First seen May 18, 2014. Last updated on November 20, 2017.

The credit card or debit card charge DR GUIDE MD was first submitted to our database on May 18, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen DR GUIDE MD charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen DR GUIDE MD on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

100% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant drguidemd (edit)
Website www.drguidemd.com (edit)
Phone 866-8870987 (edit)
Category (edit)
Description (edit)

What people are saying...

Jason Routenberg on April 08, 2017

This just randomly showed up on my credit card. One charge for the 4th and another for today the 7th. Both for 19.95. I reported it to my bank. I have not used my credit card for a very very long time. Charge: 8668870987drguide and 8668870987drguide 8668870987 tx

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william on April 14, 2017

this charge of 19.95 appeared on my credit card 4 11 17. I have no idea who or where they are or how they got my cr card info. they say they will remove the charge 4 13 17. I also emailed my bank. they will also investigate these crooks

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Wes on June 20, 2017

An unrecognized charge (8668870987DRGUIDE) of 19.95 was found on my card. I reported this fraudulent charge the same day this it was taken. I look forward to seeing this scam shut down and prosecuted.

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Ann on October 06, 2017

I got charged too ,mine is 14.95, reported it to my bank.

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shawn on November 06, 2017

we had the same $14.95 charge show up

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Chris on November 08, 2017

Fortunately my credit card company denied the 14.95 charge and contacted me. They are sending me a new card with a new number. Apparently this is a known scam charge as this particular credit card company has never contacted me about possible fraud before, or everyone is on heightened alert since the massive Equifax security breach.

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Jill Nolde on November 20, 2017

I got charged $19.95, then $39.90 per month for several months before I noticed it. I called and they said they would refund me. They claim that it is an "add on" to some online purchase I made of a health or beauty product, but I highly doubt it.

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