
First seen June 05, 2018. Last updated on March 13, 2025.

The credit card charge 855-836-3987 was first submitted to our database on June 05, 2018. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen 855-836-3987 charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 855-836-3987 on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

91% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant GOOGLE (edit)
Website https://store.google.com (edit)
Phone 855-836-3987 (edit)
Category electronics (edit)
Description Purchase of a cell phone. (edit)

What people are saying...

rohit trimukhe on June 05, 2018

Your A/c 496237 is debited with INR 933.76 on 05-06-2018 12:59:46 A/c Bal is INR 3907.76 Info: PUR/GOOGLE *Globaltex BVBA/855-836-3987/GOOGLE *Globaltex BVBA/Seq No 815636035388. Call 18605005555 (if in India) if you have not done this transaction. I m not subscribed on this I need my money back In account

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Vladimir on December 01, 2018

Hi. You can tell why Google from my shot sends GOOGLE *TALKAO 855-836-3987 US 2.84$

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Ian on June 22, 2021

Will appear on your Jul 2 statement as GOOGLE *YOUTUBE MEMB855-836-3987 CA $4.99 Trying to call this number I see it says Google on my phone but call drops right away. No idea what this is. Will find out.

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Ian on June 22, 2021

It's a membership fee for one of the YouTube channels I'm subscribed to.

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Jim on July 23, 2021

This showed up on statement VISA PURCHASE GOOGLE *AVAST Software 855-836-3987 CA Called number dropped 3 times. I googled google contact number and it is Google's customer support number is 1-855-836-1987 which is no longer in service. Bank said I made transaction at 7:47 my time and I was doing other things on computer. I reported as scam

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Carl on July 23, 2021

This number has been showing up as Google with a name Jed baustita, kit savage, and kaila McCormick. They all charge me 4.99 EACH when I’m not shopping on Google or anything like that

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Michelle on July 28, 2021

got charted today for 5.43 twice under the names edmund tang and roseanna prent. ive made no subscriptions to google on this card.

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Lisa on August 02, 2021

GOOGLE *amazpay $399.99 fraudulent charge 7/30/2021 GOOGLE *amazpay $0.99 fraudulent charge 7/27/2021

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Cindy on August 08, 2021

GOOGLE*AMAZpay $399.99 fraudulent charge and .99 fraudulent charge trying to run through several times daily on my credit card. Have no idea what this is, have canceled credit card, they have issued me a new one and before I even receive the new card the charge of $399.99 tries to post to it? How? Needs to be stopped.

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Liz on August 16, 2021

4 charges suddenly appeared this morning. I did not authorize them. I'm calling my bank and having them denied.

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David on August 21, 2021

This number showed up on my bank statement as "GOOGLE *Wang Xiaoy 855-836-3987 CAUS" for $39.99. We hadn't made any transactions for that amount. We shut the card off and reported it to our bank's fraud department.

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Matt on August 23, 2021

2 unauthorized charges today: Pending POS DEBIT GOOGLE *PHANI MADHAV V 855-836-3987 CA Misc. debit −$0.99 — Pending POS DEBIT GOOGLE *Kevin Cassidy g.co/helppay CA Misc. debit −$0.99

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John on August 24, 2021

Had 2 show up yesterday. Already cancelled the card. Google *aneatrice 855-836-3987 Ca Google *michael Fine 855-386-3987 Ca Bank is running the fraud investigation. The bank actually contacted me when the charges showed up

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Jim on August 28, 2021

Had 140 charges from this number. Canceled the card a reported the charges. The amounts ranged from .37 to 2.99 each.

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Nick on August 30, 2021

I bought a pixel phone from google, and this is how the charge showed up. It was legitimate, but looks unprofessional.

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Whitney Williams on September 05, 2021

I had 18 charges from-- GOOGLE *DO VAN TRUNG g.co/helppay# CA US Posted on September 3, 2021 at 1:22 PM Debit: Signature purchase from 248748000103177 GOOGLE *DO VAN TRUNG g.co/helppay#US --They just started charging my card at like 4:43 a.m. So of course I didn't even know it was happening. But they kept going until they took my card into the negative. B**TH*S!! Charge me 18 x's. Reported it to my card company and they r giving me a refund...Thank gosh....FRFR✌🏻

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Gary Hutchings on September 07, 2021

These are Google Charges. Mine was for an audio recording program through GooglePlay, someone above stated that this can come from a paid subscription to a Youtube Channel. This is not a fraudulent company phone number. This is Google, I just called it. It works Sept 6th 2021

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T Abdelatif on September 07, 2021

I’m traveling abroad for business and checked my account only to find 10 charges ranging from $0.99 to $1.69. POS DEBIT GOOGLE *BEVERLY KING* 855-836- 8987 and one charge from POS DEBIT GOOGLE *TRECIA CARPENT Mountain Vie CA Immediately called my bank and they reversed the charges. I don’t own an Android, no YouTube subscriptions and I don’t use Google pay/play. I stopped the card and they’ll be launching a fraud investigation. Yeah, this isn’t a legit service… this is fraudulent charges. Report it immediately and get yourself a new card.

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Bruce on September 10, 2021

8 separate charges on my Discover card, caught by Discover. Discovered by Google and they reached out to check on it since it was suspicious., labeled GOOGLE *WILLIAMS KATIN 855-836-3987 CA P0DIWJV0

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Cyndi on September 12, 2021

Had a 9.99 charge from this number. Anyone know what it is or why?

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Dang on September 15, 2021

I am very disappointed in the way BBK Bahrain( Middle East ) Banking System handled these fraudulent transactions multiple charges from Google Trecia Carpent were entered into within 9 minutes. The first charge was rightfully placed on HOLD. However, within 1 minute later the charge was processed without confirmation from me the cardholder. This happened about 30 times within 9 minutes. I expected the system would have retained the HOLD status until confirmed by the account owner but that did not happen. I am now very afraid that my assets are at further risk if, in fact, my understanding of BBK System is correct.

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Jonathan Cartford on September 18, 2021

Two charges have shown up as google pho and Google sto. Bank is investigating.

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Jim on September 25, 2021

Got a charge for 12.87 and ot looked like this... GOOGLE *Lappir 8558363987 CA United States (As seen on statement) Fraud!

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Minh on September 26, 2021

I'm not sure what this is either. Looks ike it is fruad. GOOGLE *Eric Samuel 855-836-3987 CA

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Tam on October 12, 2021

Five fraudulent charges of $1.08 between 4:16am an 4:22am today. I was fast asleep. More than angry right now.

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Www on October 13, 2021

Had 4 charges appear $0.00 $1.08. 3more times while at work. Between 9:02 and 9:25 a.m. ( Google*7road )

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Sean on October 14, 2021

I had 8 charges at $2.99 posted on my account on Oct 5th from GOGGLE * LUCIA LANIE at this number. Definitely scam. I was driving through Arizona at the time, I'm not sure if anyone else was too

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GOOGLE NEEDS TO FIC THIS on October 15, 2021

I have 79 charges for .99 cents over the course of 5 days. i've gotten a new debit card then it happened just again today 19 times when I saved my new card to google payment option. This is ridiculous. now I have to get another new card the day after I just got one. this is ridiculous. Google if you can spy on everyone and what they are doing you can sure fix this issue.

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Kathy on October 16, 2021

Got 34 charges of $.99 each from Google *7road 855-836-3987 Ca. I don't play Google games and don't have Google apps

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Lance on October 17, 2021

Got 7 charges @ $4.99 each, Google * RASI N WTF?

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Dean on October 18, 2021

4 charges under $2.00 each flagged by Discover card. Last one was GOOGLE *VIP 855-836-3987 CA P0EFK4QY Filed fraud protection and changed my card.

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Fraud on October 19, 2021

1 charge of 5.29 under GOOGLE* Han Vi 855-836-3987, Mountain view, CA. Flagged as fraud. Reported and changed card. Deleted saved cards from Google Playstore, Google Chrome, and Gpay. Not sure which one the fraud occured on, I'm thinking the Google Playstore.

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Jane on October 19, 2021

I called Google one time in September at this toll free number. My cell phone bill showed this and another call at no charge. Then a few days later I had a charge on my cell phone bill for $5.00 for the same number. I didn't make 3 calls-just one toll free. Definitely a scam.

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Kathleen on October 21, 2021

I had 7 $0.99 charges showing "DEBIT CARD PURCHASE GOOGLE *freyrpee09177." When I called the credit card issuer to report the scam, the lady said she has seen these before. A total scam, but seriously, as smart as Google is, they can't figure out how criminals fraudulently process charges through them???

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Joe on October 23, 2021

8 charges for $5.40 on the same day for "GOOGLE *Le Son", no idea what that is

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Jackie on October 24, 2021

While this might be a valid company number, this does not mean that all charges with this description are valid. If you have suspicious activity, question it. If the charges are valid, there will be evidence provided and Google will get their money.

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Dawn Booker on October 25, 2021

I just saw a charge for $8.18 saying WM MAX LLC ? Checked out the play store under subscriptions, forgot that I signed up for HBO MAX for $7.50 a month..lol

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Sarah on October 26, 2021

Charged my card 35 times for $9.99 as GOOGLE*PHAM LIEN G.CO/HELPPAY#, CA at 2AM in the morning. Good thing my bank caught it.

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Ell on October 27, 2021

I got charged twice for $1.05 while I was at work and locked my card right away. It was from POS DEBIT GOOGLE and then this phone number. idk how they got my info :(

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Justin on October 29, 2021

Had six separate charges in a row this morning for $5.40 by: " GOOGLE / *HOANG VAN 855-836-3987 CAUS " I searched my subscriptions and apps with in-app purchases and none of them matched this point of sale info. After a little research I found this number along with the "GOOGLE" name is related to a lot of fraudulent charges across the world.

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Charlotte on October 30, 2021

I had eleven charges on 10/22/2021 most for $5.50 a few at $5.29 name Viri Luan 855-836-3987. I also did a research of my paypal, ebay purchases and nothing with this name as seller. I have no idea how they got my card info. I usually do everything through paypal thinking it would be safer. Can't recall using my card outside of paypal. Thankful it was only a total of $59.87. But still when your hard earned money goes missing its upsetting.

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Brian on October 31, 2021

I had 20 attempts for $0.99 to GOOGLE *Nguyen Thand D 855-836-3987 CAUS (Pending) My bank flagged them, texted me and I locked the account. What a pain.

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VLB on November 01, 2021

73 Fraudulent charges in 24 hours. Amounts varied from $0.99 to $1.49. Point Of Sale Withdrawal GOOGLE *LA VAN THANH 855-836-3987 CAUS. Both of our bank cards cancelled. Bank processing for fraud.

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Rachel on November 01, 2021

11 charges in a row for $1.09 "GOOGLE *steve wallace 855-836-3987 CA". Already canceled my card and reported as fraud.

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Bob on November 02, 2021

12 charges in a row for $1.02 GOOGLE*JALA GULA G.CO/HELPPAY# CA

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Rebecca C. on November 03, 2021

5 charges of .99$ in 20 minutes. Called Chase and disputing it now. Got a new card. This is CRAZY!!!

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Andre M. on November 04, 2021

3 charges of $1.05 from POS Debit google (CA). Contacted Chase immediately and reported it as fraud.

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Mylea B on November 05, 2021

Have a $25.00 and two $4.99 charges on my bank account from GOOGLE*PLAY and GOOGLE*Rasi Nguye in Mountain View, CA. I have reported all charges to google and requested a reversal. They sent an email stating that investigations typically take 7 days....we shall see. Google had better do something about these fraudulent charges if they want to continue doing business. They will be setting themselves up for a lawsuit. This bank account is actually my 82 year old mothers account. She suffers brain damage from Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinsons and would not know the first thing about a computer. She barely remembers how to dial a phone number on her phone. Someone is taking advantage of an elderly woman and something had better be done about it!

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Kurt on November 06, 2021

GOOGLE *Bigo 855-836-3987 94043 United States GOOGLE *Bigo g.co/helppay# 94043 United States 855-836-3987, California 94043 Got charged 50 times for $1.15, what the hell!?!?! Dunno how I got charged this. Already sent in a card replacement, this is ridiculous! Anyone can figure out what or who this is? Stupid scam, I never linked any google services or any service with this card.

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Unknown charged 22 times of same amount $1.08 on my debit card. on November 07, 2021

My debit card got charged 22 times of $1.08 for GOOGLE KFUN 855-836-3987 on the same day 11/06/21. I didn’t authorize to buy these unknown transactions.

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Joe on November 08, 2021

Got 12 charges $1.13 on my account with This number 85583639887. Did not authorize any

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Andrew on November 08, 2021

I got charged 11/08/21 6 times for $0.99. The transactions have read as GOOGLE *Henca Dora Mountain View Ca // GOOGLE *Henca Dora g.co/helppay# CA // GOOGLE * Henca Dora 855-836-3987 they charged me another 6 times by the time I blocked my card. This is some bull and I seriously want to know what’s caused this

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Shirley on November 09, 2021

My bank called me today and advised me that my debit card had been compromised today. There were 4 charges for $1.07. The description was "Debit card Google Rowena Veran CA# 7325. My bank had already cancelled my debit card and refunded the funds to my account. I am amazed as I DO NOT use my debit card on line anywhere and have never purchased anything from google.

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Florencio on November 09, 2021

GOOGLE *KO THET 855-836-3987 multiple charges, I am guessing they are from mobile game sites.

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Scam on 11-9-2021 on November 09, 2021

Two separate charges today for $0.99 On: November 09, 2021 REPORTING AS SCAM CHARGE Made at: GOOGLE *LINDA LA -855-836-3987 ,CA

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Alice on November 09, 2021

Got an email from my bank and saw on my account GOOGLE *Cam Rado charged 61 time $2.99 and 18 times $0.99 and 2 times $1.99 this morning. Merchant contact information listed as "1600 AMPHITHEATRE PKWY, CA 94043, 855-836-3987". And from Nov. 4 till yesterday, there were many times GOOGLE *SERVICES charged of $1 as temporary hold and then refund of $-1. Merchant contact information listed as "1600 AMPHITHEATRE PKWY, g.co/helppay#, CA 94043".

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SRM on November 10, 2021

Was alerted by the bank on Nov 6 of possible fraud. They attempted five charges .99c each. They come up as GOOGLE *GARENA / 855-836-3987 CAUS: POS Transaction. Two went through before the card was canceled. Garena is a gaming company. We have a Apple products and my son is locked out of making purchases on his Fire so definitely fraud.

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Angry Bank Customer on November 11, 2021

My bank notified me by email asking if I had made the Fraud Charges --- from Google *Kfun 855-836-3987 --- 2 days ago. I replied that I did NOT. I have no idea who these Criminal Scum are or where thay are located. If I did, I would pay them a visit. I noticed yesterday that these Fraud Payments were "pending." I immediately called the bank and had to change my my card. I asked them why they could not stop payment. They said because it was "pending." Today (2 days after I notifiied them that I did NOT make these Fraud Transactions), I see that they have paid out on 25 transactions on one day! What was the point of notifying the bank about the Fraud Transactions? I am angry not only with the Criminal Scum but also with banks that are unable to respond quickly to such Fraud attempts. And, if these incidents were not upsetting enough, banks (in union with the government) now intend to and want to control our money Digitally because of a Fake Pandemic? I am beginning to wonder: who are the Bigger Criminals? Decades ago the FBI would have properly investigated and prosecuted an interstate scam like this but, during the last decade or more, the FBI, DOJ, and related agencies have instead proven themselves to be utterly corrupt and politically motivated.

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855-836-3987 on November 11, 2021

This number has been making fraudulent charges for over three years. Don't blame all the different banks, don't blame all the different credit card companies. They don't talk to each other to see this pattern anyway. They are preying on the consumer, but they are also preying on Google. Google is the common thread here. Google is perpetuating this person's ability to defraud us in their name.

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855-836-3987 Discover Card on November 11, 2021

11 charges made to my Discover Card on 11/9/2021 between $4.99, $1.99 and $0.99, showing as GOOGLE *JACK TANCRED 855-836-3987 CA. Charges removed by Discover, account number changed, and fraud investigation started.

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Bobby Knuckles on November 12, 2021

My credit card company alerted me to multiple charges on 11-8-21 and 11-11-21 that they accepted from GOOGLE *pheep made on my "old" card that I replaced months ago. Most certainly did not make these purchases. Fraud investigation started.

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Merchant name is GOOGLE *LASI DOSAN 855-836-3987 CA on November 12, 2021

Multiple small charges made to Discover Card Nov 10-11, 2021, Discover immediately closed the account and identified it as fraud. Possibly related, a card with a new expiration date was sent but never received back in Sept, so maybe they grabbed it from the mail?

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Mike on November 15, 2021

Found 33 fraud transactions on debit card over 2 day period for $9.99 each! Showed GOOGLE *CHAU BUI, 855-836-3987, California 94043 I never made these purchases, don't even know what it is! Contacted bank and now there is fraud investigation. New card issued, hopefully will get $ back!

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Johnnie on November 16, 2021

Google help pay with this phone # (855-836–3987) attached charged my bank debit card $.99 each 30 times on November 9, 2021. Had cancel the card. Have not purchased anything from google in over three years.

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Marina on November 23, 2021

Was a, authorized payment to the game I've been playing; SwitchCraft

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Joshua Johnson-peraza on November 25, 2021

if you go into US phonebook.com and you put that number in it will pop up some of the names they were talking about Williams Eric stuff like that it says the owner of that number is a Bobbie (rousseau) age 52 out of Omaha Nebraska it's showing an address as a business 205 North 80th Street suite 111.. wireless phone number 402-984-1060 I have two landlines both of them are 402-461-5803.. the next one is 463-3017 relatives Daniel Rousseau)( Francis Williams)(Marjorie Fagan) associates (destiny Thomas)(Denise Godtel) and it goes on from there it says that the name is Douglas Dady.. you have two names David mock Tiffany mock.. to be honest they all sound like fictitious names you know they don't sound real they don't sound so I don't know that's all the information I have

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Donna on December 03, 2021

Legit charge in our case. App was purchased for a phone.

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venus on December 07, 2021

11 fraudulent charges on my credit card in 10/2021 from GOOGLE *LE KHANH 855-836-3987 94043 United States

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Madi on December 11, 2021

6 charges for google, we are subscribed to nothing, bank deemed it as fraud.

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Rohit on February 08, 2022

Charged 4 times by Google*Brian Miller and Google*Temetra Scott 855-836-3987. Charges were 2.99 each. Contacted Google and raised a dispute. After about a week Google responded saying they see no dispute to these scam charges! Had to cancel the card with the bank. Google pay is poison

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Craig on March 23, 2022

Legitimate charge from an in-app purchase I made on Google Play Store

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Michelle on March 29, 2022

It’s on my bank statement

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Hector Abreu on March 30, 2022

Fraudulent charge: 03/30/22 PURCHASE GOOGLE *lock 855-836-3987 CA

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Layaansajid on April 06, 2022

It’s on my bank statement and they hit it in $.99 cents increments… for nearly &100 total… bank fraud!

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Jennifer on April 07, 2022

Bank of America flagged these 13 fraud charges (7 for .99 and 6 for 2.99) this morning for me. Charges had this number and GOOGLE. I do not have google pay. Nor have a I made any app purchases or played any app games that would have these charges. Bank is sending new card and dealing with claim.

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Gage Stelling on April 08, 2022

Got hit for 17 charges by 855-836-3987 for $1.06 cents each. Made no sense. Easy fix with the bank. Got reimbursed

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Subhadhra Gunn on April 14, 2022

My statement says: "DAILYBREAD 855-836-3987" They charged my account $10.87! I never signed up for that.

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Nioke on April 18, 2022

Yes! I just saw this charge on my card under “Google /Gigantic” and the. The numbers and it was for ~$40!! Very upset and definitely was not a purchase I made!

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Greg on April 28, 2022

Received a call from my credit union saying there was potential fraud on my debit card. 3 charges for GOOGLE *Bkofwiefw for $3.26 each.

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Vel on April 29, 2022

Charge of $43.29 for GOOGLE *Carpenters. What the heck?

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ithurtswhenipee on May 04, 2022

This was a Google App store purchase for me. It shows up like this in my bank statement (I blanked the card numbers): 05/03/22 PURCHASE GOOGLE *NewT 855-836-3987 CA CARD#### $21.59

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SCan on May 04, 2022

Got 7 pending charges from Google Shena for $0.99 and one for $0.00, which prompted me to call my bank immediately. I have Apple everything, so even game charges say “Apple” regardless if it is a Google game. I have to wait until the charges hit my acct before I can dispute them, but I canceled my card. My bank didn’t even alert me. The $0.99 charges are them testing the acct … that $0.00 could have turned into a much larger charge and just after payday!

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Tina on May 28, 2022

So this has been going on how long? And still an issue? Wow. I called my bank and they were like, hmmm whatever. Why the heck has not their fraud detection flagged a charge recurring 7x's every 7 minutes, then again at 2am. Another reason to hate the disgusting entitled oligopolistic values of these nasty over-sized corps that care only about profit. EXACTLY HOW HAS THE INTERNET MADE LIFE BETTER WHEN NOW SPENDING HOURS TO DAYS ON ANNOYING, CONSTANT FRAUD? My banking info and SS all over the internet - in part thanks to my frigging BANK that had all our info stolen. NOW a few years later they are like so? how could that be our faulf????????? Now I have to wait two weeks for a new card. Ruined holiday weekend. These annoying scammers need to be found and locked up already and banking laws reinacted and google the retarded oligopolistic taken down. Ironic when I absolutely hate google and do not use their services at all, gross spybot arm of gov.

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Terri on May 30, 2022

Definitely fraudulent charges! I had 5 charges through google pay that I did not make all ranging around 350 bucks a piece! Called my bank, they started a claim and canceled my card. I then went in to my google play account and changed my password as well as signing up for two step verification. Google needs to do better to keep their customers secure!

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Lyrah on May 31, 2022

This charge showed up on my account 24 times in the amount of $4.99 asGoogle *jeff Knepper 855-836-3987 Ca 1. Never seen this name, never made a purchase I wasn't even awake when it happened.

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Shammy on June 10, 2022


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Rodrigo on June 10, 2022

4 Charges of $1.20 at 2:00am from Google *Kathleen Rusch 855-836-3987 My bank Cancelled my credit card because it seems unusual the transaction at 2:00 am and send me an e-mail to contact them.

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Mariee on June 22, 2022

Had about 7 transactions in almost 30 minutes all from Jonathan Steve From $1.09 up to 1:90. I booked the transaction asap. Had to transfer my money into other account that I have to make I had something

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Wwwingles on June 28, 2022

Ellen Sorbera 855-836-3987 CA this piece of Crap - multiple charges. I hope they are caught & in prison soon.

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Timothy on June 30, 2022

I’m currently in Orlando Florida on vacation and attended a restaurant called The Linked purchased lunch. Paid for the meal with the credit union credit card and they asked me for my ID. Why today I see that the phone number 855 836 3987 appears a $465 charge. On the line to dispute the charges. It’s disturbing that consumers have to deal this ordeal. Since been in Florida constantly receiving spam calls. It’s seem to be the capital of fraudulent crime here.

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T Fish on July 05, 2022

I had several $0.99 and 3 $4.99 charges this morning to Anna Whitten at the 855 number and some to Anna Whitten at Google help pay. I was alerted by Chase to the potential fraud. I cancelled the card and reported the fraudulent charges to Chase. Sucks that I have to wait several days for a new card.

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Mikey on July 06, 2022

25 charges of either $1.99 or $4.99 over 4 days. Listed as "GOOGLE EZEQUIEL" with the same 855 number in CA.

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Wasting my time on July 28, 2022

For the past 4 months, once a month, our credit card is charged by GOOGLE * Haos Yazilim for $8.49. I have spent about 3 hours trying to reach Google: Phone, email, chatbox. They have not been helpful. I will have to cancel credit card this week! A big waste of time. Thanks all.

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Noelle on August 04, 2022

INNODIETSG 855-836-3987 was charged to my account in the amount of $39.57... No clue what Innodietsg is.

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Julie on August 05, 2022

Got charge $2.99 four times on 7/23 and $4.99 four times on 7/28. Noticed it on 8/1. Called the bank and canceled my card. Transactions were from Evelin Shotkos and Zenaida Yoss. Both Google. What sucks is this was a debit card. Not sure how this happened when I don’t even have a Google pay account. 😡

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Laura on August 07, 2022

I just noticed tonight this had happened to me. I do have a Google Pay account, but it's linked to another bank account, not the one the charges came in on. I don't check this account very often as it's more of an emergency backup/savings account. All on the same day 7/16/2022 had 3 charges of 2.99 and 2 charges of 4.99. GOOGLE *VIVIANA BRASS MOUNTAIN VIEWCAUS 2x with 2.99 charges GOOGLE*VIVIANA BRASS SUPPORT.GOOGLCAUS 1x with 2.99 charge GOOGLE *VIVIANA BRASS 855-836-3987 CAUS 2x with 4.99 charge. It's total is less than $20, but seriously peeps...use your talents to get your money honestly. I'm sure there is someone who will use your skills to hack and steal money.

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Scammed on August 08, 2022

Same thing here: Check Card: GOOGLE *Stacey Baker g.co/helppay# CA 08/08/22Card

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Paula on August 10, 2022

Point Of Sale Withdrawal GOOGLE *CamScanner 855-836-3987 CAUS - $42.79 posted yesterday. Called my bank to report fraud. I have not used my card nor left my home. Bank treated me like I was the fraud asking if I had called the police...to report what...my card is in my possession. Now I wait to see if the fraud department accepts or rejects my report of fraud. Very frustrating that this company continues to get away with this.

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Steven J on August 19, 2022

I found a charge on my account with this phone number. The charge said Youngjoy 855-836-3987. I called the bank and disputed the charge.

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Jen on August 24, 2022

Just saw this on my husband's account for 8/24 Google "Matthew Simms", then this phone number. $2.66

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Steve E on September 02, 2022

This was valid for me. I charged an annual subscription to an Android app and the charge came across as GOOGLE *{App Name} 855-836-3987 CA.

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Karen on September 04, 2022

VALID charge for me too. I was suspicious as my BofA account showed "*Google Ph 855-836-3987". I had thought is was someone who was charging my account for their Google phone, but it was actually a Google Photo Book order I had placed.

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Jane on September 05, 2022

four identical charges of $5.39 that I did not authorize, got a new card and charges posted anyway...charges read GOOGLE *ALBERT MAHN G.CO/HELPPAY#CA and GOOGLE *ALBERT MAHN 855-836-3987

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Robert on September 09, 2022

Someone spent a whopping $187 on my account under this number, it says GOOGLE *GOOGLE 855-836-3987. I know I didn't buy anything but I have to wait until it's in the transactions before I can file a dispute.

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Ron on September 14, 2022

Aurora Pro phone app purchase.

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Leo (Moldova) on October 06, 2022

Unknown payment from my bank card: USA, 855-836-3987, GOOGLE *BadKittysDad $12,94

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kirscp on October 20, 2022

Unknown payments to my business card. GOOGLE *Yulia 855-836-3987 CA GOOGLE *Yulia g.co/HelpPay# CA Charges range from $0.05 to $399.99 recurring weekly. Reported as fraud.

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JustAdude on November 05, 2022

While the "Google (name and phone number)" is legit, it's just a purchase or service or subscription charge from Google/YouTube, your info could have been hacked. Fortunately mine was a legit purchase I made.

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Nik on November 27, 2022

this is what mine said - GOOGLE *TEXTME 855-836-3987 CAUS $5.40

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Michael on December 14, 2022

Your card was declined at GOOGLE *California 855-836-3987 CAUS because there aren't enough funds in your account.

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jmp on December 16, 2022

mine was a legitimate charge for an app purchased through Google Play

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Victor on April 14, 2023

My visa was charged 8 times each of 4.99. Total $39.99 by GOOGLE*Assaf ben ami>855 836 3987US which was 100% scam. i reported google but not sure if they help.

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Luz on May 19, 2023

Desde este número estuvieron comprando con mi tarjeta juegos de Free Fire Garena, cuando yo ni siquiera juego. Son unos estafadores. Reporté a mi banco para que me devuelvan mi dinero.

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Jenny on May 25, 2023

Bank WHK: Not sufficient funds on acc ******** with card ******** at GOOGLE *California 855-836-3987 24-May-2023 21:16 What is this?

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Teresa on July 12, 2023

Hey this google charge on my phone 19 USD.......855-836-3987 is this a scam......

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Laura on July 21, 2023

I figured it out! These are Google Play Store transactions. I had two very similar charges on my credit card that I originally thought may have been a scam, but I determined that the $4.23 charge listed as "GOOGLE *Chase 855-836-3987 CA" was the $3.99 app I purchased plus tax and the $84.79 charge listed as "GOOGLE *Matthew 855-836-3987 CA" was the $79.99 medical app I purchased for school. These are legitimate charges if you purchased any apps through the Google Play Store! :)

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WyldWolfDragon on July 29, 2023

Was under a Purchase on Google Play Store through Crossout Mobile for me personally. 4.99 for 30days premium lol (wasteful kinda but meh)

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Dave on August 17, 2023

Definitely a Google Play Store purchase. I was worried when I saw 3 $9.99 purchases with two separate numbers and a South Korean film director's name.

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Roberta on August 28, 2023

Google Tik Tok live .99 was charged to my card on August 20th. No clue what it is.

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איילת חרזי on September 27, 2023

I did not make such a purchase

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Summer on September 28, 2023

I was just charged $1,010.79 from Google . I only use apple and this number 855-836-3987 just said they are closed and hung up on me. Canceled my card with in hours of noticing it today.

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feeraz on October 26, 2023

GOOGLE *ROBLOX 855-836-3987 CA charged 5USD

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Brandy on October 31, 2023

I've been Charged 53.77 twice on one debit charge two days in a row by Description GOOGLE *Pixocial Merchant details GOOGLE *Pixocial, 855-836-3987, CA 94043 US Now, I had been charged by the GOOGLE *Pixocial before on my CashApp along with around 50 other small charges back to back day after day looking like subscription to Google and YouTube but I don't have a YouTube subscription, I thought this "Pixicial" charge was legit bc it's linked to a photo editor app I do pay for, but now it's on another bank account ironically the one I once linked to that cashapp. I had to report that cashapp and get a new card but appears it's still hacked since my bank has been charged twice yesterday and today 6 times the amount the app I do pay for cost... Some of the names of other things I was charged for on cashapp were: Pixocial, YouTube, Google, Walmart, Trmkey.com, Fildrod.com, Ets Public Du Musee Du, Netflix (for the same amount of my actual subscription but when I click on the name to get information it was a different account than were my subscription payments to Netflix always go and continue to go), Safeministrycheck, Temperary Hold. I was charged by all these multiple times and Google YouTube, Pixocial, and Walmart were done the most for all different amounts back to back from different accounts with the same name claiming to be Google or Walmart. I have all the screenshots I had to pay for a new debit card so it would stop the charges on cashapp unfortunately now my bank account is being charged. I won't link another account to cashapp. Luckily I had locked my debit card and put security lock where my pin had to be entered to unlock card or send money or anything like that, that saved me thousands of dollars in scam charges!!

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Pamela R. Curry on November 19, 2023

I was charged 10.69 from my bank

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Kay LaRue on November 26, 2023

I am being charged a monthly fee of $10.69.

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Sara I Reyes on December 01, 2023

I have been charge $7.98 from Google "Mini Clip"855-836-3987

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Connie on December 06, 2023

Google *Lihuhu 855-836-3987 Ca Debit Card -$14.32 $15.76

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Alexandrea Julian on December 14, 2023

$5.36 has been charged every month for 5 months- no trail otherwise. They also call me regularly and it's just a robot.

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Jenny on December 20, 2023

I have multiple $1.06 charges and a single $2.13 charge from "Google Free Fire 855-836-3987"

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Sabrina on December 22, 2023

Promoting your website is inexpensive Click Here

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They took 83.30 on December 24, 2023

Dailycompehensivehe8554905319 not authorized to take any out they took out 83.30$

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Al Traini on January 05, 2024

I just noticed that my account has been charged 19.99 multiple time over and over.. I did not make any charges from google

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Rachel on January 09, 2024

$2.12 *GLUON/855-836-3987

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deborah fonseca on January 21, 2024

was charged over 2,500 dollars for this charge

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Kathleen wilson on February 13, 2024

I was charged $29.99 by Google *Safe Auth, 855-836-3987. CA. US. I did not authorize this and have no idea what it is, thank God my bank stopped it

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Elizabeth gunter on February 19, 2024

What is this charge for?

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Linda on February 20, 2024

4 Charges on credit card, 2 in jan and 2 in feb says Google Peak 855-836-3987 No idea what this is

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Linda J on March 11, 2024

I got hit with the following charges on my credit card: GOOGLE *TUNGNB11031999 855-836-3987 CA, twice for $14.99 each, March 5, 2024. GOOGLE AITUNEX MOUNTAIN VIEW CA posted March 5, 2024 for $19.99. GOOGLE RAO VAT 24H MOUNTAIN VIEW CA posted on March 5, 2024 for $19.99. Who are these people?

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Liz J. on March 12, 2024

I was charged $2.99, and it said that it was from GOOGLE Cooking Chef. I never ordered anything. Now I have to cancel my debit card and get a new one. What an inconvenience this will be!

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Blythe L. Creek on April 09, 2024

On my Quicken downloaded page, 2-6-23

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Jon on April 10, 2024

Charged my card at 2:07 am , I was sleeping

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Kaleb on April 12, 2024

Have been receiving a charge for $16.04 daily with this number attached on my bank statement. Thank God I have no money in my checking account so scammer get scammed I guess

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Kimberly Dubberly on April 17, 2024

I checked my balance in my account and noticed that a charge was made for adobe inc. That I did not authorize. purchase of $69.99.

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SC Lady on April 25, 2024

Found on bank statement as "Recurring Pymt" for "GOOGLE Nortonlife". Did not buy ANYthing via Google.

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jennifer knight on May 07, 2024

I saw I had a charge of 9.03 for Disney but I cancelled it along time ago

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RLJ on May 14, 2024

I just saw a charge for 21.64 that I do not recognize. Bank statement says GOOGLE Sensus 855-836-3987 CA. No clue what it is. I am contacting my bank.

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Google* La The long 8558363987 on May 15, 2024

I do not recognize or authorize this charge.

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verna griffith on May 19, 2024

i have 2 debits for $13.93 and it says reaccuring and i cant figure out how to stop them

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Google *Boris Maza on June 04, 2024

I do not recognize this charge. Does anyone else?

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Elaine on June 13, 2024

My charge was for $9.00. Google*LINH NGO HUE 855-836-3987 CA P128CQWZ

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shows uo twice on my account on June 13, 2024

evolly and disney its a scam noone ever answers none of the prompts ever work its a scam!

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cmarrone on June 13, 2024

my bank didnt disoute it becasue they erroneaously use the name google however none of my real google subscriptions do not show this way

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bailey on July 02, 2024

there was a charge that was just today (7/2/24) and we called the number to see why it was there and there was no answer from this number and my parents would like the money back

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Diann Greco on July 04, 2024

I have a $63.96 charge with this phone number 855-836-3987. I have tried calling at various times and they are never open! This is a fraudulent charge. Please help!

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harmony on July 10, 2024

i was charged on my chime for -19.99 google *Pocket Fm Audi and it says in categorey general store with a description saying Google*Pocket Fm Audi 855 836 3987 caus i called it and it wen to try to make me go to the website so i just hung up no one picked up

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vicki zieliski on July 19, 2024

on my bank statement for a couple months CHARGE $12.98 CHARGED $5.40 & $ 9.98 LISTED AS 855-836-3987 AND *Supercell g.co/helppay#CAD CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT WHO &WHY

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Bob Muhich on August 02, 2024

Unauthorized Charge of $6.49 on August 1, 2024 bank statement

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Barbara Froelich on August 06, 2024

The name that I have is Google Nguyen Thi Ma 855-836-3987 CA 07/02 on my debit card $31.49. Another one for $3.14 on 06/28

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Yolanda Guerrero on August 09, 2024

I've been charged $2.13 every 2 weeks for something I nevr got and don't know what it is.Its Google* Zhouchon I want to report it

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Berma on August 10, 2024

I was being charged $5.18 for 4 weeks for Google SPARK. This is not a Google product. I was referred back to my bank to dispute.

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Heather Waco on August 25, 2024

Enjoy 1-855-836-3987 charged my debit card automatically and I called my bank to dispute it and was DENIED that it was fraudulent. I NEVER authorized it, never heard of it. I want a refund!!

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L Ward on September 02, 2024

Google *Evolly app General Shopping

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Jeanna on September 24, 2024

Popped up on my bank statement as pending. I don't buy anything from Google.

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Doreen Oct 8th SCAM on October 09, 2024

GOOGLE *HellCopter 855-836-3987 CA $3.79

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Morgan Moore on October 14, 2024

Popped up on my bank statement for 43.29 and pending. I don't buy anything from Google.

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A.Gyorgi on October 15, 2024

Showed as 'Bill payment Withdrawal GOOGLE *TEN PERCENT 7372 855-836-3987 CA ', $106. Didn't show in my paypal activity, my Microsoft subscription is $99, so that's not it...

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John Barry on October 21, 2024


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OPHA on October 26, 2024

Google *dice Dre855-836-3987ca

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car62car on November 07, 2024

Received a fraud alert from my bank for the following attempted transaction. #430925103055 GOOGLE *Mudhook Market 855-836-3987 CA Card XXXX

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darkcrab076 on November 13, 2024

I have no idea what this is. Will deny charges with my bank.

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Pure Sniper GU on November 22, 2024

Its a game that charged my car $99.99

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Judy Batton on November 23, 2024


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Amy74 on November 24, 2024

I found a charge for 3.99 on my bank statement. I have no idea what its for but the number is 855-836-3987.

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Ronald L Walter on December 03, 2024

I found a charge of $2.99 on my bank statement.

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dan aikens on December 12, 2024

google appsyou4988 855-836 3987 ca 94043 3572 need know ?

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Charlie on December 30, 2024

8 $7.99 charges showed up on my CC bill. Had to get a new card but got a credit back.

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Dave Corder on December 30, 2024

supposed to be a trial. $192.14 without warning

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amanda on January 06, 2025

GOOGLE* Text Me Sec 855-836-3987

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ROSS RANEY on January 16, 2025

Google *wild Life Inc 855-836-3987 Ca 1

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Steven Kunzler on January 17, 2025

Got a GOOGLE *Play Pass Charge on my card for 4.99 i work as a foodrunner, and im a gamer, and this is just B.S

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dgr on January 20, 2025

Google *nortonlifelock 855-836-3987 Ca. unauthorized $8.55 appeared on my c.card account a few days ago. having to dispute charge, locked card and get a new c.card number & card mailed

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Randy on January 24, 2025

On January 16 2025 I found a charge from google life lock of $26.99. I attempting to dispute charge and have a block on this account

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Randy on January 24, 2025

On January 16, 2025 my Wells Fargo credit card was charged $26.99 for an account at LifeLock which I do not have an account at LifeLock. It was canceled in 2018. I would like to have a refund to this, I am in the process of dispute to get with my credit card company.

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.... on March 03, 2025

I got an email saying my card was declined and it said it was from Google Store in 855-836-3987 UNITED STATES

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Steve C on March 11, 2025

Added a prepaid debit card to my google play and immediately 5 charges from Google* mico world Ltd. For $4.99 each.

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Christopher.F on March 13, 2025

GOOGLE *Brandy Stee855-836-3987 CAUS Point Of Sale Withdrawal Google Brandy Stee Uncategorized Amount: negative twenty one dollars and seventy three cents($21.73)

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