First seen October 06, 2014. Last updated on February 13, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge THE MENS WEARHOUSE #81 HOUSTON TX was first submitted to our database on October 06, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen THE MENS WEARHOUSE #81 HOUSTON TX charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen THE MENS WEARHOUSE #81 HOUSTON TX on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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91% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Vijay on November 01, 2016

I got two withdrawals one with $1+ with OFFICE DEPOT DVRS as merchant and then $883+ with "Mens warehouse" with my debit card. I used Paypal on the same day to add my card there.

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JJohns on December 08, 2019

I had 2 fraudulent charges on my credit card from Mens wearhouse #81 Houston Tx in October 2019 and November 2019, the first over $200, the second over $500. These were both reported to my credit card company.

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JBM on December 10, 2019

I just had a charge for $13.51 from Men's Warehouse #81. I've never shopped at any Men's Warehouse stores, ever. Locked my card and notified my bank immediately.

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RRS on January 13, 2020

I had two fraudulent charges from Men's Warehouse #81. One for about $13 which was delivered to my residence (feel like insoles or socks) and another one for $177. I assume the small dollar amount was intended to distract and make both purchases appear legitimate while the large dollar amount was delivered to the thief. Hope the thief rots in hell!

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Robert on January 19, 2020

I had charge for 10.92$ from THE MENS WEARHOUSE #81 HOUSTON US, I've never shopped im this store. My bank blocked my card.

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Gary on January 22, 2020

I had a charge fraudulent charge for "The Men's Wearhouse #81". I've never shopped at The Men's Wearhouse. My credit card caught it immediately and declined the transaction....Thank you!!! Card is cancelled and a fraud department is investigating, hopefully they catch these guys.

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Janie on September 21, 2020

I have 3 charges to men's warehouse #81! $398.53, $350.83, $ 401.66. Will be contacting my bank as soon as they open. I pray they catch whoever is behind this!

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Eric on February 13, 2021

Just got notified by my bank of a suspicious charge at this Men’s Warehouse location #81 in TX for online purchase. I an no where close to that state and have not purchased from Men’s Warehouse in years at a different state. This location appears to have a history of fraudulent charges. Could be an employee manually running transactions for friends using compromised card info.

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