First seen June 11, 2015. Last updated on March 20, 2018.
The credit card charge PARKVIEW INN SUMMIT HILL PA was first submitted to our database on June 11, 2015. It has not been reported by any users.
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Parkview Inn, a hardware store, a restaurant, and the alleged American Red cross. The Red Cross was for almost 20,000 dollars. Wallet was briefly lost and found in a Chinese food restaurant in St. Louis MO, where it had been given by someone to the cafe owners, or they found it while cleaning. (Other than that a lot of fraud comes out of China, let me be clear that there would be no reason to suspect them; they seemed polite and they left my money and cards in the wallet. They were working hard in their own kitchen at the restaurant, so if any fraud happened, it would have had to be by someone to whom they gave the information, not fraud they committed. ) Recent EBay and Amazon purchase, and a supplements/herbal tinctures web site.