First seen July 21, 2014. Last updated on June 11, 2024.
The credit card charge 481 PBC COOKEVILLE TN COOKEVILLE TN was first submitted to our database on July 21, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen 481 PBC COOKEVILLE TN COOKEVILLE TN charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 481 PBC COOKEVILLE TN COOKEVILLE TN on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | Pepsi bottling company (edit) |
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Description | vending machine charges (edit) |
Yes, it was on there today twice for $2.25.
They charged me $1.50 twice without my permission, and I don't know what company it is... I'm pretty sure it was a Taco Bell employee in Cookville, TN that stole it.
Pretty sure that it's a charge from a Pepsi vending machine.
.85 on my debit card today. From PBC cookville, TN I have no clue .
It's from a Pepsi Vending machine. The one I used was at the Firestone on Jefferson.
Vending Machine bottom of Clement at TN Tech. Had no idea what it was because *the vending machine did not dispense after I waited 4 minutes for the transaction to go through.* I went to go pay my credit card the next day and saw this transaction as happening *today*. The vending machine companies at Tech are honestly pretty crappy, having most of their machines in the bottom of buildings built in the 80s with signal blocking materials.
I had this same charge on my card 2 or 3 times in Dec. 2022 and in Jan 2023 without my permission and didn't have any idea what the charge was for .
It is a Pepsi vending machine at Fall Creek Falls State Park.
I'm seeing a charge for some "481PEPSIVEN9147678600" for today, but I've been in a diff town all day, and I havent been to cookeville in almost 2 weeks. I have a handful of cookeville charges like this, when I've only drive to cookeville once in the last 6 months for an oil change, and came straight back. So whatever vending machine it is, isn't selling that !$^# to me.
This was a Pepsi vending machine outside a Walmart. Not necessarily IN Cookeville, thats just the office location