ODSBILL.COM 7542059975 CYP

First seen September 17, 2018. Last updated on October 12, 2023.

The credit card or debit card charge ODSBILL.COM 7542059975 CYP was first submitted to our database on September 17, 2018. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen ODSBILL.COM 7542059975 CYP charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ODSBILL.COM 7542059975 CYP on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

92% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

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Website Odsbill.com (edit)
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What people are saying...

Margie on September 17, 2018

$54.95 ODSBILL.COM 7542059975 CYP 12/09/2018 I do not know who or why this transaction entered my bank account. This needs to be rectified THANK YOU

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Richard. on April 09, 2019

I started to receive this mysterious charge and have noticed it in my every day account details. It must be a scam. I don't know how it happened. I am going to change my debit card ASAP.

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Arrian on August 20, 2019

I received a notice and didn't know about this, Scam. Please check on these things.

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frans on May 31, 2020

ODSBILL.COM 7542059975 CYP van dit adres is een bedrag af geschreven van mijn credit kard ik weet dat het van een dating site moet zijn maar weet echt niet meer welke volgens mij opgezegd maar weet echt niet hoe nu verder

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Stefaan on July 10, 2020

OSDBILL.COM is het betaal platform van online dating sites , dus als je die transactie ziet, vreeg dan maar even aan uw kroost wat ze uitgespookt hebben. Of heb je zelfs een account biçj zulke sites. Kom niet af dat je van niks weet Ozeggen moet op de bewuste dating site zelf eerst gedaan worden, dan verdwijnt de ODSBILL ook.

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christine on October 07, 2020

Who is ODSBILL.COM I received a charge for $54.95 on my credit card on Sept 25, 2020 and don't know who they are and I think its a scam? Can anyone help me out with this problem?

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Lissette Bermudez on November 01, 2020

Yeah they tried to take money from me when they put up a site like they had movies to watch for only a dollar, so I wanted to see the movie “Selena” played by Jennifer Lopez, but I had to pay a $1 so I used my cash app card cause I only had $2 on that card, I knew better, that’s why I used that card.. then I get a message saying a $44 dollar amount was declined due to me not having money on my card,,, hahaha, joke is on them.. they will never catch me for money I know better.. I tried though cause I really wanted to see that movie like I said, but I be damn If I’m going to give any body my credit card numbers on any add, especially over the phone!!! So y’all better be careful cause it is a scam!! Mother^$#!ers is trying to take our hard working money,

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Judi Choo on November 17, 2020

I also am getting money taken out of my account but for some odd reason sometimes the money is returned also going to ur bank and doing a dispute may help

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Thomas De Kok on December 22, 2020

Beste mensen Elke maand worden er bedragen automatisch afgeschreven door jullie bedrijf dit moet stoppen en retour gezonden worden naar mijn visa kaart. groet .

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GIUSEPPPE lovato on August 05, 2021


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Julian Siuksta on October 13, 2021

I noticed these strange ODSBILL payments in my bank account. So I followed it up with the banks Fraud Investigators. It was found that Odsbill is a billing service for a dating site that I had not used in years. So, fellow users, go here https://odsbill.com/ and (if you want ) cancel your subscription. Chances are that you signed up for a dating service thar you paid for a premium service and then later forgot all about it. I hope this helps.

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JOHANNES on October 13, 2021


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De Mol erna on October 15, 2021

inderdaad afgeschreven van mijn rekening 43,95 euro van een dating site door een verkeerde klik op de site om de 3 maanden terug betalen reeds willen opzeggen geen reactie zeer vervelen hoop dat alles stopt weet echt niet wat nog te ondernemen

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Fereti Tuilaepa on April 10, 2022

I have problems with Dating sites taking money off my account without my approval. These sites include: Older Singles, Kedfty.com, TNGNWE.COM (MKBVSH.COM). Your Site was one of first Dating Sites I joined. What I know now, there is unauthorised sharing of personal details among a circle of connected dating providers which is illegal and fraud. Please STOP sharing my personal details with other Sites.

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Kerry Yeaman on September 23, 2022


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Anukuttan George on March 27, 2023

Cancel any subscription I may have with you anugeorge79@gmail.com

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Mishal on October 12, 2023

I don't know where it comes from on my bank statement I have never subscribe such things.

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