First seen April 07, 2015. Last updated on August 28, 2018.

The credit card charge MAC'S CATERING BELTON TX was first submitted to our database on April 07, 2015. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

Have you seen MAC'S CATERING BELTON TX charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen MAC'S CATERING BELTON TX on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

47% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Mac's Catering (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone Click to Add
Category Click to Add
Description Fort Hood gut truck (edit)

What people are saying...

Dalira Garner on May 09, 2016

Yes I was going through my transactions with my husband and it appeared twice. Like WHAT THE ^$#!

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Shannan on September 09, 2016

I too, was concerned about this charge. After talking with my husband, he explained the charge was from a food truck out on the range, here at Ft. Hood.

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Brittmari on August 28, 2018

I just wanted to add to this post’s comments! I think it’s important to know that it will also show up from another city, with alternate spelling (unless the OP spelled the name incorrectly.) It also will show up as: “POS Debit- (last 4 digits of card)- SQ *MAX CATERING LITTLE RIVER TX”. I keep a tight look on our expenses, as we are very budgeted at the moment; I handle the finances since he’s not that money savvy or mathematically inclined like I am. He calls me his “Accountant” or “Secretary,” heh. But for all who are worried, as I know it wasn’t me, and we share joint checking and it had the last 4 digits of his debit card, and not mine. It is a legitimate charge from a Food Truck on base at Fort Hood, TX. My husband charged $5.00 one day, and I didn’t know what it was til he told me he bought a sandwich from a food truck that was out at the Range. He said they were good, and another solider he was there with recommended them to him. So don’t fear- your spouse is just getting food on-post!! No, no one stole your card number (except for the occasional extreme situation where someone has a charge that’s never been on-post nor gotten anything to eat/drink at a food truck.) I am not sure if this food truck is exclusive to the Range, or if it goes elsewhere on base. Maybe someone else will comment with a different area on base. Due to other comments, it definitely seems that it frequents the Range! Easy sell to soldiers who are out there all day, and need something to eat. I’m sure it’s s lot better than an MRE, lol. I hope this helps someone out there!! 🙂

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