First seen September 07, 2014. Last updated on January 18, 2025.
The credit card charge LB CROYDON CROYDON GB was first submitted to our database on September 07, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen LB CROYDON CROYDON GB charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen LB CROYDON CROYDON GB on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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This is an unauthorized charge on my debit card. Had to get a new debit card.
Got charged $4 on my debit card out of nowhere from something called SJA South Croydon. Also happened on September 3
I was fraudulently charged $4.19 on my debit card on September 3.
when checking in on my budget noticing it was off, found out they charging me for almost 90 dollars a month at 29.99 increments
I have been charged £13.05! I had booked a British airways flight and this charged came immediately after my booking
Was charged a whole 65 pounds on my card by this merchant. Thankfully I flagged it up with my bank who are sorting it out.
This charge has come up on my credit card transaction for £65.00
Is not a legit transaction, seems wide spread and the 65 fee looks as the recurrent amount charged. Call your bank and issue a new card. only recollection I have is using the card to book hotels, so that might be it
Tried to take money out of my bank, contacted fraud and had to order a new card.
I got a pending £65.00 by this LB CROYDON and immediately flagged it up with my bank, ordered a new card
I just received a charge of £65, cancelled my card and another account based in London tried to spend £195. I’m not sure what is going on but raised a fraud claim
LB Croydon charge of 170 pounds twice in 3 days. The bank refunded, after initially arguing that it was Croydon council. Very sophisticated fraud and didn't alert my payment notifications.
Just noticed this appearing for a second consecutive month. Contacting my bank next.
Unknown cause of recharge