First seen March 24, 2020. Last updated on June 29, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge AMZN MKTP US was first submitted to our database on March 24, 2020. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen AMZN MKTP US charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen AMZN MKTP US on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

90% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Amazon (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone +32479583119 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description je n'ai jamais denandé d'abonnement et l'on me prend 44.00euros pour, chose que je n'ai jamais denander (edit)

What people are saying...

Ce Jonny on March 24, 2020

every time use over 100 Australian dollar to buy something

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Sally on September 27, 2020

This appeared on my Amazon bill without description. Whatever it is, I didn't order it.

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Kathy on August 22, 2021

$27.45 charge found on my bank statement. I haven't ordered anything from Amazon!

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Patricia on November 01, 2021

It just showed up on my account no idea where it came from I haven't ordered anything from Amazon I did not do this

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ANITA Low on July 27, 2022

9.53 charged to my credit card statement ? what isitfor?

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Thomasina on October 13, 2022

117.00 was removed from my account and I need my money I didn’t order anything from them so who do I contact to get my money back

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Vicky on October 15, 2022

My bank statement shows $16.08 was removed from my account. I did not purchase anything for that amount. I want my money back

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Belle on October 28, 2022

I got this marked on my account twice both within 2 days of each other. I did order something from Amazon recently but neither of them add up to what the total was both together and separately. I want my money back because it was a lot that they took out. How can I get it back?

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lydiane on April 08, 2023

je vois qu'ils sont retirer le 7 février, le 12 février,le 10 mars,le 14 mars,le 7 avril 2023 un montent qui ne corespond pas a un achat, de un, en deux je n'ai pas demandé d'abonnement. je voudrais récupérer cet argent, sutous que la vie nest pas facile depuis le covid19, si la société veux me donner des expliquation ils peuvent me télèphoné au +32 479583119. en les remercient d'avance bonne journé.

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Jennifer Rodriguez on September 28, 2023

I don't know why they want to withdraw that money from my card that I'm not authorizing it.

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AMZN Mktp US on October 03, 2023

I have no idea what this Amazon MK T Place US I am Amazon subscriber but not for that so I looked it up because $47 and some change it didn't make sense so I looked it up and it's definitely a scam I didn't have the link I don't know how to plug a link, but when I looked up that a.m. ZNMKT that's exactly what it showed and even if I didn't have enough money on there I I have not authorized any charges from that place. Thank you.

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Gail on October 04, 2023

10/3/2023 A charge of $8.16 from AMZN MKTP US I did not make this transaction! How do I get this charge reversed?

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BR on November 03, 2023

I did not charge anything at AMZN MKTP US . What should I do next?

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Poorna Beri on November 07, 2023

NZ $44.50 charged to my card. At15:459 On the 7th November 23

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tom ridings on November 07, 2023

I did not purchase this!!! I just found out this is a scam I need this removed from my account charges Please HELP!!!

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Mark on November 10, 2023

Tried to charge against my prepaid PayPal debit card. However, I have a $0 balance now and it was rejected.

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Giselle on December 03, 2023

I was charged to my card $33.88 on December 2. I DID NOT purchase this Remove this please!!!!

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Michelle jameson on December 03, 2023

What is this I did not order anything today

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Ronald hardiman on December 06, 2023

Change made to my card

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Joan on December 31, 2023

I don’t know what/or who this is !!!!

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Jeannie Comlish on January 23, 2024

I have received charges to this AMzn Mkpt US for small amounts for the last year periodically. Yesterday I received a charge for $19.99 for which I did not order anything through my Amazon account.

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Lacey on March 03, 2024

What’s this charge

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Lacey on March 03, 2024

Did not order anything and got a charge

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Terry Cosgrave on March 14, 2024

Have no idea where to begin don’t know what these charges are about. Apparently they’ve been hitting my account for the last 4 to 5 months. be about sending my account into overdraft charges.

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Terry Cosgrave on March 14, 2024

There are two charges Once for $22.09 and the other one is for 38.91 this has been going on for several months. Last four digits of my card is 5075. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much for your time.

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Terry Cosgrave on March 14, 2024

These are the transaction numbers whoever whatever this company is has been hitting my account for several months one transaction number is 4022598056436915000 For 38.91 the other transaction number is 4022592601333118086 For 22.91….. this has been going on for months. Please reimburse my account. I have not signed up for anything. Any trial subscriptions I have canceled. Thank you for your help just need all of the money. I’ve taken out of my account over the last four months put back into my account. Thank you very much.

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Verna on March 21, 2024

I got a charge today of $33.45 looked through my whole Amazon account and I never purchased anything with that amount and now since it’s pending till the 24th of this month my bank can’t help me nor Amazon so freaking frustrating

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Sonia Louissaint on March 27, 2024

They stole $131.97

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Sally Rodriguez on March 29, 2024

Don’t have no idea what this charges

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Mercedez on March 31, 2024

They took 17.05 and I haven’t been in here

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Nikki on April 23, 2024

Mastercard ****1772-$8.15 Order #113-2696206-3077818 AMZN Mktp US

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Nikki on April 23, 2024

Mastercard ****1772-$9.79 Order #114-4082843-6206621 AMZN Mktp US

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Daniel Graham on May 09, 2024

AMZN MKtp US# WA Date:05/07/24, I have no idea what this is,please help me

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Daniel Graham on May 09, 2024

AMZN MKtp US WA 28.00 for what I don’t know??

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Miguel Gater on June 17, 2024

I have been charged and haven’t ordered anything . What’s the charge for?

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Blight Hernandez on June 29, 2024

I woke up to 650 ^$#!ing dollars charged on my business account and I want my ^$#!ing money back

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