First seen June 26, 2017. Last updated on August 22, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge OMNYEX E COMMERCE DMCC was first submitted to our database on June 26, 2017. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen OMNYEX E COMMERCE DMCC charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen OMNYEX E COMMERCE DMCC on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

81% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category Video Game Codes (edit)
Description Seller of legitimate game codes (edit)

What people are saying...

Brian Rhodes on June 26, 2017

This company stated I made a payment of £145.50 on the 26th June 2017 reference order 7336194420. ( I have no idea what this is and certainly never ordered this.

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R. Ferguson on August 14, 2018

This company just charged me $51.59 on my paypal with my bank account. oddly enough around the same time (01:30AM), someone was attempting to log into my Amazon account...currently disputing this.

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Sam on October 15, 2018

Had a email says I had spent £60 never ordered anything as don't use PayPal

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Jim on October 19, 2018

PayPal sent a Text alert about a suspicious transaction for £73.99 - notify as unauthorised or authorised. Didn't trust it so contacted PayPal direct - waiting for their reply. I certainly haven' ordered the Xbox software... I've never owned an Xbox!

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BAR on November 10, 2018

"Omnyex E Commerce DMCC" owns CD Keys at, this is and extract from their T&C's "The brand name “” is wholly owned by “Omnyex E Commerce DMCC”, a private company incorporated under the laws of DMCC Free Zone, having its principle place of business at Unit 2603, JBC4, JLT, Dubai, UAE, license number JLT-69058, hereafter referred to as “”." Hope that helps

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BAR on November 10, 2018

Furthermore, this is their Linkedin page

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steve on January 05, 2019

Your card issuer declined your £89.98 GBP payment to Omnyex Ecommerce DMCC on 3 January 2019. We're sorry, we know this can be frustrating. It may be due to a problem with your Visa x-xx18 or there may have been insufficient funds in your account. To try making your purchase again using PayPal, please return to Omnyex Ecommerce DMCC and choose a different funding source.

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fred on June 18, 2019

Kortutfärdaren nekade din betalning på 35,99 GBP till Omnyex Ecommerce DMCC den 18 juni 2019. Vi vet att det är frustrerande. Det kan bero på ett problem med ditt MasterCard x -xxxx eller så kan ditt konto ha ett otillräckligt saldo. Om du vill försöka betala med PayPal igen måste du återvända till Omnyex Ecommerce DMCC och välja en annan betalningsmetod. Om du har frågor kan du kontakta din kortutfärdare. nice try scammer this do not work any more

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Pauline on December 15, 2019

Just had message saying the PayPal payment for £87.98 was declined by card issuer. Never heard of this company nor tried to pay for anything so it's a scam. But you robbing scum got nothing from me!!

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Jurik on January 18, 2020

WTF is that, Charting me 49.99 for what?

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Yampybird on January 20, 2020

Same happened to me £42.99, paypal say its legit

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Mark on February 05, 2020

I downloaded an application onto my computer, thinking it was safe. It wasn't and my computer was infected by a hell of a lot of Trojans. It was at this time that I received a message from my mobile (plugged in) with the following text message: "Paypal: Your card issuer declined your Visa x-xx38 for £47.99GBP. Go to Omnyex Ecommerce DMCC and retry PayPal with a different card or bank account." If anyone reads this and this has happened to them you've most likely been infected with a trojan, which has accessed your files on your computer/phone (if plugged in) and used your Paypal details to access your bank account. I would strongly suggest downloading Malwarebytes, because the chances are it's disabled your antivirus on your computer. This, one stupid download (and I'm always safe, but trusted the site I got it from) put over 370 infections on my PC. I had to go back and forward into Safe mode, deleting files, registry keys, before eventually getting Malwarebytes and that did the rest. Again, you're most certainly getting this because your PC has been infected with a trojan or worse a family of them.

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Pierre on March 13, 2020

Legit, Crazy to see the amount of boomers not having any clue about their kids buying games with their paypal account.

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Nigel Blonde on May 08, 2020

Charged my Paypal £40 CD - also had an amazon intrusion same time. Clearly in league with a scam operation

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T Nesbitt on June 12, 2020

I have a $133.19 charge that i don't remember paying for under "PAYPAL *CDKEYS.COM Sydney AU" How do i go about getting my money back if this is a scam....

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Andy on June 19, 2020

Bought a cd key from ( they asked me for my phone number and ID, driving licence or passport scan to "authorize" the transaction. I declined, lucky for my bought via PayPal so I got my cash instantly back. Because I used Paypal they know my e-mail address and now I got !$^#tons scam messages (before that I didn't have any) WATCH OUT!!

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Blue Dog Zoo on July 24, 2020

If you buy CD Keys from this is the company they use to charge you, it's totally legit. I buy gaming stuff from them all the time, this is the company they use to run debit card purchases

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LLL on February 16, 2021

Charged £21.99 through PayPal to buy something I have no interest in on a site I've never heard of. No one else has access to my PayPal, definitely a scam.

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PayPal on April 10, 2021

Charged over £220 through PayPal to buy some game points which I never play (and own a Xbox). I've NEVER heard of this merchant, NEVER paid to this merchant, yet it charged me. Filed the case to Paypal. Looking for any security loopholes even though I used to consider mine is fine.

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Gordon HODGSON on May 26, 2021

Charged AU$64.29 through PayPal to buy a computer game I have no interest in (at 75years old, I cannot play games on the PC). From a site I've never heard of. No one else has access to my PayPal, definitely a scam.

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Froze my PayPal account on August 22, 2021

Have frozen my PayPal account as have had numerous unauthorized transactions totaling over $360 never heard of this company until they stated ripping me off

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