First seen February 04, 2016. Last updated on December 12, 2024.

The credit card charge 4029357733 was first submitted to our database on February 04, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen 4029357733 charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 4029357733 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

80% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant TUYA (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 6397328063 (edit)
Category Phone pay (edit)
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

Agnes on February 04, 2016

An unidentified transaction was made that i was unaware of and trying to find out jow it was made and where

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JPedro on November 10, 2016

This number just popped in my credit card bill as PAYPAL GLORYPROFIT 4029357733 HK More information in https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/About-Payments/Suspected-fraudulent-charge-402-935-7733/td-p/629075/page/2

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Geoff Rowbotham on July 29, 2018

I did not authorise any payment from my Credit Card on the 10/11 July to FYRITUP 96 for $57.56 and $5.72 a total of $63.82 AUD. Please refund this amount Geoff Rowbotham

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Pay pal shenzhenshi on March 05, 2019

I didnt reconize this debit from my crédit card

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Squaretra and topwireless on August 27, 2019

Thesere was 4 charges on my card from a company's named Squaretra and Topwireless. Who and did I get charged?

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Steffan Pawlak on April 22, 2020

Bought coins that I believe are fake. Want a refund for these coins

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Louise Maisonneuve on June 06, 2020

I bought a 25.00 dollars Visa prepaid card and never was able to use it as its been hacked someone purchased this:Transaction Details Authorization amount:$24.89Retailer name:PAYPAL *GENIACUPTUNPurchase date:05/06/2020 Retailer city:4029357733Settlement amount:$24.89Retailer postal code:M4T2T5 04/06/2020Value Load -- Activation1 PRESIDENTS CHOICE CI BRAMPTON,ON$25.00$25.00 REFRESH 1 DISPLAYING ITEMS 1–2 OF 2

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Miguel Angelo Yalenti Perosa on June 14, 2020

Tentei fazer uma compra com meu cartão de crédito internacional, no valor de R$ 106,01. Um cartão brasileiro, para o produto (uma pulseira fitbit que não encontrei no Brasil) ser entregue em Miami, na casa de um amigo. Talvez porque o endereço de entrega não coincidia com o endereço da cobrança não consegui fazer a operação. Dia 24/5. Mas me cobraram o valor no meu cartão.

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Anna Stodland on August 19, 2020

I did not shop at a supplier numbered 4029357733, and I see a charge in the new 31.03.20 $ 29.98 and in the month 20.04.20 $ 47.33 I think it's stolen !!!

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Ron on October 25, 2020

Found a charge numbered Charge of $26.78 by SIXINCHENGD #4029357733 think it's a China scam

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Donya on February 08, 2021

I was changed $21.86 by these people Rainbowpic4029357733 HK on 2/8/21 And I’m not 100% sure y

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Coral Western on May 24, 2021

I have two charges to this number in January 2021 $76.73 plus 2.30 and$54.65 plus1.64

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Peter Echessah on May 24, 2021

Dear PETER , a transaction of KES 1686.22 on prepaid card **3244 was accepted at PAYPAL IMTIGERTECH 4029357733 HK on 24/05/21 13:10:06. If not yours, call 254711056444 This is a scam

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Cami on April 02, 2022

I purchased from Best Buy, I did not use PayPal; however I have had my “points” account used by another and a previous credit card stolen. I simply used a new credit card and the 4029357733 shows up rather than “Best Buy.”

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Melanie on July 31, 2023

I don't recognize this charge, nor do I use PayPal. The charge was to PayPal Pexda4029357733 for $23.98.

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Gem on March 03, 2024

This charge was on my most recent Visa Card Statement.It is not valid but sits next to a valid PayPal charge. it appears as follows for 02/02/2024 :PAYPAL *YEYPTYLIMIT 4029357733 for $71.10.

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James Echerria on December 12, 2024

He cancelled a transaction that was made on my caed

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