First seen March 17, 2015. Last updated on July 10, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge BUDGET SOURCE was first submitted to our database on March 17, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen BUDGET SOURCE charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen BUDGET SOURCE on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

92% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Budget Source (edit)
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What people are saying...

Susan on February 05, 2023

Received a notification from by bank regarding a charge of $35 from Budget Source as possible fraud alert. Never heard of Budget Source and notified my bank of an unauthorized charge.

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Didn't monitor my statement, Big cost to me. on May 01, 2023

This company WC *MON BUDGET SOURCE and WC *Grocery Coupons charged my credit card 1.95 each to test if it worked, it did. We did not pay attention but the following months charged 27.95 each month from Dec 2019 to April 2023. They scammed us for over $2,000. The credit card agency was only able to credit us 4 months per contractual statute of limitations. Indeed look at your statements. Forget about resolving it with the 800 number provided. They are rude and just hang up on you.

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Margaret Brown on October 31, 2023

What is BUDJET SOURCE? iI called today to cancel what budget source is, if it occurs on my account again I will turn it over to my attorney. What did purchase

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Leola Morris on December 07, 2023

Not sure why I have this charge coming in on my account for _35.95

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Emily on December 21, 2023

My bank said it is a yearly charge, but I do not know who the charge is from or why it is on my bank account.

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Heater on December 22, 2023

I just got charged $36.95 and idk why

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Kristina Maria Moody on February 04, 2024

Just on bank account

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Nina L. Gatlin on February 24, 2024

I did not order anything today. Feb, 24, yet it appears as a charge.

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Paul Osborne on February 25, 2024

This $36.95 was illegally charged to my bank account I want my money back

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Unknown on March 01, 2024

I had this charge for $36.95 shows up on my credit card today. I immediately flagged it & stopped the payment. then I called the company number 1-800-475-1942. they said it was for discount coupons, I asked them to cancel it, they didn't even ask for my name & said your subscription is now canceled. BE CAREFULL, BE ALERT, THEY ARE DEFIIENTLY A SCAMMER

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Budget source on March 04, 2024

Budget source

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Michael on March 08, 2024

This is a scam.

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Walt Danley on March 09, 2024

34.95 was charged to the card of Walter Danley. It was not authorized and needs to be refunded immediately

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Elizabeth Eaves on March 15, 2024

Total Scam !!! These people are a real work of art. They charged my account $36.95 . I have no idea who or what they claim to be selling . I haven't ordered anything from anyone. They took my money but when I ask for a refund she said they will mail a letter to me along with a form to fill out and return to them. Said I should receive it in. 7--10 days... So maybe, just maybe I can get my refund within a month or two. I'm sure they want be in a hurry. ๐Ÿคจ

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Shirley Gilliam on March 18, 2024

Budget Source tried to take out money from my Bank account. I have notified the Police because this is a Scam. Don't know them!

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Joycr on March 31, 2024

Three charges in three months. Did not have to pay but tired of card being blocked.

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Budget Source on April 03, 2024

Charges in my account without my knowledge. Fraudulent company!

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Lorraine Marie Barrios on April 04, 2024

I have seen that Budget source has charged my card and I didn't do this. I need to have them remove the charge. I am 63 years old and on a budget and can not have this done to be removed from my debt card what do I do to have this done.

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Sandra Butler on April 15, 2024

Being charged monthly. Never heard of them.

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Lorraine Barrios on May 05, 2024

What can I do I keep getting chargers it month how do I get that money back. It is for 36.00 dollars.

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Ken Losser on May 15, 2024

Receive monthly recurring charge for 36.95 from Budget Source. Bank of America calls and emails on the fraudulent charge. They can very quickly charge your replacement card. Not sure how they were able to when I just received the last one, it never left my wallet and I never charged on it. Bank of America can't answer that question either. So now it is a third card. Could think of a lot of ways to resolve this issue, but I would be put in prison.

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P. P. Roach on May 20, 2024

5/19/24 I'm expecting my 4th credit card in about 3 weeks tomorrow! Fraud Dept at bank has called each time with Budget Source for $34.95 and Fun Source for $34.95. I have new card activated, put it in my wallet, and each time before I have even used the new card those two had their $34.95 charges on my new credit card. I'm elderly & must do all shopping online with credit card! How can they know new account # without me ever using it? Son called the 800# last week (3rd time). Woman told him some sites where I shop have fine print memberships when you check out; so you "sign up for memberships" without knowing it. Well, if that's true it ought to be illegal, so I plan to call police now. Woman told my son "your mom's memberships have both been cancelled now" ... Fortunately I'm lucky enough to be a long time customer of this bank credit card, & they absorb the loss of $$ if there is any & I am so grateful. THIS IS A SCAM, FOLKS!!! I don't know how I'll search but I will TRY to find what sites online that I do business with has this scam in small print upon checkout without customer knowing it!!!

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Mark (Buck) Gindling on July 02, 2024

Getting charge monthly for $36.95. I did not authorize this

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Dina, 80 years old on July 07, 2024

I just woke up to this charge my account. Udk if I am supposed to call the bank to stop charge or call the place for a refund plus after reading some of the comments this might be the start of a monthly fee or something that I have to cancel or maybe not...idk

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J Blair on July 08, 2024

They have been taking 36.95 out of my account and I did not authorize!!

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Laura Ream on July 09, 2024

I have been charged 2 times. 1. Budget Source 34.95. 2. Pulse Eden Prairie 34.95. I never bought anything from either of these places!!!!

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brandy on July 10, 2024

it was a fraud purchase i did not buy anything

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