First seen May 21, 2014. Last updated on January 28, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge PAYLINK VEH COV CHICAGO IL was first submitted to our database on May 21, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen PAYLINK VEH COV CHICAGO IL charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PAYLINK VEH COV CHICAGO IL on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

81% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant paylink direct (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 800-839-7940 (edit)
Category warranty (edit)
Description VEHICLE-COV (edit)

What people are saying...

Tom on April 12, 2018

This is for the National Auto protection corp I believe

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Gerald Graham on June 03, 2018

Discontinue service

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Rob on September 24, 2018

Have a charge PAYLINK DIRECT CHICAGO IL for $135.12 that I find suspicious? Anyone else get something like this?

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Trudy Blakely on March 25, 2019

I have been Charged 189.16

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PAYLINK-VEHCOV on April 02, 2019

Phone number 800 839 7940 IL

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Hope Zuniga on September 15, 2019

My mom was charged $308.00 on her credit card from number 1800 839-7940 8/4/19 I will be reporting this to BBB and the police. All bankswznuzm

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Lav on April 18, 2020

OH scam

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Yvonne A. Watts on August 27, 2020

I have been charged $210.81 for 4 months, May, June, July, August. I called the number 1-800-839-7940. You can't access anyone or get to customer service. I need help now. f2LF6L

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Gay Lynn on January 08, 2021

I don’t know who pay link is but they try to take $191 from my mothers account yesterday at read as Paylink Veh Cov Chicago IL. Scam

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Chris on February 26, 2021

My partner got one pulled over on her through this company. DO NOT BUY INTO THEIR BULL, it’s a scam. Luckily since she never signed anything she’s able to get your money back sooner. These scammers are trash, taking away hard, earned money. Disgrace!

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Jojo on June 15, 2021

I guess this is the auto insurance I tried to get 3 months ago charging every month they said it was a 1 time payment that’s ok I’m reporting they ass today you won’t get another dime from Me this is the 3rd time and they do it early when your sleeping piece of sh*t I hate scamming mfs

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Andrew on July 06, 2021

My credit card was charged $190 today by this company. Have no idea how they got my information or credit card information. My bank has reversed the charges.

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P. Golden on July 19, 2021

I was just charged 221.86 for national vehicle coverage I did not make. Will try to contact company when they open today.

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John L on July 28, 2021

My mom was scammed for $702.50, Since she's over 90 we reported the charges on her charge card to the New Hampshire Bureau of Elderly and Abuse services, The Attorney General's fraud control unit and Dept. of Human Services, Special Investigations unit. How they acquired her credit card number is unknown. Taking advantage of a vulnerable adult is horrific, this has to stop.

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Jvon chisholm on August 12, 2021

Money was charge from my card

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Walt on September 07, 2021

This is the second time I've was charged $190.60 in the middle of the night IDK who what they are after seeing all the complaints about this as being a scam i need to contact them to get this resolved or simple contact my back to have the charges credited back as fraudulent

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Key on October 08, 2021

They took money off my card 2 times I don’t know what’s going on but I want my money back and I reported it

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Ben on October 17, 2021

My 2 sons are in the military. My older son got this charge last year, he called and canceled it. Younger one got this charge this year and we're currently trying to dispute it through credit card company

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Natalie on October 19, 2021

I’ve used them. They partner with dealers and companies that offer vehicle service contracts to consumers. They process the payments. I believe you can call to cancel or stop payments at any time if there’s an issue.

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John Doe on November 30, 2021

I paid for a service agreement in full with the purchase of a vehicle. A few months later I was charged 165.50. When I inquired about this charge I was told is was part of a 2 time activation fee. After getting a third charge I inquired again why and I was told that I am in a payment program of 165.50 for 24 months. Basically they were double charging me more than what was contracted and lied about it.

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Antonio on December 15, 2021

And yes I have every Month of $123!!!!

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Scammed in Wy on March 10, 2022

First charge was from 888-582-6870 US AUTOMOTIVE PROT. Six weeks later charges started from 800-839-7940 PAYLINK VEHICLE PL. They probably waited to charge again to see if anyone would notice the charge. Am SURE it is the same company charging or using the Pay link charge company to handle their bogus illegal operations. The scam was done on an elderly person.

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They don't follow through with what they say they do on July 13, 2022

My wife purchased this contract for extended warranty coverage for our car. Well the engine went kaput on the car and now this company won't pay for repairs. We pay $128 monthly for zero, nada, zilch help.

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Christine Bersch on September 02, 2022

I got charged from them today. No clue. Never even heard of them until today.

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Wade Gray on November 15, 2022

There a unexpected charge on my Bank Account

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Gim on November 15, 2022

it is scram and I cheated by it by phone with 100 dollars and I called back with nobody, so I gave up. finally after 5 months, I found this company charged 167 dollars from my debit card, so I have to replace my debit card from my bank, so why no policemen to punish these bad guys?

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Tony T on December 14, 2022

I have been getting charged $195.25 every month for 10 MONTHS!! No one will answer my inquiries as to WHAT I am being charged for. My loan is paid off and i am still being charged for them to "process payments"??? Not to mention that I recently hit a deer and caused over $10,000 in damages to my vehicle and they have not covered $1!!! .....WHAT A SCAM!!

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D.L.D. on June 24, 2023

Well, I regret not being more suspicious sooner. I've been paying $115 every month since 3/21. I thought it was a good idea to add extra protection to my car out of precaution but looking into it now, and how I've never had an opportunity to use it (which seems to not exist). Which means I gave them $3k that I could have used for much better things. Remember to constantly ask questions and doubt. I should have searched online sooner or talked directly to a mechanic or my car dealer.

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Robert APETZ on January 20, 2024

Paylink vehicle plan chicago il

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Marc McCoy on January 28, 2024

What do they provide coverage for?

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