First seen July 16, 2014. Last updated on January 31, 2025.
The credit card charge PRT NEWARK CONTAINER T was first submitted to our database on July 16, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen PRT NEWARK CONTAINER T charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PRT NEWARK CONTAINER T on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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My wallet was lost/stolen. One of the debits attempted was made to PRT Newark Container.
Received a new debit card last month, used it twice at the same merchant, then saw a transaction with POS Hold, PRT NEWARK CONTA for 2.00 pending. Called my bank and had them null the transaction. The total was for 39.95. Canceled the card and requested a new one.
prt Newark container charged my card 15.00 this morning. I don't live in the state nor have I done any transactions last 24 hours. F these scammers.
I had two pending transactions from PRT NEWARK CONTA this morning for $5 each. Then a $382.25 pending transaction from FRANGRANCEX.COM. Looks like they tried smaller amounts to see if the card was working and then blasted me with that huge charge. They also changed my phone number on my account connected to my checking/debit. Cancelled card immediately. Sooooo creepy.
I too was charged $15 on my credit card as a pending transaction called the bank had them cancel the card and issued me a new one and refund the money
$650 charge on my credit card on PRT Newark
Never even used my debit card and got a notification on my phone there's a pending $50 charge from Prt Newark container store. Had to call to cancel my card then request a new card and pin number.
Chase Fraud: We declined $50.00 with card ending XXXX at PRT NEWARK CONTAINER TE. Was this you? Reply YES or NO. If yes, you will not be charged unless you try again. If no, we will close your current card and send you a new one that you should receive in 5 to 7 business days. Msg & data rates may apply.
I have 3 charges on my CC two for $79.99 and one for $1.42, I have reported this to the Fraud dept.
Per the 3 charges to my CC, two for $79.99 and $1.42 I’ve reported them and canceled my CC card. Keep your eyes open watch for unknown charges this is creepy.
CBA Australia CC 1.53 charge to PRT NEWARK. Scam
Had a $1.00 charge this morning from PRT NEWARK Container TER. Checked credit card online and there is a pending $600 charge from the same name. Bank issued new card & charges will be declined by bank.
Have been scammed also a charge of $230 from this pending on my card. Hope the bank will return my money
3 separate charges appeared on today's (5/24/24) pending transactions at our bank. They were consecutive Debit charges on our bank debit card (which we have NEVER used) for $100, $500, and $1000. All were before Noon today.
I found this company made an attempt to process $500 on my card today. Luckily my account did not have the funds to cover
No idea what this charge is from my bank 🤔
Random charge to my bank
Same issue. CBA in Australia, probably related to a data breach since my card has never left the room since I received it.
I'm in Ohio and had a pre-authorization charge today on my card, It got shut down immediately!
Random $1 charge, no idea what this is, canceling to be safe dammit
Pure fraud. 2 charges against unused card in 4 hours, 200 and 250. The 2nd when we were reporting the first fraud to the bank.
CBA account / debit card charged $1,224 by this scammer. dispute lodged and awaiting resolution to get the money back!
Charged $123 from them yesterday. Luckily noticed while still pending CBA notified
Charged $4.63. I am with CBA. Cancelled card and disputed.
Got a 5 dollar charge from PRT Newark Container T. I've never even been to new jersey. BoA customer.
Had an amount of $36.14 taken from my account at 3.55am this morning, have cancelled card and put in a dispute, glad I came across this feed as seems to be a problem with CBA customers across Aust, hopefully will be sorted soon.
Has anyone found out how they are able to do this at all, concerned it may happen again I have cancelled the card and have a new one coming but dont want to be in this position again, how did they get my card number etc ?
Received a charge of $1.57 on PRT Newark, Called friend at FBI and cancelled card.
I got $291 taken out of my CBA account by PRT NEWARK CONTAINER T and disputed with them
(2) charges $600 & $800 from PRT Newark Container T. Biden blamed Trump, Kamala agreed.
I just got charged $152.74 from this company to my Cba Australia account. Not sure if it is relevant but I did sign up to Fetch today using the same card details through a google account. Have cancelled my card and put in a dispute.
Had this done to my CBA account today. Had a notification..rang bank and got card would think the bank would block these transactions seeing it's been going on for a long time. Issued a virtual card till new one arrives..
Got charged $155 on cba card, today
had 3 charges of $155 on cba card within an hour then cancelled cards and disputed
Got a charge of $155 to my Cba account last night from this place. I rang bank and lodged a dispute. Had to cancel card n now just to wait for a new one and my money back.
2 charges of $155 over several days on yet another CBA card, second one came through at 2am while I was asleep. Like others, had to cancel the card and am now waiting for the dispute team to investigate.
CBA debit card. This company has charged over $1500 to my account which is still pending after 5 days. So annoyed. Card was cancelled and I was issued a digital card to use until my new card came. Digital card did not work so I’ve had to use a credit card for everything. Really unimpressed at how slow the investigation will take, up to 28 days 😡
CBA account got charge pending to a debit card for $258. And 2 small transactions of $24 that got blocked. Wow I think CBA messed this up big time to think it should be blocked right away as this is suspicious I have not been to the US.
Got e-mail stating card not present for charge of 1 dollar 12/8 yet when I check activity online at creditcard website, the charge does not show. Weird. Charge from: PRT NEWARK CONTAINER TER in NEWARK, NJ, USA
CBA acc got charged today, 50 USD from PRT NEWARK CONTAINER T
600 charge on my account! This is insane!
PRT NEWARK CONTAINER T PRT NEWARK CONTAINER T NEWARK tried to charge my debit card for $600.