 2021

I had 39 transactions for $5 each. It is not related to Google, as none of the transactions show on my Google account.

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Laurel G. on December 01, 2021

I had $1005 fraudulently charged - 78 transactions (in $5, $10, $25 and $50 increments) to GOOGLE*Google Play,payhelp,CA#. Google says they "investigated" and found the charges were NOT unauthorized (even though it didn't go through my Play account and I got no receipts and I didn't authorize the charges, nor did anyone I know). My bank should have red flagged these as potential fraudulent activity but didn't even notice. I even caught it when $675 was still pending and called the bank to report it and cancel my card, but my bank paid out all of the pending charges anyway. I could not get any details (from my bank or from Google) about what was purchased, by whom, or from what account. I suspect Google didn't look very closely at my case at all. The thing is, I was also thinking that perhaps Google wasn't even actually involved at all, and the thieves were able to somehow change the description line of the transaction as a diversion? But where did the money go?? GOOGLE *Google #,CA doesn't even make sense. At least Google could verify that! But no. Also, on two of the transactions both "Google"s were in all caps, which seems like a typo. And the comma use seems odd... I need to get Google to actually LOOK into what happened. At the very least they need to find out if they were were involved or not! But all they did is tell my bank that the payments were processed through their "usual channels" and no flags were raised and therefore no error occurred. Then my bank closed my case without any refund. GRRRRRRR What can I do?!?

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Damion on December 03, 2021

I just noticed, but they've been taking usually $29.99, usually coupled with Google Play purchases in an EA game. It's been going on for a while and costing me hundreds of dollars. I'd love to know who this is and how to make it stop without canceling my google storage that is connected to google play.

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Laurie Muzny on December 05, 2021

We had this same thing happen in July 2021. it shows Google It doesn't show up on my google acct. or mu husbands, i have requested from google a detailed, transaction by transaction, of what the charges are, they aid they are not fraudulent charges and contact my bank. They were charged on my husbands "Direct Express" card which is what his Social Security check goes on, we have contacted them and of course they say its not fraudulent because its a big corporation like Google. We had 76 charges at 5.00. I am reading all these charges that everybody is getting from Google, and I am wondering if Google isn't researching these charges thoroughly? Any help anyone can give would greatly be appreciated!

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Peggy on December 06, 2021

Have a $7.85 charge on my checking/debit account from GOOGLE BNEI G CO HELPPAY CA! as far as I know I sure did not make this purchase and have no idea wtf?? Sent an inquiry into Google and after reading all these comments I'm definitely contacting my bank!

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Christina V. on December 10, 2021

17 CHARGES FOR $5 EACH ALL FROM THE SAME DAY ON MY VISA GIFT CARD... (All of which I CAN NOT find charges anywhere in my Google accounts and there is no sign the gift card was ever even added to any of our Google Play accts) #1 -9 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: support.googl •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code:94043 #10-17 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: 06 •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code: 94043 ■THE CHARGES ARE NO WHERE TO BE FOUND ON ANY OF OUR ACCOUNTS ■I CONTACTED GOOGLE VIA PHONE. THEY SAID THEY COULDNT HELP, BUT THEY WOULD EMAIL THE DEPARTMENT THEY BELIEVE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP AND I SHOULD RECEIVE A RETURN EMAIL IN 24-48 HRS. ■WHILE WAITING IM CONTACTING THE GIFT CARD TO SEE IF THEY ARE ABLE TO HELP DO ANYTHING.. ●READING THROUGH THE COMMENTS, THESE ISSUES SEEM TO BE A WIDE SPREAD. IF GOOGLE DOESNT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY RESOLVING THINGS AND IN A TIMELY MANNER MAYBE WE SHOULD GET TOGETHER CONTACTING THE NEWS, AND OR LAWYERS OR SOMETHING ANYWAY... ●MY CONTACT INFO: or #PLEASE feel free to contact me if one or multiple of you feel we need to take further action.

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Christina V. on December 10, 2021

17 CHARGES FOR $5 EACH ALL FROM THE SAME DAY ON MY VISA GIFT CARD... (All of which I CAN NOT find charges anywhere in my Google accounts and there is no sign the gift card was ever even added to any of our Google Play accts) #1 -9 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: support.googl •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code:94043 #10-17 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: 06 •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code: 94043 ■THE CHARGES ARE NO WHERE TO BE FOUND ON ANY OF OUR ACCOUNTS ■I CONTACTED GOOGLE VIA PHONE. THEY SAID THEY COULDNT HELP, BUT THEY WOULD EMAIL THE DEPARTMENT THEY BELIEVE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP AND I SHOULD RECEIVE A RETURN EMAIL IN 24-48 HRS. ■WHILE WAITING IM CONTACTING THE GIFT CARD TO SEE IF THEY ARE ABLE TO HELP DO ANYTHING.. ●READING THROUGH THE COMMENTS, THESE ISSUES SEEM TO BE A WIDE SPREAD. IF GOOGLE DOESNT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY RESOLVING THINGS AND IN A TIMELY MANNER MAYBE WE SHOULD GET TOGETHER CONTACTING THE NEWS, AND OR LAWYERS OR SOMETHING ANYWAY... ●MY CONTACT INFO: or #PLEASE feel free to contact me if one or multiple of you feel we need to take further action.

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Christina V. on December 10, 2021

17 CHARGES FOR $5 EACH ALL FROM THE SAME DAY ON MY VISA GIFT CARD... (All of which I CAN NOT find charges anywhere in my Google accounts and there is no sign the gift card was ever even added to any of our Google Play accts) #1 -9 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: support.googl •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code:94043 #10-17 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: 06 •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code: 94043 ■THE CHARGES ARE NO WHERE TO BE FOUND ON ANY OF OUR ACCOUNTS ■I CONTACTED GOOGLE VIA PHONE. THEY SAID THEY COULDNT HELP, BUT THEY WOULD EMAIL THE DEPARTMENT THEY BELIEVE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP AND I SHOULD RECEIVE A RETURN EMAIL IN 24-48 HRS. ■WHILE WAITING IM CONTACTING THE GIFT CARD TO SEE IF THEY ARE ABLE TO HELP DO ANYTHING.. ●READING THROUGH THE COMMENTS, THESE ISSUES SEEM TO BE A WIDE SPREAD. IF GOOGLE DOESNT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY RESOLVING THINGS AND IN A TIMELY MANNER MAYBE WE SHOULD GET TOGETHER CONTACTING THE NEWS, AND OR LAWYERS OR SOMETHING ANYWAY... ●MY CONTACT INFO: or #PLEASE feel free to contact me if one or multiple of you feel we need to take further action.

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Christina V on December 10, 2021

17 CHARGES FOR $5 EACH ALL FROM THE SAME DAY ON MY VISA GIFT CARD... (All of which I CAN NOT find charges anywhere in my Google accounts and there is no sign the gift card was ever even added to any of our Google Play accts) #1 -9 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: support.googl •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code:94043 #10-17 charges say... •Authorized amount: $5 •Retailer name: GOOGLE*GOOGLE PLAY •Purchase date: •Retailer city: 06 •Settlement amount: $5 •Retailer zip code: 94043 ■THE CHARGES ARE NO WHERE TO BE FOUND ON ANY OF OUR ACCOUNTS ■I CONTACTED GOOGLE VIA PHONE. THEY SAID THEY COULDNT HELP, BUT THEY WOULD EMAIL THE DEPARTMENT THEY BELIEVE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP AND I SHOULD RECEIVE A RETURN EMAIL IN 24-48 HRS. ■WHILE WAITING IM CONTACTING THE GIFT CARD TO SEE IF THEY ARE ABLE TO HELP DO ANYTHING.. ●READING THROUGH THE COMMENTS, THESE ISSUES SEEM TO BE A WIDE SPREAD. IF GOOGLE DOESNT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY RESOLVING THINGS AND IN A TIMELY MANNER MAYBE WE SHOULD GET TOGETHER CONTACTING THE NEWS, AND OR LAWYERS OR SOMETHING ANYWAY... ●MY CONTACT INFO: or #PLEASE feel free to contact me if one or multiple of you feel we need to take further action.

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Inc on December 13, 2021

Same story from Estonia, got charged 3 time for 1.09 EUR. There are even no games what for they charged, I even dont have my credit card in Google Play, what the hell?

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SYLVIA on December 22, 2021

11/7/2021 GOOGLE*GARENA GOOGLE PAYMENT, 00000000 G.CO HELPPAY# made 63 transactions on my American Express gift card. All transactions were for .99 cents and $2.99. The gift card has been completely wiped out. I personally have not used the card since 2019. American Express and Google are not accepting responsibility for the committed fraud. We have been robbed and we have no recourse. I will not be purchasing gift cards in the future and I am advising all my friends and acquaintances to be very wary of purchasing gift cards.

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Boomer on January 29, 2022

Been getting charged $16.08 a week from this and don't know why how or what it is

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Dariay on February 02, 2022

У меня списали 1.02. 2022. 2790 рублей. Хотя Яне оформлял в подписок

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Chinwe on April 17, 2022

I got this MZD/POS/WEB PMT G.CO/HELPPAY G.CO/HELPPAY 00US And N7625.50 was debited from my account

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Charles Onak Judo on May 16, 2022

I got this information GOOGLE*MICROSOFT APPS G.CO/HELPPAY#CAUS and $6.52 was debited from account. Please let me know on how to stop this from eating my account.

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Julie on June 6, 2022 in Peachtree city Georgia on June 06, 2022

Found these charges on a visa gift card that I purchased online. After we used it to pay for an Uber trip but the card never left the house. There was $59 left on the card however there were three charges for $10 On 4/14 for $10 that said google *google play G.CO/help P #06 94043 US then there was one charge for $25 with the exact same numbers. And then one last charge on 4/17 from HYGMR H Y YY0512. 10 41 97214 US

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Brian Newsome on June 23, 2022

I was very suspicious at first, but after further inspection, mine was just an automatic withdrawal.

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Breeshell Devine on August 02, 2022

I need some one to tell me why I'm being charged for some I have know knowledge of and can I get my 39.99 back on my card

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Andy on August 17, 2022

I got charged 21.19 from GOOGLE *Google Stor, and I'm not sure why. I believe it is fraudulent

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Michelle on August 23, 2022

Got this and for what it’s worth …it matches the purchase I made on the Reading App Dreame. You start w. free chapters then have to buy coins to unlock later chapters. Prices range from .99 to 4.99 to 9.99 etc. I wound up paying around $35 just to finish one book. Deleted app and won’t go back but the rest of you may want to poll your household for these types of reading apps..there are several aside from Dreame. Super easy to start a book via Facebook and then get sucked into the apps. The name on the charged item seems to have no relation to the app… if I hadn’t recognized the amount I would have disputed…

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John on September 06, 2022

I just noticed recurring Discover charge of approx $79. Contacted Discover who told me that it was probably fraud and the only way to stop it is to close out the card. Very expensive, inconveniencing crime.

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Zach on October 19, 2022

i just got a charge on my credit card for $6.99 from this same tag

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Debbie Manson on December 09, 2022


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Angela Seymore on December 31, 2022

We have a charge for $31.79. What the hell is this !$^#? How do I stop this?

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No tengo ningún contrato o artículo vinculado con Google y me aparece que quisieron cobrar 35.99 y está fue rechazado por falta de fondo. No entiendo por qué me cobran algo que no tengo. Espero esto se corrija . on August 14, 2023

Estoy disgustado

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Nancy speigle on September 29, 2023

No idea how or why but G,CO/HELPPAY#CAUS

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Kendra on October 16, 2023

Why am I being charged for this

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Melissa kimbrell on December 09, 2023

Googledreamleauge charged my credit card 19.25. I don't know what this is but I want a refund and cancel this.

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Carol Rice on January 05, 2024

The charge just showed up on my bank site today. I don't recognize it.

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Grace Mirabueno on January 19, 2024

I was charged today amounting to 389. 00 via debit card to which I did not subscribe.

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sa’bre slater on January 20, 2024

i have multiple charges

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Diamonte on January 26, 2024

Keeps taking my money

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Carlos Flores on March 07, 2024

Woke up with multiple charges on my card

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Tonya L England on March 15, 2024

There is a charge for 10.83 but I don't know what this is and that was all I had in my account at the time because my direct deposit hasn't went in there. Idk what it is and if they will take more money out of my acct

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Katrina Brown on September 27, 2024

What is this?

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Katrina Brown on September 27, 2024

What is this? I’m getting charged 16.98 since 2023.

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