First seen April 05, 2015. Last updated on November 15, 2024.

The credit card charge REFER SIGNED RECEIPT LIDCOMBE AU was first submitted to our database on April 05, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen REFER SIGNED RECEIPT LIDCOMBE AU charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen REFER SIGNED RECEIPT LIDCOMBE AU on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

81% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant CBA offline processing (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone Click to Add
Category processing error (edit)
Description Card present transactions that were actioned while terminal was offline. CBA process them manually with the above description (edit)

What people are saying...

Gail Farlow on January 27, 2016

Was a bit suspicious of this one, but eventually turned out to be BP service station in Yamba, NSW. We buy there occasionally on holiday, but had never had an entry like this before.

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Trevor money on February 18, 2016

I have no idea I think I have been scammed ...

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Had me stumped... on March 23, 2016

but I retraced my steps and realised that this charge was from "Jupiters Casino Hotel" on the Gold Coast for the mini bar charge.

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Jane on May 09, 2016

I have spotted this on CC and its a scam, getting money back now.

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Robert on September 23, 2017

For us, this was a petrol purchase at Caltex Kingsgrove

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Robert on September 23, 2017

We had to sign the EFTPOS docket at the time. I'm guessing that maybe the system was off line at the time and it got processed centrally (at Lidcombe?) some time later

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Steve on November 27, 2017

Initially i thought whats this. Checked my receipts. Legit. Turned out to be car repairs from my auto tech. No problems

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Daphne on January 30, 2018

I think it is OK but checking with a possible supplier today

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EPA on May 28, 2018

EPA at Lidcombe: Environment Protection Licence

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sorry Autoelectrician on May 28, 2018

sorry Autoelectrician not epa

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chris on July 19, 2018

this came up on our card in june 2018, was payments for work through My Home Inprovements

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Jandalee on July 24, 2018

Found this entry for my CC statement today, seemed very suspicious. However I went through all my receipts and discovered it was in reference to a purchase from Kathmandu. I have purchased from there before but it's never come up as "refer signed receipt Lidcombe" before so don't know what the story is there. It was definitely the Kathmandu purchase though. Pays to keep all your receipts!!

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Chargeback Officer on October 30, 2018

Transactions with the description "Refer Signed Receipt" generally indicates that it was a card present transaction, where the terminal was offline at the time of sale. The acquiring (merchant's) bank then manually process the transactions under the above description. In most instances it is a genuine transaction.

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Deboss on December 23, 2020

Hi there- yes me too stumped Mine was $440 Not cheap- Grrrr

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Ogee on February 10, 2022

It's a scam contact your bank and report as I've got ripped off $1300 in small $50 payments thought it was a derict debit but scam payments don't trust it report it

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Corrie Paterson on April 18, 2023

I had a charge with this description earlier this month, After cancelling card now find description is used by Australia Post Philatelic Bureau

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Greg on April 19, 2023

For what it's worth I got one of these in early April, moved all my direct debits to another card then got another one on the new card today. After seeing Corrie's response above I checked and, sure enough, it was the same amount as my invoice from the Philatelic Bureau. I might just have to contact them.

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Corrie Paterson on April 21, 2023

Greg I contacted Australia Post and gave them a serve. Apparently one area made the change without advising members. NOT HAPPY JAN, suggest you do the same

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Katiuscia on May 08, 2023

Ho fatto acquisto ma nessuna email

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Stephen on May 19, 2023

its the Australian Philatelic Bureau of AusPost. it showed up on my bank statement and when I checked my records sure enough I had purchased by mail order new issue Australian stamps to that value in question

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Alex on October 05, 2023

I saw this charge on my card

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John on April 30, 2024

Same as obove some one ripped me off

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Julie Visser on October 31, 2024

I noticed this charge in my Ubank account I have no idea what it is or why I have it. Amount $9.96

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Lisa bell on November 15, 2024

Don’t know this payment

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