First seen May 14, 2015. Last updated on January 24, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge EXSBILLING.COM was first submitted to our database on May 14, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen EXSBILLING.COM charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen EXSBILLING.COM on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

94% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Exsbilling.com (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 8005941364 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

Jayden on October 21, 2018

Yes I had about 70 dollars taken out of my account from them and I've never heard of them

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Raymond on December 08, 2018

Charged 63.52 for god knows what and why

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Ismail on December 12, 2018

Hi guys does anyone know exsblling ? I had charged and I don't know

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M.T.Z. Plush on April 14, 2019

$68.23. Then if you google it & type in your email you get taken to a $^%* site that you supposedly signed up for. I sent a message that I want my money...I have never been on a $^%* site on either of my laptops--very fussy about my online hygene. It is even more of a scam that my bank may have to pay it back. Even though they chisel me every month, still, they didn't do it either (unless they are employed by them, but that would be only a coincidence). Even my caputcha says "2Slv23"as if I am having to worry about traffickers...

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Rejeanne Pritchard on April 28, 2019

I have put a block on my card.. As I was charged $67.60¢ on the 27/04/2019 it is being looked out by the bank fraud squad

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CTai on May 12, 2019

Sames happened to me just of Friday 10/05/2019 these fools took $75 grrrr that was for my mothers day !&$^%#*s! 😬😠

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Kirk on May 21, 2019

Same 63$ went to bank filled fraud papers in time so bank still has funds on hold ....I called exsbilling and took a week of bad language and lots of insults but once I told them I didn't care about the money because I will get my services from them by calling and harassing then every hour everyday...and I will say !$^# to hurt feelings and I will waste all your time till I feel I used up the money they took .....they finally blocked my bank info from all their sites and because my bank holding funds I should get them returned to me ....but until I get my funds back I am still going to use their time so make as many of them feel as uncomfortable as I am now....nothing is free now they have to deal with me ....hahaha ...I stronger then words but call center people get hurt by them ...sooty it the company you keep ....

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Paul on July 01, 2019

Got me for $67 wtf how did they get a way with it can thay still take more please help

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Alicia on August 24, 2020

They tried to take $47.77 but thankfully my bank found it suspicious and didnt process the payment. They also blocked the site. Getting a new card anyway.

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Massimo on January 29, 2021

Mi hanno prelevato 40€ ma jon ho capito come e perche! Penso sia una frode attenzione

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Maine on January 19, 2022

Tryed to get me for 45.75 an 44.67 but my bank didn’t process the payment an block my card getting a new one tomorrow

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Daniel in April 2022 on April 26, 2022

Yeah it tried charging me $48 bucks and locked my account cause they didn't recognize the company.

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Jeffery on July 04, 2022

I had $47.22 taken out of my account 07/03/2022

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Dusty on August 06, 2022

they just took $47.22 from me today, 8-6-22

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Stacy on August 18, 2022

Just had charge for $49 from them, don't even know who they are or for what!!! Having bank figure it out asap... Grrrrrr

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Fishman on August 30, 2022

Account charged for $47.22. Informing the bank of this.

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marianne kleiberg on March 09, 2023

Debit card charged $66.10 I dont know who they are Iam very worried.

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mitch on August 05, 2023

got my info online or from the ‘tap’ing of my debit card at thespeedway gas pump in frankfort $47.22. and now my account is on homd while i wait 14 days for a new debit card

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Bryan on August 20, 2023

Never used there sis or services. They tried to hit my account for $45.94, however my card was locked and the transaction was decline.

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CB Hayford on August 28, 2023

I was informed by CashApp at 12:28am EDT on 28 August 2023 that exsbilling.com, whom I have never heard of, attempted to charge $45.94 on my Cash Card. Thankfully, it was locked by me and they didn't get a cent.

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Don Turner on October 16, 2023


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Dave Jones on January 24, 2024

Don't use its a scam

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