First seen April 19, 2018. Last updated on September 10, 2020.

The credit card or debit card charge WMT COLLEGE EVENT PHILADEPHIA PA was first submitted to our database on April 19, 2018. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen WMT COLLEGE EVENT PHILADEPHIA PA charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen WMT COLLEGE EVENT PHILADEPHIA PA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

65% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Walmart (edit)
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Description Auto Center Purchase (edit)

What people are saying...

bernard j perez on April 19, 2018

my firstaccess credit card shows a transaction on3-15-2018 refrence number2445501et43a4DRjn in the amount of $36.42 dollars can i get this refunded back to my card........my email is bzerep6@gmail.com

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Lou V on December 03, 2019

WMT apparently equals WalMart. I purchased tires, of course didn't recognize the merchant on my statement, and came here. I did remember texting my wife about the purchase, and checked the date against the amount. Yep, WalMart ought to save themselves the man-hour costs of responding to disputed charges. College Event? Find and fire the twit middle-manager that's costing you, Doug McMillan -- before Christmas.

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Shopped @ Walmart on December 13, 2019

Don't know why it doesn't just show up as "Walmart" but just check my receipt & it's Walmart.

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RayO on December 20, 2019

Just noticed a charge of $21.23 from WMT College Fund, Philadelphia PA which I don't recognize and I live in California. I called my credit card customer service to dispute it and they were very helpful in removing this charge.

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Vicki S on January 21, 2020

There was a $226 charge on my card for WMT College Event, Philadelphia PA on 12/21/19. I live in CA and have never been to PA in my life. The details show Groceries and that card was present. It was fraud according to my card company. Charges will be reversed.

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P McMahon on September 10, 2020

WMT College Event turned out to be a legitimate Walmart charge. But, Walmart, why the sudden name change? I had to go through my credit card company to find out it was a valid charge.

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