First seen June 28, 2015. Last updated on June 29, 2016.
The credit card charge ART SMART ACADEMY COLUMBIA SC was first submitted to our database on June 28, 2015. It has not been reported by any users.
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As a mother of two, I would not put my children in the care of a person that exhibits such a lack of self control. While driving in traffic today, the Art Smart Academy van almost caused an intentional accident. I called the number listed on the van and was told the owner was driving. I initially planned to file a police report, but ultimately decided that creating awareness about the lack of self control exhibited by the owner today would be the best service to our community. The main concern I had when calling Art Smart Academy was that children could be on the van being driven so recklessly. Thankfully, I was informed there were not. But if a person (in this case the owner) can not control his temper in traffic, how can he control his temper when dealing with children? It does give me pause.