KRP*EXIMBAY 0221798830 KR

First seen January 03, 2019. Last updated on February 17, 2025.

The credit card charge KRP*EXIMBAY 0221798830 KR was first submitted to our database on January 03, 2019. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen KRP*EXIMBAY 0221798830 KR charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen KRP*EXIMBAY 0221798830 KR on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

81% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Seoul Pass (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category Cosmetics (edit)
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

Bryan J Cox on January 03, 2019

KRP*EXIMBAY 0221798830 KR that is all infomation i have on statment no email for confermation of payment or anything just a charge I did not make

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Sunny Dangol on February 09, 2019

My account has been deducted every month and i dont what is that for. I shall sue this site if i am not paid back

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Jean on May 09, 2019

My account has had $47.88 USD taken out tonight while i was sitting at home i checked my bank and saw this krp*eximbay 02221798830 kr i hope they get caught stealing out of other peoples accounts. I have contacted bank so they will stop this transaction. How dare these people take advantage of hard working people. Thiefs

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Ji sun.H on May 24, 2019

$108.58 나는 이사이트에 금액을 지불하고 사기를 당한듯하다. 이것은 엄연한 사기행각이다

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Jason on July 16, 2019

These thiefs charged by debit card a small amount 5 times

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Sue on August 29, 2019

My card was hacked, they did two iTunes purchases, then this KRP*EXIMBAY charge for $218.97. If you find this charge, call your credit card company, you’ve been hacked.

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Shep on November 17, 2019

KRP*EXIMBAY made 5 sales that they tried to put on my credit card today,11/17/19. My bank blocked 4 of the charges, but one charge of $43.70 got through. They shut off my card. I thought cards with the "chip" were secure?

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Zac on November 22, 2019

I had 3 charges made from thiskrp*eximbay company totaling over 250 dollars I just found it. I am going to my bank after work to try and get this money back. No idea who the company who is or why the charges were made

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Magsie on December 28, 2019

I’ve had three consecutive charges taken by KRP*EXIMBAY for £108.74. Yesterday.

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Jessica on January 09, 2020

i had this KRP EXIMBAY made by 01/04/20 of 187.40$$ !! Just called to report it!!

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Cindy on November 06, 2020

This is Korean company for let Korean venders charge the oversea customers. If you got anything from Korean clothing websites it will show as EXIMBAY

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Nina on February 07, 2021

If you haven't made any oversea purchase, then this is scam charge. The scammer is using KRP*EXIMBAY service., This company provide payment service like PayPal in oversea. When you buy merchandise from eBay and you pay through PayPal and your statement show PayPal. My card was linked to my PayPal account. You need to cancel your card.

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Nina on February 08, 2021

I subscribe a subscription on webtoon site oversea It's legit

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Kiwi on January 19, 2022

Credit card charged US$149 no idea what for we dont live in the USA refer Krp*Eximbay 0221798830

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NVS on June 08, 2022

My CC was charged USD$ 350 by krp-eximbay-022179883. I have just called the credit card company, My account must have been hacked.

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CDL on April 25, 2023

This was a legitimate charge for me, corresponding to some crowdfunded windshield wiper blades.

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JANE on January 09, 2024

just got charged and I didn't spend it

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Kiki on February 06, 2024

My CC was charged USD $222 by krp-eximbay on Jan 20, 2024. We don't know what this is

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netti on April 29, 2024

This was a legitimate charge for me, it was for kakao taxi app

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stephanie Bai on June 27, 2024

this is so strange charge ,I have been charge $164 , I did not get any service , the most scared thing is I contact to ask why, and let me to just me , another company , ask me $5 to cintinue to talk , let me put all my card info, and phone number , and them don't allowed me keep going . so scared ,

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Ccjohn on October 15, 2024

I have no idea what this charge is for?

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jy2 on February 02, 2025

it's an online processing service similar to paypal. as a result, it could be tied to a smaller website that uses it for collecting payment, or it could be scammers. In my case it was for music I bought at

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ericbro on February 17, 2025

Looked suspicious but after reading previous people's comments, I realized it was a sheet music purchase I made. Legit for me.

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