First seen December 20, 2014. Last updated on February 26, 2024.
The credit card charge GOOGLE *DISNEY MOBILE GOOGLE.COM/CH was first submitted to our database on December 20, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen GOOGLE *DISNEY MOBILE GOOGLE.COM/CH charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen GOOGLE *DISNEY MOBILE GOOGLE.COM/CH on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
Merchant | Disney Mobile (edit) |
Website | Click to Add |
Phone | 855-836-3987 (edit) |
Category | Click to Add |
Description | (edit) |
They diligently charged me for SOMETHING that I had no need for and or wanted. Tried to unsubscribe from them and had NO ACCOUNT. LUCKILY I USED A PREPAID CARD. THEY TRIED FOR 2 OR 3 DAYS THEN GOT MONEY FROM ME. I WANT MY MONEY BACK I NEED IT. STRUGGLING ENOUGH I NEED EVERY PENNY.
Google Disney mobile charged my bank card. But I have free disney plus though Verizon. Why did they charge me.
Im so mad
I keep being charged for Google mobile and don’t know why😡😡😡 no explanation!!! So these people just are allowed to take my money
" GOOGLE Disney Mobile " tried charging my card yesterday for 19.99 luckily it was DECLINED, I don't have a Disney + account or anything Disney nor is this card linked to any Google account.
Refund Asap
I was charged for google disney mobile and I did not authorize
This same company Disney mobile keep charging me 4.99 every month and I dont know why I don't have anything
I have a 79.99 charge for Disney Mobile, I reported it as fraud on my credit card, Bank of America came back and said it was a legitimate charge, they provided them documentation. But will not share the documents with me or tell what the charges are for or who. I called the number on the credit card bill only to be looped around and told due to covid they are working at home with limited support then I am disconnected. I am not a disney fan and do not do business with disney how do I stop this charge?
I have been charged for an account that does not exist monthly for three to four months and can not get any information about getting my money back or how to stop future charges without cancelling out my business account.
I want to know why Disney Google is charging me a monthly fee I haven't ordered anything from you I want my my back for the last two months and my account cancelled
This charge had gone for 5.99 to now 6.99 and no on knows what it is for. Freaking ridiculous!!
They just charged my sons account for 79, phone number goes to a insurance company, web address is down, not sure what to do.
I was charged $73 from this Google Disney BS. This looks like its been happening since 2014. I bet there are people out there that don't even know they've been charged. I sent in a request for reimbursement and I was denied. Imagine for a second that this has happened to a 1 million people. Do the math. Does anybody know of any law suits going on about it? Maybe one should be started!
I am being charged for a Disney app on my Discover Card that I did not authorize. There is no way to cancel this. The Disney site is unable to do this because this charge is through a third party--Google. They are scamming people left and right offering a free trial and then they do not give you any way to cancel. Buyers Beware!
GOOGLE *Disney Mobile for $7.69 is not a charge I recognize. I am not subscribed & no one else is either. It looks like this is a recurring transaction. This occurred 3 times in December 2021, January 2022, and February 2022 before I caught it and reported it.
GOOGLE *Disney Mobile charged my card $135 I want my money back. NOW. Times are hard enough at the moment. I expect a refund immediately.
We were charged $79.99 Google Disney Mobile. We didn't order anything nor do we want it. No way to cancel we have no account
Same here...even got another cash app card and it's started showing up again on my new card. I don't have any business dealings with Disney. Started in 4/22.
Just noticed this charge on my account mad as hell it been on for months I don't use my mobile phone to watch TV. Fraud and I want my money back.
I was curious about a 7.49 charge on my card. After a lot of digging, I came to the conclusion that it was the ESPN+ subscription. I didnt get a free trial, but better than a scam charge, right?
Just found this little &#*$!% hittingme for $6.99 every month. Seems these come from the Android (Google) App Store.
This is crazy, not only was I charged falsely, it took the money off a different card I had. Nuts!!
I have disney plus but why am I being charged for disney Mobile also. They both are for the same amount 8.47 but I do not have disney Mobile and I did not authorize this charge. How do I stop this and how can I get all the months back they have charged me for this?
I saw the chg on my card acct today and freaked out. It was 79.99. Instead of going crazy writing e mails and calling I did a little research. This is what I found. It is indeed a legit chg. I got disney+ through a google app from the app store. It is purchased " disney +"not the app " but through Google " google TV. I was being charged $7.00 a month until disney changed it to annual fee. I just didn't know they changed it to annual. Additional charges, I.E. $87 or 99, or whatever the charge was is in addition to taxes charged by your state.
Disney mobile has taken over $100 in 6.99 charges in the past year. I have never not have any need for this. I want my money back. Thus is a bunk scam. They are stealing money from people.
I got charged $8.71 and I have no idea why. I do not have Disney.
Tried to charge my card $11.99 but luckily insufficient balance. Removing my credit card from payment as I type this. This is ridiculous how something like this can happen.
i recieved a notification stating that I sent $7.65 to Google Disney mobile at 3:35 in the morning when I don't even have a Disney account or have ever wanted one i was depending on the $10 they took the payment out of to be able to pay for gas so i would be able to get my sick mother back and forth to her doctors appointment money is very tight and ive been unable to find work if i could even be able to with how i have been needing to be home in order to assist my mother ill end with this final note by saying F#$K-U Google "Disney Mobile"
I was charged $9.99 for Google Disney-Mobile app never heard of it do we get rid of this charge?
Llevan 2eses seguidos cobrando me 7.51 dólares a nombre de Disney mobil y no tengo ni la apk de Disney mucho menos una cuenta con ella. Puros estafadores
its 2022 and they still doing this !$^#
For anyone who has signed up for a YouTube Premium subscription, this is what it shows up as in the transaction. So just cancel your YouTube membership. I hope this is helpful because it took me forever to figure this out.
Hulu, it is hulu. I noticed that it says they are doing hulu an disney for 9.99 a month an bc it was charged through google i looked an it is hulu but my bank says it is disney. So it is just your hulu coming out of your account not actually disney
January 18 2023 had a charge for 12.83 show up on my cash app filed a claim through Google
I've been charged for months and I didn't sign up for Disney
im being charged for this service
For the past 3 months I've been charged 799 from Google Disney mobile
Got this charge today January 7th 2023 a charge for 19.76. has been happening last couple months don't know how to get my money back don't have a Disney Plus subscription it says that my subscription is deactivated. Charge doesn't pop up in my emails like my other charges is just taken out immediately from my card. Very suspicious to me we'll see what Google has to say made a claim on a suspicious charge.
Correction January 7th 2024 on previous post.
I have been getting this charge for months
Google Disney mobile keeps trying to charge my card . There wasn’t any money both times it was tried. This charge is NOT AUTHORIZED! What can I do to stop it ?