First seen September 14, 2014. Last updated on January 03, 2018.

The credit card or debit card charge MMI*IPVANISH.COM FL COMPUTER NETWORK/INFORMATION SERVICES was first submitted to our database on September 14, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen MMI*IPVANISH.COM FL COMPUTER NETWORK/INFORMATION SERVICES charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen MMI*IPVANISH.COM FL COMPUTER NETWORK/INFORMATION SERVICES on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

88% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant IP Vanish (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 602-515-0930 (edit)
Category VPN Network (edit)
Description VPN network (edit)

What people are saying...

Animesh Kumar on February 06, 2016

I got 2 SMS from my bank informing me of the withdrawal of Rs, 1421.20 from my account done by MMI*IPVANISH.COM. I never made any such payment so, any how they hacked into my account.

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Johnny Rollerfeet on February 08, 2016

IPVanish is a VPN provider. (You can use their service to mask you internet traffic from your local provider, and supposedly all the systems between you and the VPN. They have a monthly automated fee. If you didn't sign up for

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John Doe on April 17, 2016

Definitely a scam. Just hit my B of A card for $77.99. Luckily the bank declined it. Unfortunately they also declined a number of legitimate claims and cancelled our existing (as they should do) but they failed to notify us either by phone, SMS or email. Would have been nice to have been informed so we could have used a different card before they declined the legitimate businesses. Hope this doesn't show up on any credit check.

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xa on May 05, 2016

Definitely a scam: this was charged after a scammer got hold of my CC data.

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jENNIFER WENSLAY JUNE 2, 2016 on June 02, 2016

Definitely a scam. See it on my May 30th statement. Amount was $10 I suppose to see if I'd notice it before upping the ante.

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Dave on June 03, 2016

100% SCAM, i found this charge on my card. never heard of them until then. I contacted the FTC and these assholes are under investigation. I also contacted my local U.S. Rep. to have them shut down.

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Cindy (from Ohio on April 25, 2017

Somehow got my Elan Credit Card and made a charge, while I was working today. Luckily, I caught it right away and notified my credit card company to cancel. Why can't people just get a damn job instead of cheating decent people.

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Sandra on May 21, 2017

I just noticed on my cc statement a $10 charge from them. No clue who they are. Anything having to do with my web sites I do through GoDaddy

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Teresa on June 08, 2017

Just looked at my bank card statement and a withdrawal was made to IPVANISH in the amount of $7.50. I cancelled the card. Such aholes.

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Wildthing on July 15, 2017

Just hit me up for $10.00 on my MC. Disputed charge immediately but holding off on card cancellation to see if they try again, and if so, I will take further action for what ever good it will do. Just curious how they got my card info?

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Wildthing on August 19, 2017

CC company credited $10 back to my account, but the assholes hit the card again the very next month for another $10. Will see if CC company can ban all future hits on the card. If not then I cancel card.

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lucy on October 25, 2017

I was charged $26.99 by MMI*IPVANISH.COM on Oct.16.2017.

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William on December 18, 2017

They hit up my card on Sunday, Dec. 17th for the ammount of $54.59.... my bank fraud center gave me the phone number 602-515-0930. Told my bank this was not authorized by me ... as it is posted as "Pending" -- and I should dispute it when it appears as "posted" ... in the meantime... my card with the bank is now no longer in service.

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Denise Minor on January 03, 2018

I too was charged $10. on Dec 26. 2017 for something I have never seen not heard of ..

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