First seen November 18, 2020. Last updated on December 31, 2024.

The credit card charge MMBILL.COM was first submitted to our database on November 18, 2020. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen MMBILL.COM charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen MMBILL.COM on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

68% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Chaturbate (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 8773387068 (edit)
Category Adult Cam services (edit)
Description Porn Pay websites (edit)

What people are saying...

Tammy morvant on November 18, 2020

39.99 was charged twice to my account in 2 days.

Helpful 9 1 Not Helpful
E in Florida on March 08, 2021

I was charged $44.99 three times, $62.99 once, and $20.99 once - all on the same day.

Helpful 0 7 Not Helpful
lili muhammaed on July 11, 2021

i was charged 79.99 by 19 times in 3 days wtf

Helpful 5 4 Not Helpful
Dean on July 22, 2021

15.00 then 79.00 twice and 319.00 three times in tow hours Fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud

Helpful 2 2 Not Helpful
Carol on August 20, 2021

Charged 20.99 numerous times!

Helpful 1 2 Not Helpful
Jane on August 28, 2021

This is not a scam. if you see mmbill in the charge it means you, your spouse, or someone else with access to your card is buying tokens on which is a cam model/ $^%* website. You use the tokens to tip the models who are performing live for you. They put mmbill on the statement instead of 'chaturbate' because the latter may be embarrassing to some people on their statement.

Helpful 22 5 Not Helpful
Hillcreature on October 18, 2021

But if the charge is for token purchases then why do they show up all by them selves and when you are not on any website where tokens can be purchased and at ones when you are not even using your phone to be on such a website

Helpful 2 10 Not Helpful
Adam on October 21, 2021

These jerks charged around $8000.00 before I caught them. They belong in jail!

Helpful 2 4 Not Helpful
Vincent on November 10, 2021

I have three $79.99 each from this on Oct 8th, 2021

Helpful 2 6 Not Helpful
Mirna on November 29, 2021

My Visa Card was charged for $319.98 tonight 11.28.2021. I already started an investigation with the police. My Visa was stolen in Dallas in the Sleep Inn hotel.

Helpful 2 1 Not Helpful
Jeremy on December 22, 2021

This is also used for a lot of other online purchases that want protection - not just online $^%*.

Helpful 4 1 Not Helpful
Chris on January 10, 2022

I just came to America and lost my card in a hotel about 30 minutes from the airport. Two days later I see 3 charges about 20$ each addressed to this "mmbill" idk what this is and the mmbill 'support' wont help because whoever stole my card used my name (which was on the card).

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Robert on January 12, 2022

OK I admit I went on a XXX website and bought some tokens. And in accepting their terms and conditions, you are automatically subscribed to the website for monthly billings. HOWEVER, I was charged $79.99 FOUR TIMES in three weeks: Nov 11, Nov 12, Nov 13 and Dec 1. As a result, I had to cancel my credit card.

Helpful 8 1 Not Helpful
Kobe Blake on April 21, 2022

I was charged 19.95 USD for 3 months before I realized I somehow subscribed to It would have been fine, but I got NO tokens AT ALL. Where are my Tokens??!?!

Helpful 11 1 Not Helpful
Kip on May 12, 2022

Almost $500. We don’t know where is. This all started exactly 2 days after we got our tax refund which was completed by TurboTax. It started out small $10 here $20 they are $30 the next day some charges were six and seven charges per day. It’s pretty much wiped out my little tax refund. How do we handle this and who are these people?

Helpful 1 1 Not Helpful
Sara on July 03, 2022

Received a message from a bank, giving me a pin for something. Called my bank and they said they didn't see a reason on their end why I should get a text message. Anyways, I locked my card and about two hours later, mmbill tried to use the card for 5.99. now I have to call and try to stop this or order a new card!

Helpful 2 0 Not Helpful
Pete on July 20, 2022

I was charged $107.26 12 times in 2 days plus’s $84.46 once.

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Tony on August 04, 2022

They have been charging me $19.95 per month even though I don't buy tokens. Is this an account administration fee?

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
SCAM on August 17, 2022

I have experienced extreme unauthorised Billing- MULTIPLE TIMES!! - I have had to contact Bank to cancel my account ! DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE !!

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
jay pea on September 01, 2022

Chaterbate has a memberships tab under the user's My Profile link that shows Active Memberships, that renews monthly, there is a Cancel button there.

Helpful 4 1 Not Helpful
Mark on September 14, 2022

Didn't authorise this 2 payments to who don't know ,refund

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Scam! on November 28, 2022

Received a text from bank saying possible fraud charge. MMBILL is trying to charge 214.40 to my credit card. Luckily bank caught it, and have refunded me, cancelled the card and are doing an investigation. Beware & call your bank asap to get this fixed!

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Tammy on February 25, 2023

Well, now I know why my husband is always broke. Anyone know any good divorce lawyers?

Helpful 5 2 Not Helpful
Roberta on April 01, 2023

MMBILL is trying to charge both my debit card and my credit card various amounts over the past two days. I have had to cancel both my charge and debit card. What a pain! but its better then being scammed.

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Levi on April 08, 2023

These people ripped me off on 3/24/2023....they charged $79.99 to my card 3 times!!! Currently filing a FRAUD CLAIM WITH MY BANK as I didn't make these purchases.

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Alan on April 24, 2023

I am being billed by at the rate of $19.99 peer month. I just called them, and the charge is for the website Chaturbate. I once bought tokens from them, but I haven't been on the site in the past 2 months. So, I don't know what the hell I'm being billed for. I called the number given above and cancelled the charge, so I can claim fraud if I am ever billed again.

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Petra on April 30, 2023

Your husband or partner has been using Chaturbate to pay camgirls (or cam boys in my husbands case)

Helpful 0 4 Not Helpful
Jordan on May 13, 2023

It's a scam because I was charged 91.40 €without having any hs services

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Sam on May 22, 2023

They charged me $120 twice and then another $30 and I have no idea who they are.

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Bryan orrala on May 26, 2023

Ago un reclamo por este medio porque me han consumido 70 dolares de esta pagina con mi tarjeta de debito visa de lo cual no he hecho ni un consumo asisti al banco y me dieron la orden de denunciar a esta pagina si no solucionan el problema.

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Bryan orrala tumbaco on May 26, 2023

Ago un reclamo por este medio porque me han consumido 70 dolares de esta pagina con mi tarjeta de debito visa de lo cual no he hecho ni un consumo asisti al banco y me dieron la orden de denunciar a esta pagina si no solucionan el problema.

Helpful 1 1 Not Helpful
dennis on May 28, 2023

i have been billed 19.99 a month for months and i dont kno why on two different debit cards this is bull!$^#

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
ILoveMia on June 05, 2023

Don’t play stupid people you know dang well how those charges got there “bb”. Lol 😂

Helpful 3 2 Not Helpful
Hans on July 05, 2023

das ist diebstahl!!!!!!

Helpful 2 0 Not Helpful
Bruh on July 29, 2023

Either you or a "loved one" has purchased tokens for These charges don't just appear randomly, unless your card has been physically stolen or your information has been put out to a sketchy website. It's so embarrassing seeing these comments. Your offspring probably used your card info after you let them buy something off a console. It's 2023... chances are, they know more about the internet than you do

Helpful 2 1 Not Helpful
Beverly on August 06, 2023

I was charged 79.99 twice and I never heard of this company. Why are they doing this and how to get our money back

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
William on September 20, 2023

I noticed I had this on my bill on my credit card statement along with another one called

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Moe on October 04, 2023

I just. got three transactions all with the same amount of about 64.76$ called the bank to stop all my cards, and they informed me it was for in the USA, and I am in Kuwait

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Antonio fracasso on October 05, 2023

Mi sono stati accreditati in banca 19,10 euro quando non ho mai avuto a che fare con voi

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Heather Craft on October 05, 2023

It was on my debit card and I don’t know what it is

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Kevin on October 10, 2023

This is Chaturbate. They are the biggest adult cam scamming company in the industry.

Helpful 2 1 Not Helpful
Alisha S on October 20, 2023

I have 9 fraudulent charges from this company totaling $509.91. 7 for $49.99 and 2 for $79.99. Back to back. I did not authorize these payments.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Donna Blackwell on November 08, 2023

This charge was not suppose to be ..I did not subscribe to anything.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Courtney on November 14, 2023

I've had this charge $19.99 a month set as a reoccurring charge on my discover card

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
michal landesmaan on November 16, 2023

pls cancell every charge of my bill. i dont know who you are

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Brook on November 17, 2023

Charged $49.99. Never heard of Had my debit card hacked and had to close acct, but not before charges from,, and GivingBasketDonation.

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Dale D Little on November 19, 2023

I have been charged $10.99 a bunch of times I don't know what this charge is for chaturbate

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Axel on November 20, 2023

This is a cammin web site, there are lots around. It the new virtual !$# craze. The tokens start from 200 tokens free, when you pay $20.99, this is called the supporters fee and then £19.99 is taken monthly. After that there are varying token fees e,g. 1000 tkns $79.99 The highest is 4050 tkns for $319.98 This is worst than gambling as all you do is put an amount of token on the models page and hit send tip. Before you know it you’ve spent 4000 tkns. Put an alert on your cards when money is taken. Prevention is better than cure

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Bryle November 20 on November 20, 2023

Cancel this charge I have no idea what is this

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Seb on November 22, 2023

I was charged 99.99$ 13 november!

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Thomas on November 25, 2023

I was charged 19.95$ 23 november!

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Thomas 19.95 +1.00 28 November 2023 on November 28, 2023

Why take money from my bank? I dont know... How to fix dont do this again?

Helpful 0 2 Not Helpful
Mickey on December 01, 2023

Had three charges for 20.99 in one day and I know it was not me I was at my moms funeral

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Anthony Bledsoe on December 03, 2023

I have a transaction on my cash app card for $59.99 that I didn't not approve why is this being taken off my card

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
El Dubya on December 05, 2023

Fraud alert from my bank for $1, two days later $59.99. Bank fraud lady said a scammer will ask for $1.00 to ensure the account has money. If it succeeds the run your card as fast and often as they can until you shut that !$^# off. Fu%&in scammers!🤬

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Owen Shugar on December 06, 2023

On 11/13/2023 I was charged $29.99 by: which we did not purchase. Our credit card provider was unable to provide any information as to who this was.

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
shan on December 07, 2023

It was automatic debited 189 rm

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gregory sullivan on December 12, 2023

I have been charged $99.00 for months now

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Mathew Ware on December 21, 2023

Taking money from account without my permission or knollage return asap I'm contacting Commonwealth police

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Ernie on December 27, 2023

We had two charges from mmbill one on our bank card and credit card. Same bank Chase

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Tammy Turner on January 06, 2024

I was charged today for 19.95. I have no idea what this is

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Zila on January 18, 2024

Every month I’m billed $20 from a MM-BILL E US and I’ve always thought it was for tokens I’ve bought until I realised it was a recurring payment.

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Micah Throckmorton on January 19, 2024

Why am i being charged 19.93!

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Paul bollen on January 20, 2024

What have I been changed for

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Darren Lewis on January 23, 2024


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Rona Macintyre on February 01, 2024

Hi was charged 0.79 pence on my virgin account on 1/2/2024

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Kairee Swain on February 02, 2024


Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Erik on February 09, 2024

I noticed that they are now putting their logo "Chaturbate" logo along with the billing name. Good thing I stopped camping with big-t1tted hot bl0nde s1uts. My wife will never know! Membership canceled! Haha

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Tim on February 09, 2024

At first it was a small charge like 6 bucks n some change. All of a sudden it went o 33 bucks with no explanation thru cash app

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Beth on February 13, 2024

I was charged after being taken to this by the website to check id app. £59.99 charged

Helpful 1 0 Not Helpful
Anon on March 05, 2024

I would suggest you ladies check with your husbands/boyfriends. They're lying to you.

Helpful 0 1 Not Helpful
Luke on March 13, 2024

I haven’t purchased anything online for an easy 2 years

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Luke on April 11, 2024

No links and haven’t purchased anything online but billed 2 times on the same day

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Thamsanqa sosibo on May 12, 2024

I have received 3 transactions on my card fraudulently as I never subscribed to any service.i have blocked the card but haven't managed to get my refund as yet

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nick fiorentino on June 27, 2024

yes i did and i am trying to eliminate it but i cannot and they leave you hanging on the phone telling you that they are looking for an agent.

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful
Tim on December 31, 2024

No idea what these charges are for

Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful

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