First seen March 21, 2014. Last updated on October 27, 2024.

The credit card charge SI *FINANCIAL EXPERTS IL was first submitted to our database on March 21, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen SI *FINANCIAL EXPERTS IL charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen SI *FINANCIAL EXPERTS IL on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

78% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant SI Financial Experts (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 800-301-8796 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

Robert B. Corbett on November 16, 2017

I have no idea who this outfit is and don't care other than to have them stop billing my credit card.

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David on April 24, 2018

I thought this charge was for a product I had purchased. But it is not it is a company I have not dealt with.

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Ryan Arnold on May 15, 2018

I got this charge on my card and I have no idea why??

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john on October 24, 2019

it's a business scam, try to fake represent providing a fake service, regardless of multiple times saying no, they still end up charging me at the end, someone should report them

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JoAnn on December 02, 2019

This company charged my cc with 59.95. I have no idea who or what it is...They need to stop charging my card because I am not paying this...Fraud.

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Steven on December 22, 2019

I have no idea about this company. In trying to close a credit card I missed dialed on number in the phone number and got this company who did not state their true name but said they were the credit card company. SI Financial Expert represenittive lied all through the phone conversaition saying they could help close my credit card account then charged my account. I have since turned SI Financial Experts into the FTC and OIG. I have also disputed the charge on my credit card with the proper company.

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Danny BAker on September 24, 2020

Listed as Logitech support this company purports to assist with product issues by providing a replacement. Three quarters through the conversation I told them to cancel . They said but its free I said I don't care you are not Logitech. Beware.

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James August 12, 2021 on August 12, 2021

I was charged $59.95 on the 11th of August 2021. I never heard of this company or talk to them. When I called they could not and would tell me what this company does or how they obtained my information .

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karen smith on January 18, 2022

ijust got billed from si experts i did not ok this but i know shop lc had something to do with this

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Jeff on April 25, 2022

"SI *Financial" charged my card $4.95 on 4.3.22, and I apparently paid it. That was the day I contacted Expedia to rearrange a vacation after my flight was cancelled. I have an Apple Card, and I changed the number just after a suspicious call to a number given me by Expedia. Since then, I have had three charges of $59.95 to my old card number and therefore haven't paid. Unsettling to say the least.

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Heather on November 01, 2022

They billed me 60 dollars and I never dealt with them

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Shane Franz on November 28, 2022

We were charged $4.95 on our credit card which did not allow the charge to go through and then SI Financial Experts tried to put the charge on another card of ours. Both cards have been terminated and we are disputing the charges. We will get new cards. HAVE NO IDEA WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE, BUT THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A SCAM AND THEY NEED TO BE SHUT DOWN!!!!!!

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Julia on March 06, 2023

My credit card was billed and paid 6 times (9/22-1/23). The credit union would not pay for the September charges as I had not discovered and reported them in time. Do not pay for any charges to SI *FINANCIAL EXPERTS. "SWINDLE EXPERTS" is more appropriate!

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Cynthia Randle on September 27, 2023

I have a fraudulent charge on my bank statement. It is $4.95 and I would like to be refunded that amount and also like to cancel the account that charged this amount.

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RD Rendon on October 05, 2023

I'm being charged from this company for no reason

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Steve Solberg on October 07, 2023

This company has stolen $600 from my account ($59.95 a month) for some phony subscription service that they claim I asked for. They have done nothing for me nor do I remotely need a "debt counselling.service". These are high tech pickpockets.

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Scott B. Rainwater on November 07, 2023

Called The Price is Right contest line. Won. Had to listen to prompts in order to get a gift card. Solicitor said I was not responsible for any offers, and, to listen. Now I was CHARGED US $4.95.

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Marc D on February 08, 2024

Faked my Bank website. Do not call the Number of the scammers 855-977-3100

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richard hollingsworth on February 22, 2024

Miss dialed a 1-800 number and got SI Financial Experts, I found out when checked the wrong number. The crooks have a whole wack of 800 numbers, and steal from callers. The are professional scam artists. The did get through a small charge on my cc, but I realized the mistake and got it shut down immediately. They have been doing this for a number of years and need to be dealt with by the authorities. I would go down and wack them if i knew where they where.

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Marsha Bruce on July 24, 2024

I keep getting charges from this site on my credit card

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BSdetector on October 20, 2024

SI*FINANCIAL posted 2 back-2-back charges for $4.95 onto my card today. By amazing coincidence this AM just spent over an hour trying to work through VISA's "firewall" to discuss why my card had hold, and these charges just showed up on my VISA account!! So VISA's outsourced customer help is evidently hacked from inside. They force you to listen to some marketing crap that has NADA to do with why you are calling them. I smell a rat on the inside of their so-called "help" line

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Patrick stevens on October 20, 2024

I call Amazon to return idem .they don't speak English and talk to dam fast.and then Yes financial experts take four ninety five out of my account I did not. Agree to nothing. We're about to scam in papeople.Now we'll have to go to the band cancel everyday.I'm fine.I got my account information and taken money out

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SI Financial Expert on October 22, 2024

This charge has shown up on my debit card of $59.95. I did not approve this charge.

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Amanda Schmidt on October 27, 2024

Charged my account would not take no for an answer.

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