First seen July 14, 2014. Last updated on January 06, 2024.
The credit card charge PBILLSUPPORT.COM NV DIRECT MARKETING INBOUND TELEMARKETING MERCHANTS was first submitted to our database on July 14, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen PBILLSUPPORT.COM NV DIRECT MARKETING INBOUND TELEMARKETING MERCHANTS charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PBILLSUPPORT.COM NV DIRECT MARKETING INBOUND TELEMARKETING MERCHANTS on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | number65 (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | 0800098867 (edit) |
Category | Telemarketing Merchants - inbound (edit) |
Description | Click to Add |
This website charged me three times. This is an illegal website.
Money coming out of my account without me purchasing anything
Took 55.47 out of my account. I have not subscribed to anything or given anyine mu card number and yet they took money out yesterday without my authorization. I am so bleeping mad right now. How darenthey go into my bank account with 0 authorization to so.
They charged me $1.00 and I have no idea who they are
I've been charged as well. No idea who they are or the reason. Card cancelled now.
I got charged for $49.39 for no bloody reason. How the heck did a sale go through without even buying anything online.
Que coño me habéis cobrado
Que habéis descontado en mi cuenta, hacer el favor de devolver mi dinero
I did not purchase anything and they charged 4.99$ from my account without my authorization.
They charged $44.98 out of my account. I never entered my card info and I don’t even know what this website is. Wtf
Charged me 18.00£ without me even purchase anything. I don't even know this website.
Yes I noticed it and PNC alerted me of fraud and shut my card off right away
We should just call the bank and cancel this right?
Se hizo un cargo de 85 sin que yo lo autorizará que pasa ?
I will be flagging this charge of $63.18 as fraud and reporting them to revenue Canada if this charge is not immediately refunded to my credit card.
Nov. 20 charged $38.23 and Nov. 11 for $4.99. Fraud case is being handled as of Nov. 24,2023.
Malditos devuélvanme mi dinero
Charging me different amounts every other day. $4.99 then $99
Unknown charge
Keeps charging me $4.99 And now $44