First seen February 06, 2014. Last updated on February 02, 2022.

The credit card charge ACTUAL SERVICE HOWELL NJ was first submitted to our database on February 06, 2014. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

Have you seen ACTUAL SERVICE HOWELL NJ charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ACTUAL SERVICE HOWELL NJ on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

14% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Contracted AAA Battery Service (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 609-346-6887 (edit)
Category AAA road service battery installer (edit)
Description Will install battery for anyone that we can (edit)

What people are saying... on May 31, 2016

No any explanations on the charge. We never had any deals with the company.

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William on September 28, 2016

Sorry please call me I am an Aaa road service provider for battery installs 6093466887

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Maureen on July 25, 2017

charge for new battery install from AAA

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Pat Atencio on April 14, 2018

I just came across a receipt for $145.35 from Actual Service dated Sept. 9, 2017 and have no idea what it is for. However, I don't see that amount coming out of my bank debit card records.

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joseph(as helpful) on August 05, 2019

Charge was made by roadside AAA service technician

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William Lawrence Actual Service owner on February 02, 2022

We do AAA road service Battery installation in Monmouth shore. So if you bought a battery for your car it was payable to my company on the spot but the warranty is nationwide through AAA.

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