First seen November 10, 2017. Last updated on November 21, 2023.

The credit card or debit card charge USCONNECT IMPRL VEND was first submitted to our database on November 10, 2017. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen USCONNECT IMPRL VEND charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen USCONNECT IMPRL VEND on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

77% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Snacks (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 3363836691 (edit)
Category Vending Machine (edit)
Description Snacks at KP hospital CA (edit)

What people are saying...

Tesla Whitfield on November 10, 2017

3 transactions accord 2 hrs after I got paid. I locked the transactions so I can report them. They were automated charges of $1.10, $1.30 and $1.65 within one minute of each other. I expect a full refund within 24 hrs or report u to authorities.

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Burn on April 14, 2018

Looks like ken commented here too. I believe my issue with 'usconnect' is related to a 'one time' purchase in the NextPlus app related to the play store. My charges are mainly for $1.35, 9 since January, no consistency with dates. The charges are also tagged with Pflugervilletx. Pflugerville Texas seems to be a hub of card fraud.

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Jacob on November 16, 2018

The charge is for a vending machine if you swipe your card in it...

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Amy on April 22, 2019

Concur - vending machine charges. At first they looked suspicious on my bank account transactions. I read this and remembered - oh yes, I used the vending machine twice the other day, thus 2 odd charges. I NEVER use vending machines so I had never seen these before.

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Jill on July 11, 2019

I only use a GAP card when I shop @Gap, so I was stunned to get a $118+ bill (including a late payment charge). When I looked it up, the huge sum was made up of small charges from USCONNECT TMDRA VEND 1 S TUCSON AZ and USA*SNACK SODA VENDING TUCSON AZ. I don't even live in Tucson anymore. The charges were dropped by GAP and the card has been cancelled, but BEWARE! I never use this credit card and yet someone got ahold of the number & used it on a daily basis.

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Chloe on August 30, 2019

I’ve noticed it once or twice. Just $1.85 but it costed us not being able to afford diapers for our kids one day.

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Josh on February 01, 2020

I just got 2 charges on my card at 2 am this morning. I was asleep, it was only for under 3 bucks a piece. It's for vending machines. The issue is while I did use one yesterday morning and that one did show up on my statement, but the two recent charges I was asleep. I'm guessing a few vending machines has either been hacked or something is wrong with the code and it's recharging some of the recent cards used on it.

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Kai on August 10, 2020

This is just a vending machine purchase. It is a rip off though since it charged almost double the price for a coke. I just need to make sure to keep cash on me for these in the future.

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Dan on November 26, 2020

I just got a $99.xx charge! I'm reporting the transaction now.

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MGR on April 09, 2021

I’ve been noticing a $1.50 almost every day for the last couple of weeks. What the hell is this suspicious charge?

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legit charges on December 14, 2021

this is a vending machine merchant. their located nationwide and also is for washing machines too

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Lori Thompson on March 15, 2022

It’s a payment for a purchase made at a vending machine.. when I used my car at hotel vending machine that s how charge was listed on my bank statement!

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Ronald Headings on October 14, 2022

I had 9 transactions in a row between two and $3 until I drain my debit card. I never used my card in a vending machine

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Katrina on March 16, 2023

Just noticed a $50 vending charge from today. I never left my house. Used vending machines a few times at work. What the heck is this HUGE charge for???? Very suss.

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Joe on November 18, 2023

Got 6 charges on my credit card. Totaling $2.90 up to 3.65. I will report it to my bank.

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Douglas CA on November 21, 2023

Snacks at KP hospital

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