First seen August 04, 2015. Last updated on February 17, 2016.

The credit card or debit card charge 72 STANFORDS 72 STAN WALNUT CRE REF# was first submitted to our database on August 04, 2015. It has not been reported by any users.

Have you seen 72 STANFORDS 72 STAN WALNUT CRE REF# charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 72 STANFORDS 72 STAN WALNUT CRE REF# on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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What people are saying...

Jude Lovchik on February 17, 2016

I'll paste their info below: I just had a fraudulent $25 charge from this location 72 STANFORDS as well (and then 3 others nearby) and I talked to the mgr Eddie. Looks like they are buying gift cards from here. At Buckhorn Grill (a restaurant nearby) the Mgr Juan pulled the footage of two charges there and it was two black men, the first card they used declined then my card worked. They ordered food then the one walked away and handed my duplicated card (I still have mine- now cancelled of course) off to a black woman who walked up ordered and used it again. They went to Barnes & Noble next before I could get it stopped. Here's their info: Stanfords Walnut Creek  (location #72) WebsiteDirections 3.6 34 Google reviews Seafood Restaurant Local favorite serving classic steakhouse dishes & creative drinks like their "hard-core teas." Located in: Broadway Plaza Address: 1300 South Main, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone:(925) 944-0895 Hours: Open today · 11AM–11PM Reservations: opentable.com Menu: stanfords.com I hope this is helpful, apparently a fraud ring operating around there because I see a lot of these inquiries into fraudulent card charges.

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