£49.95 KANA ENMIT2.COM 20/02/21 10.28

First seen February 21, 2021. Last updated on March 15, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge £49.95 KANA ENMIT2.COM 20/02/21 10.28 was first submitted to our database on February 21, 2021. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen £49.95 KANA ENMIT2.COM 20/02/21 10.28 charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen £49.95 KANA ENMIT2.COM 20/02/21 10.28 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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91% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Mr Parkin on February 21, 2021

Unauthorised charge following previous charge of £1 for postage, after provision of address for delivery of prize won in promoted competition. No purchase was made or further charge authorised.

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mark terence lynch on February 22, 2021

I thought eBay would be more responsible than two put messages on my home page to set me up for a scam I paid the first £1.00 and then noticed the £49.95 I did not pay the £1.00 postage thinking if I did not receive the laptop that might stop the transaction and then I phoned the bank told them to stop any transactions from these scammers they still got there greedy hands on my money hopefully I will get it back

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Terri thompson on February 22, 2021

I paid £1.10 believing I was going to receive a electric toothbrush I had supposedly won now they keep trying to take £48.50 how can we stop this happening

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Simon Duvivier on March 03, 2021

2 charges from Kana Enmit2.com. First charge 12/2/21 for £1 and second charge £49.95 17/2/21. Just noticed charge on monthly statement. According to bank second charge is a subscription authorised by first charge. Not aware of this. However as above paid £1 for postage of prize won on internet.Nothing about subscriptions and don/t remember name as being Kana Enmit2.com. Can't find firm but located Manchester.

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Eileen McIntyre on March 15, 2021

I paid £1.10 believing I was going to receive a electric toothbrush I had supposedly won now they keep trying to take £48.50 how can we stop this happening

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