First seen February 29, 2020. Last updated on May 14, 2024.

The credit card charge DEBIT CARD PURCHASE NEWS LIMITED SURRY HILLS AUS was first submitted to our database on February 29, 2020. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen DEBIT CARD PURCHASE NEWS LIMITED SURRY HILLS AUS charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen DEBIT CARD PURCHASE NEWS LIMITED SURRY HILLS AUS on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

93% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant The Courier Mail (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 1300696397 (edit)
Category News and Media (edit)
Description Subscription (edit)

What people are saying...

Lauren on February 29, 2020

$28 monthly charge for a news subscription that I have not signed up for. These charges have been happening for 2 and a half years without my consent.

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Ollastuta on May 14, 2020

I believe this relates to signing up through Herald Sun Super Coach

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Madeleine on February 11, 2022

Have two $28 charges by News Limited Surry Hills on my credit card. I have not authorised these and do not get the paper delivered. Not sure how many I did not notice.

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Christine on March 02, 2022

Digital subscription for The Courier Mail.

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Faith Tkalac on March 31, 2022

I’ve had this payment coming out of my bank for over 2 years, I can’t believe I didn’t notice until now!

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Mandy on April 07, 2022

Like others, an unauthorised deduction for News Limited Surry Hills Au for two years. How do I get rid of them?

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Brad Callaby on June 24, 2022

It's from one of the many NEWS CORP newspapers and they make it impossible to cancel online! They say to call a number but they don't pick up. I waited 30 minutes on 3 different occasions. Cancel it on your banks end. Scammers. This should be illegal.

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Ali Woodward on July 01, 2022

Like others, this has been happening to me for a while too. Can't believe I only just noticed. Going to call my bank now to have it cancelled. Cheers for the comments

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Lillian on July 21, 2022

I unsubscribed months ago and it was acknowledged because the service ceased but have just noticed this money still coming out… although I did previously also have figure of $58 coming out.

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Michele West on July 29, 2022

I cancelled this subscription over the phone in June…$28 taken from my account overnight. I’ve emailed them and told them to refund immediately or I’m reporting to ASIC and the Federal Police for Credit Card Fraud.

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Harms on August 04, 2022

I'm all the way in NZd and I'm getting charged for subscription that I cancelled by phone call a month back and now I'm still getting charged now. I called and they said they'll refund me but c'mon get the job right the first time. You're a professional outfit so get it right.

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Michael on September 20, 2022

I have this on my work card. I have been searching all my business emails to find a subscription link or some way to stop it and am clueless. News Limited does not even come up on a Google Search specifically. Description: NEWS LIMITED SURRY HILL SURRY HILLS Charge: 28.00

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Louise on October 20, 2022

I saw a pending payment of $26 on my account this morning, dated this morning: NEWS LIMITED SURRY HILL AU. I have never purchased from News Ltd so I have sent a request to the bank to not pay this. I am waiting for the bank to contact me. This is MY account, NEWS Ltd have no right to my funds.

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Kathryn on November 9, 2022 on November 09, 2022

I noticed a fee of same $28 on my credit card for 28 October 2022. I do not recall any subscription and have not read any news from News Pty Ltd Surry Hills. I have cancelled my credit card and requested an investigation with my finance provider.

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Amber on November 13, 2022

I don't remember ever signing up to anything yet have had $2 coming out for a while. I didnt notice it until I had $28 taken out and I had $50 left for the week. No way I would sign up to watch news, I don't even use the free ones.

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Ken Fitzgerald on November 19, 2022

Also currently suffering this. Account says ATM Surry Hills, NSW. I live in Qld. Obviously a scam. Still tring to have my bank cease payments and me.

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J P on January 02, 2023

Randomly had $19.99 withdrawn, didn’t enter bank details anywhere

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Phil Onaga on February 15, 2023

How do I remove this subscription? Have since 2021. Not sure what’s it’s for???

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DS on March 03, 2023

It's The Australian newspaper subscription or one of their other newspapers. Not a scam.

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Anne on March 23, 2023

Herald Sun KFC Supercoach takes $24.95 for their yearly subscription. If you don't want to resubscribe you need to cancel it.

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Jade on June 22, 2023

20/6/2023 News Limited Surry Hills took $28

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Deb on July 22, 2023

For over 2 yrs I have been charged $28/month, can't believe I missed it. They said it was an online sign up but was never used. I never received any emails at all and they did not have a phone number on the account. Going to follow up with my bank next.

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Jack on July 25, 2023

I have been charged with this for a while now. We didn't even subscribe for it. This is a RIP OFF! How do I cancel it?

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Joe t on July 29, 2023

$28 has been taken out of my account for over a year I never gave them my credit card details or my bank account details so how did they get them I also never gave them permission to debit my account is'ent that fraud and theft?

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Patrick Figota on August 17, 2023

I’ve been charged $22.85 on my card but I never signed up for!

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Patrick Figota on August 17, 2023

Sorry, just realized it’s the Courier Mail, which I did sign up for!

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David Devlin on September 06, 2023

I can't work out why I am paying $28 a month. I thought when my credit card expired and I got a new one that would be the end of it. No - somehow they have managed to bill my new card!

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T on September 29, 2023

Part of news Corp, owns many large news tabloids. They make it really hard to cancel

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andrew zanos on November 07, 2023

never subscribed

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Michael Hearn on November 07, 2023

Have been getting charged for this for quite a time now $28 pm

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Vanessa on November 09, 2023

Can you please give back my money

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big Kev J on March 03, 2024

just got charged .65 cents 2 days in a row since I didn't have much money in one of my cards. Im about to call my bank and get this fixed up right now

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Joey G on May 14, 2024

I do not remember ever signing uo for anything to do with news, they were taking $28 a month sometines twice a month until i realised, i rang back got a new card and had them blocked from taking money from me again, it stopped for 5 months and now on my new card a further $187 has been taken over a 4 month period. I have no idea how they even got my new card details

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