First seen December 03, 2014. Last updated on August 06, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge CE / MACHUPICCHU.GOB 2 CUSCO PE was first submitted to our database on December 03, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen CE / MACHUPICCHU.GOB 2 CUSCO PE charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen CE / MACHUPICCHU.GOB 2 CUSCO PE on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

95% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Hani on January 20, 2019

yes I just received a message from my credit card telling me there was a charge on your card from CE MACHUPICCHU GOB 2. this place is in PERU south of the equator.

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Art on February 05, 2019

Just got a message from my bank that I was charged $312. I did travel to Peru back in June though, but this charge was fraudulent

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T J on May 21, 2019

Fraudulent credit card charge, BEWARE!!! Vacation package for $142.00.

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BBG on May 30, 2019

I just happened to check my credit card today and saw a charge of $94 from this web site, it is fraud. The charge is pending as the transaction date is of yesterday and I called the credit card company and they cancelled my credit card and refunded the amount of $94.

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JRB on May 30, 2019

Got a text message from my bank about a suspicious charge from this website on my credit card. It was for $94. The bank immediately put a hold on my card after texting me with details. Definitely fraud. Card canceled and a new one is being mailed. Thankful that my bank was watching out for me. This is a card I hardly use and don't really check all that often.

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Karen on September 16, 2019

Just got a charge of 168 USD from this place on my credit card and I've never used a credit card in Peru, this is a FRAUD. Incredible to see that it's been going for years and still they are charging people

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Marla on July 23, 2021

Just received message from my bank about suspicious charges from this website. Card was blocked. So thankful bank is watching out for us. Crazy think is I had never used my card. It is incredible to see this has been happening to people for years.

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Roy on August 06, 2021

Just received a statement from card co. With 2 charges CE MANCHUPICCHU CUSCO PE. These are fraudulent charges 6/29/2021

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