First seen March 22, 2014. Last updated on March 06, 2025.

The credit card charge BOOKING.COM AMSTERDAM NLD was first submitted to our database on March 22, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen BOOKING.COM AMSTERDAM NLD charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen BOOKING.COM AMSTERDAM NLD on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

81% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Booking Eperiences (edit)
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Phone +1 (407) 587 3900 (edit)
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What people are saying...

Dr Prasanna Kesavan on October 18, 2020

I have netflix and hotel deduction using the the above website

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Martha cassidy on May 23, 2021

Hi I have had multiple payments taken from my account for Amsterdam nld so can I claim this money back

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Sandra C.C. on June 28, 2021

I just had a debit from that account. They have taken about 300 pounds.

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SUMAN DAS on July 28, 2021


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Antony Blakey on October 21, 2021

I just had £129 stolen by these people

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Antonio Rodríguez on November 22, 2021

Tengo un cargo de card check amste con fecha 22-11-21 que yo no he hecho

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Jamie on November 29, 2021

Just had it done today £235.20

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Jana on December 05, 2021

How to stop them???

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Jan on December 07, 2021

I'm on business in Indonesia. My card was just debited for a hotel booking in!!

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Moe on January 29/22 on January 29, 2022

I have been scrammed by I booked a hotel room in Fort Stockton Tx and was charged twice for it. It was booked by a third party in Amsterdam and when I report the scam to they told me to call the hotel they said there was no reservation under that number. DO NOT USE BOOKING.COM, They are in bed with scammers.

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Elizabeth Hayes on February 16, 2022

I have been charged for a hotel which I did not book. I had booked a hotel in Fairbanks Alaska for a similar price.

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Xing on March 16, 2022

Euro 576 charged by BV Amsterdam. Fxxking

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Mel B on March 21, 2022

I have two charges from these folks. Ten grand US$ total. Do not use They are a large part of the problem

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Alfred on March 26, 2022

El 22 de marzo de 2022 me hicieron un cargo de Hotel at Amsterdam nld, por$1876.00 mxn, sin mi consentimiento, dónde puedo re lamarmi devolución?

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Christina CB on April 06, 2022

Someone book a hotel on my account April 5, 2022. I hope they catch you mother ^$#!er.

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NBW on April 19, 2022

Hotel at Amsterdam NLD was charged on our credit card twice on 4/16/22 for $605.59 and $467.31.

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angell NL on April 21, 2022

PO-......Amsterdam NLD scam on creditcard 2 times MF

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Barbara Cameron on April 28, 2022

Yes..this scammer has put in "authorized charges" over the past year. Last month I had 2. One for $435 and another card had $387. The first charge was immediately processed by fraud dept of sister did that,cosigner. The second amount,appeared when I was in Antibes. Couldn't call bank,sister couldn't help. By the time I returned, overdraft fees were tremendous. Enough! I'm changing the way I book hotels

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AVT on April 30, 2022

The same this BOOKING.COM AMSTERDAM NLD today dedwcited in my credit card Euro 1,342/- I hope this scammer people be punished.

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MAE from Hawaii on May 07, 2022

I have automatic alerts on all my credit cards to ensure that I am notified by email and or text of any payments made when a card isn't present at he time of transaction. This morning I received an alert for : Hotel On Amsterdam NLD. Because I didn't recognize this charge I googled this name and came up with this site. Next I immediately called my Mastercard site and put on a temporary hold. Next step was to talk to cards representative in fraud department. They recommended that we immediately cancel the card and they are mailing me a new card. Fortunately the amount posted was zero and the credit card company says that no actual payments were taken. Recommend everyone put automatic alerts on their cards. Thank goodness for this site.

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Ann domino on May 08, 2022

My extra charge from them showed up today and how tricky are they.

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Jesus Alvarez Tostado on May 14, 2022

they chrged my credit card 530.91 usd and I still dont know if it is for a reservation I did or not. the hotel cant help me . how can I contacto booking directly?????

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Dani de CR on May 23, 2022

Yo he recibido dos cobros de HOTEL AT BOOKING.COM AMSTERDAM NLD. Uno de los montos si fue cargado a mi cuenta por 1200 euros. Aún sigo en espera de solución por parte del banco.

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C J B on June 19, 2022

Mi mastercard tambien fue deducida con $98.86 por TPI by Amsterdam NLD. Que debo hacer para que me devuelvan mi dinero?

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Phil RN on June 29, 2022

I booked for a hotel and my payment was refused, booking unsuccessful.. but Amsterdam nld charged my account with Php 2111.17..😢😢

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J. McD on June 30, 2022

I just got charged almost $1,700 CAD from TPI Amsterdam Nld! Not cool. And trying to get a hold of is way more complicated then it needs to be.

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A.Rd. New Zealand.on 1July 3022 on July 10, 2022

Hotel at booking.comAmsterdam NLD showed $121- deducted from my account. Thank you for this site as was a total mystery to me. Phoned bank straight away and cancelled card. So sorry for the people above who have lost heaps more.

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PWT on July 12, 2022

Bought item at Discount King, Whakatane, New Zealand July 6th 2022 on my credit card. After transaction there also was taken 1000 CNY by Hotel At Booking .Com Amsterdam. Went to ANZ cancelled card, disputed transaction, rrported to Police.7

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Bella Gulshan on July 21, 2022

I have been charged 46000 Turkish Liras from my account by the name of Amsterdam NLD. Is there any way to report this?

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Steve on August 04, 2022

have 4 charges from nld past 3 days for around total of $1800 aud. Called company and they had no record of any booking. They accessed my card from a scam text for linkt tolls. Bank assured me it has been occurring frequently of late and Interpol is close to making arrests.

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Eric on August 05, 2022

Just found a payments about to be taken Also BV St Louis USA.

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Tabatha on August 15, 2022

Agree are allowing these scamers to take Credit card details. Will never use them again

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Thu Anh Tran on August 29, 2022

I have had multiple payments taken from my account by Amsterdam NL . Can I receive my money back?

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Santy on 1/10/23 on October 01, 2022

Had 140 AUD taken from Amsterdam, I'm suspicious about other hostel place in Rome giving away my card details but can't do anything to prove it. It's weird is the same problem people had been having since last year

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Sharon from NZ on October 03, 2022

Have had $184.21 nz taken from credit card from amsterdam NL Not happy at all.

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Susan on October 10, 2022

I too have found fraudulent charges from NDL Called my credit card company immediately Forget about dealing with If your credit card company is making you jump through hoops for these fraudulent changes then you need a new credit card company

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אתי on November 15, 2022

חוייבתי באשראי סך של 1644 ש"ח בעסק באמסטרדם nl amsterdam booking

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Neil on January 19, 2023

Just woke up to see a charge of $279.75 from S BVs 00000 NL. No hotel name listed. Last time I booked anything with was back in 2014 and no credit card was stored. Called my bank and they canceled my card and sending a new one. A big problem if anyone can charge your credit card without having to enter authorization code typically send to my phone for online purchases.

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patricia on January 20, 2023

Just received a charge to my credit card for $ 514.93 from TPI BOOKING.COM AMSTERDAM

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Sergio on February 13, 2023

I was inflight when I received SMS stated I was charged 26100 AED (approx. 6600 EUR) on my credit cart to BOOKING.COM BV, AMSTERDAM. Once landed, reported the transaction as fraud. I haven’t made any booking with for ages, however I did with AGODA.COM. As employee of explained me, AGODA.COM is a sister company of BOOKING.COM. So looks like both a these companies has weak security systems

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KC on July 18, 2023

Adding me into the victim list on thie BKG*Hotel at Booking.c Amsterdam NL. Was just being charged of GBP575 onto my credit card. No authorization code asked for such transaction is worrying.

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SS on June 20th 2023 on July 19, 2023

Same thing happened to my wife and I while on a trip in Ireland. In the middle of the trip she received a notification that her CC had been charged $274 for "Hotel Amsterdam NLD." We had pre-booked all of our hotels for Ireland, so this was clearly a scam. Notified bank and tried to call Their customer service number is f***ed up. You need a PIN number or reservation to get through. Such a garbage business.

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Christian on July 26, 2023

I had a debit from "hotel at booking.comAmsterdam" But I never was in Amsterdam at that time. This is scam. I informed my bank

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fkbooking on July 27, 2023

just got this same scam, BKG* Hotel at Booking.c AMSTERDAM for 270€. Customer Service was completely useless and they don't admit anything. Had to cancel my card. Will never use them again

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Michael on September 29, 2023

My supplementary (wife) was charged AED 3904 by BKG Hotel I never did this transaction. This is big scam!

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Cheikh on October 06, 2023

Je reçois en boucle ce message alors que j’ai jamais fait cette transaction. << Carte 8049 Note:BKG* Hotel Amsterdam NL - insufficient funds for -45759.62 POS Dr XOF 0>> Heureusement pour moi il n’y a jamais de solde suffisant

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Rin on October 06, 2023 is still allowing these fraudulent charges! They have inadequate security.

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Kristina on October 23, 2023

Declined transaction on my bank account from. Status DECLINED - CHECK CARD DETAILS Transaction Amount 565,62 Merchant BKG*Hotel at Booking. c Amsterdam NL Transaction Date/Time 18/07/2023 19:24 I never been in Amsterdam and I no have plans go there

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Bendy Poulsen on December 06, 2023

I forbindelse med en booking som ikke gik igennem på, jeg har været i kontakt med hotellet som bekræfter der ikke er en booking. De har trukket beløb fra min konto, uden min accept.

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Emily on March 06, 2025

Charged nearly $4000 (3 transactions) immediately after I paid for a legit hotel in Singapore. Have camcellled my card and reported to bank. Very dodgy. Evil !&$^%#*s!

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