First seen April 26, 2014. Last updated on February 28, 2025.

The credit card charge TICKETS THEATRICAL PRODUCERS (EXCEPT MOTION PICTURES) TICKET AGENCIES was first submitted to our database on April 26, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen TICKETS THEATRICAL PRODUCERS (EXCEPT MOTION PICTURES) TICKET AGENCIES charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen TICKETS THEATRICAL PRODUCERS (EXCEPT MOTION PICTURES) TICKET AGENCIES on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

71% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Theatrical Producers except motion pictures (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category Tickets (edit)
Description Click to Add

What people are saying...

Eddie Sweeney on July 24, 2016

Just noticed a transaction for this company on my visa card for £68 ((E83) and certainly did not have any dealings with them

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Lindyloo1 on May 29, 2017

I too have noticed a transaction for this company on a credit card and also have never had any dealings with them. Have reported it to my c/c provider as a fraudulent.

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Sharna on June 06, 2017

I have just noticed theatical producers ticket agencies on my bank statement and have no had dealing with them

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Alan on June 28, 2017

I have just noticed theatical producers ticket agencies on my bank statement and have no had dealing with them

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Margaret on July 27, 2017

I also just had 12,50 euro written off my credit card account from this company from whom I am sure I have never ordered anything!

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Paul j on October 24, 2017

I have just noticed a transaction taken from my accounts for £59.50. And have no idea why as i dont know them

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JCK on November 22, 2017

Just noticed 3 charges on my credit card. I don't have a clue who these people are. Two from "Tickets 8662376204" South Windsor, Ct. One from "Ticket Boat, Mission, KS. Merchant description on all 3 show "Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Picture). Charges are $500 to $700 ea.

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VAM on November 23, 2017

I have just noticed this on the bank statement under the heading 'Stripe'. Not had any dealings with them so reported to bank who have refunded the money.

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Andy Mcluskie on December 01, 2017

I was emailed by Stevie Jones of the excellent band "Brother Strut" to buy tickets for a gig at Koko on January 26th. I followed the link and bought 3 for £78.39. However only one "ticket" was sent by email. I have emailed the Band and their website several times, they don't answer. Draw your own conclusion.

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Andy Mcluskie on December 01, 2017

Anyway, Stevie Jones' link took me to a payment website where I paid for 3 tickets, called "Theatrical Productions". Indeed this is the name on my credit card statement. Neither the band "Brother Strut" nor Theatrical Productions answer my emails.

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christie chapman on December 07, 2017

i bought 4 tickets on the andre rieu website for the leeds concert-dec.15th. the money has been taken from my bank with theatrical producers listed as the transaction. the tickets are nowhere to be found and the theatre has no record of them. please help, these tickets are a christmas present for my son and his family!

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lisa mckenzie on December 09, 2017

paid £151 for Ed Sheeran tickets never received tickets

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Ashish on December 16, 2017

I noticed charge of $150 CAD on my card in September 2017 and my credit card company after confirming with me issued me a new card. Now in next month’s statement I am seeing that charge back on my card. The credit card company told me that merchant said it was a proper transaction and believed him. What should I do?

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Kelly H on February 12, 2018

Bought tickets for NEC homebuilding show. Legitimate charge.

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HMS on February 18, 2018

As I pulled up my checking/debit account today, I almost fell off my chair. Two separate charges on the same day, one for $227.31, the other $339.90. Gotta love how they pick these random amounts. Who the heck is "theatrical producers"? Producers of fraud obviously Who ever is doing this is a piece of crap. Luckily, my bank put the money back right away and the card was canceled.

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PCM on March 26, 2018

I ordered two tickets for "Hamilton in Mezzanine for $571.32 on a Wednesday Matinee. The charge on my credit card was from Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Pictures), Ticket Agencies. The tickets were then confirmed as purchased but the musical was "The Lion King" (at $207 each) by I am trying to battle this -- I wanted this to be an engagement gift. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Levan Dvali on May 12, 2018

0n 11th of May, 2018 They have charged my credit card with 1676 $, never had to deal with them, no idea how i can get my money back.

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KMH on July 05, 2018

I purchased Phantom of the Opera for July 28th in Portland Oregon. They took my money but nobody seems to know where I purchased them or where my tickets are. I am %*&!ed I am out 400.00

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Rlc on August 21, 2018

Bought Billy Currington tickets back in April and have not seen any tickets or info on where my tickets are.

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Janet on November 12, 2018

This company charged our credit card fraudulently! We have no idea who they are and never purchased any tickets from them. We were in NYC to see a Broadway show, but luckily bought directly from the Box office. Somehow this (EventBright) Theatrical Products-Exceot Motion Pics charge was on our bill!! Definitely a fraud and luckily our Credit card company reversed the charge. Hopefully they will find these criminals!! I am sorry for all the other peoples sad stories I have read about this fraud.

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sarge ohio on November 29, 2018

I just looked at my account and it this company just tried to charge tickets for over $1600 thank god my bank refused it!!!!!! I talk to my bank in the morning.

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Jennifer on December 10, 2018

Yup!! Just happened to us on November 23rd!! $1750!!! Thank goodness CC company took care of it. People suck!!

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SAMIR on March 26, 2019

I noticed a charge of £276 on my company card.I have never heard of them and even I was not in London in this period. definitely it is a scam.

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Gretchen on August 05, 2019

Just looked at my CC over 1000.00 taken from THEATRICAL PRODUCERS (EXCEPT MOTION PICTURES), TICKET AGENCIES. Had to call get card cancelled and have a new one issued. SCANDELOUS PEOPLE!!

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Joshua on August 17, 2019

I bought tickets to a festival via Paylogic and this came up as a payment to Theatrical producers. So it was a legitimate transaction.

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Carolyn Mcmullin on November 21, 2019

Thought I was buying Mrs Browns boys tickets for myself and granddaughter

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Rebecca Davies on May 22, 2020

£24.99 PayPal transaction from this company when I haven’t bought anything via PayPal. Taken straight out of my bank account. Spoken to the bank they’ve told me to contact PayPal. 5 hours wait to talk to PayPal human.

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Rick on September 19, 2020

Some Moron Bum just hit my credit card for $27.84. May this scammer rot in Hell. Karma is a $#^%*, and I hope it hits this POS like my ex-wife!

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Nancy Barnett Darnall on March 02, 2021

This showed up as credit from another trusted vendor. Legitimate but odd.

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Peter Lake on April 15, 2021

Genuine - paid contactless at Marks Hall Estate Arboretum and it showed with this name. Confused me at first until recognised the unusual amount. Assume this company is used by a number of venues / merchants to charge for entertainment.

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Kim holt on July 06, 2021

Booked tickets on line with this company back in April. Have had no confirmation and no tickets? Is this a scam & should I claim my money back?

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E. Harlaar on July 11, 2021

I made last week a reservation for an Escape-tour and it was fun! Today i got a message that i had to pay €30,94 with the description; Theatrical Producers and it was paid to idea what that was for... I was looking on internet and found this site ( and was worried that i lost my money by a scam or something else....Until i found in my mail the reservation and then i rememberd the Escape-tour...... I've got no problem to pay for some fun by creditcard but the description can a lot better so you can regonize what you are paying for......that is the biggest problem i think

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Ian Ball on August 08, 2021

$40 error before is incorrect and not a scam after all ..different site

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Amanda Blackham on September 01, 2021

been scared out of £155.30 15th july how can i get my money back ?

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Bear on September 03, 2021

Bought ou sooners vs Iowa state can't seem to find where my tickets are located

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Sim on September 29, 2021

NOT a SCAM At first I thought it was but after taking some time to think about it I realised the amount of £214 on my credit card from Tickets Theatrical Producers was payment for Glastonbury tickets. Big relief!

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Denise November 17, 2021 on November 17, 2021

I bought 2 tickets to the Zach Bryan concert at the Cain's Ballroom. I can't find my tickets & Cain's is of no help!! I am so disappointed!!!

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Lindsey on May 30, 2022

Bought tickets for madness in Cardiff Castle in Feb money was taken straight away but have yet to receive the tickets have tried to contact them but was told it was the wrong no, didn't even realise I was buying off this company

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Andrew on May 31, 2022

Does anyone know who this company is? I have purchased tickets for a gig on 2nd June but can't find the email and have no tickets. Just need a company name to ring up and find out where tickets are.

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Lindsay on June 13, 2022

I purchased 2 x Amy MacDonald tickets for £88.57 on 1st April. Money left my account the same day showing ticketmasteruk theatrical producers (except motion pictures) on my statement. I thought nothing of it until last week when my friend received her tickets and i haven't. I logged into my ticketmaster account and there are no upcoming events listed. I have also not received any email confirmation. I am rather worried as, as soon as i googled the detailed on my bank statement so may scam forums appeared. Is there any way to get my money back? gutted as the tickets were for a friends 40th birthday

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Terri Engsberg on June 28, 2022

Purchased tickets to a concert on July 10th and now can't find any record of them. Numbers and contact information above are incorrect. Don't purchase from this merchant!

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Thea on July 02, 2022

Does anyone know of an email for this company. Can’t even find the site?

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A Jim on July 29, 2022

I don't think it is a scam. If I remember correctly, it is for Stonehenge or something similar. It should be legit!

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Glynis Horne on September 08, 2022

Purchased 2 tickets for PGA BMW Event at Wentworth from a Facebook advert. Paid £90 to Theatrical Producers(except motion pictures) and no tickets arrived. Believe this is a fraudulent transaction and that the company are scammers. Beware of them.

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Viv Wilson on February 11, 2023

Two tickets to see Giovanni Pernice and the tickets didn't arrive and no confirmation email. I now know why!

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Alice Elliott on April 28, 2023

I bought 2 tickets to the Dusty Linch concert over $350. & never got confirmation or tickets emailed either! So upset 😭

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Howard Moss on May 10, 2023

Been scammed by this outfit, though I don't know how it happened. I booked two tickets (£79) online for the Richard E Grant evening at Carlisle for 22 May. I've only just realised that there was no response from them when I booked (30 March) and the money was taken straight out of my credit card account. I've contacted the theatre who say they have no record of the booking and they have no dealings with an agency called 'Theatrical Producers (except motion pictures)'. I suppose I must have gone on line to book for this event and this was the first thing I saw. Always better to book direct with the venue if you can. Live and learn. !&$^%#*s.

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Howard Moss on May 17, 2023

Sorry but re my message above, the tickets did arrive in the end. Misunderstanding perhaps.

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Mary Ryan on August 17, 2023

I purchased 2 tickets to Lady Gaga concert in Las Vegas. My card was charged the same day. I could not find any emails with tickets. Definately a SCAM!! Check the venue directly to get tickets.

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George on September 22, 2023

£89.90 on Lloyds Credit card. Reporting in the morning

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Jac on September 26, 2023

Is there a contact number or mail for this outfit?

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S club tickets on October 01, 2023

I can’t. Find my ticket a for a club 7 they sent them but I’ve lost them taken payment in feb . But concert in oct can you help me was this a scam

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Tony berry on October 02, 2023

I paid for 2 x tickets for new order at Leeds arena 7/10 for 155.00p .. they’ve not arrived and the bank can’t help as I paid for the tickets over 120 days ago .. thanks a lot

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Margie Tates on October 06, 2023

Never sent to my email

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Sue P on October 13, 2023

Paid £62 for 2 tickets for Grayson Perry @ Newcastle - seems a SCAM!!!

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Sally Morton on October 27, 2023

I purchased tickets through Vivid on Oct 11th to see the Oregon State vs Colorado Buffalos game for Nov 4th. When the tickets are opened, it shows a game for Nebraska that was in September. Vivid has stopped responding to me about the issue which makes me think it is a scam. What do I do??

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Jane on November 18, 2023

Unknown charge on my credit card of £89.50 8th November 2023

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BD on November 30, 2023

I have seen a transaction on my credit card from a company I did not recognise "Instalment 94509153, Nottingham". On the phone to my card company and they tell me it is from a company called "Theatrical producers". searched on line and that took me here. It is a scam.

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WR on December 01, 2023

Bank Card hit for thousands

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NCH on December 18, 2023

Purchase an entry to marathon (Rudolf Run Southend 2023). All good with the transaction

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Tom Dale on January 27, 2024

Bought two tickets with travel to moulin rouge! No tickets or details just a charge on my statement and no contact details

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Toni Saiz on February 14, 2024

11/15/23 11/16/23 + TICKETSWILLIE NELSON 844-223-5661 DE $964.14 I have been scammed over charged no tickets!&&p=9f6684b5b57bd1fdJmltdHM9MTcwNzg2ODgwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZDM5MzRkMS1lMDQ1LTZiZWUtMWZiYS0yNzBhZTEyOTZhMTQmaW5zaWQ9NTIwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3d3934d1-e045-6bee-1fba-270ae1296a14&psq=theatrical+producers+scam&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9zY2FtY2hhcmdlLmNvbS9jL3RpY2tldHMtdGhlYXRyaWNhbC1wcm9kdWNlcnMtZXhjZXB0LW1vdGlvbi1waWN0dXJlcy10aWNrZXQtYWdlbmNpZXM&ntb=1

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Jennie on March 05, 2024

Bought 2 tickets to Liam Gallagher Sheffield. Booked using Ticketmaster site so thought I was safe as I always buy tickets with them. Money taken from credit card straight away from Theatrical producers no confirmation Ticketmaster not interested. Credit card not willing to deal with until have had no tickets and it is after the show!!

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Peter on March 06, 2024

I thought I was scammed, because my credit card was charged when I bought tickets for a concert, but received no mail or info whatsoever. It turned out that Theatrical Producers was legit and is the name that is used by My credit card description also included a number, which turned out to be the order number, which you can enter here when you want to retrieve an order: . Perhaps others got scammed, but I did manage to retrieve my tickets from there in time. Hope this may help some of you!

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Brenda Lee Morales on March 10, 2024

i don’t know where are this chance because I do not do it

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Shelley on June 24, 2024

They charged my account $242 I never received tickets

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Sharon C on July 07, 2024

A charge for over $240 dollars from this scam artist appeared on my Revolut, and the most likely connection is to an on-street ticket seller I made the mistake of buying comedy club tickets from at Time Square. Lesson learned.

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Francesco Ciro Guerrieri on July 10, 2024

in data 34 marzo 2024 ho acquistato due biglietti concerto IL VOLO a Lanciano, ho speso 478.78 sterline ma non ho avuto nessun riscontro

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CAROL on August 09, 2024

Charged $275 for tickets to Arvada Center in CO and no tickets exist. Scam

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Scam on August 30, 2024

A charge but no tickets

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Dave on September 02, 2024

Charged £148 for Alton Towers tickets I did not attempt to purchase. Scam.

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MJL on October 09, 2024

Bought concert tickets online on 8/8/24. Payment came out but no tickets were sent.

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DNM on November 28, 2024

Got charged for this when I've made no attempts to buy anything. Reported it. Most certainly a scam. Tried to reach out to Seetickets to investigate this further, and the only way you can actually connect with them is via email. To top that up, their website says to wait 28 days for them to get back to our email. Any company who has such a "process" is 100% fraudulent.

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TIX*ANDR 8662376204 CT on February 04, 2025

Please advise if genuine charge

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T Bee on February 28, 2025

I purchased tickets that never arrived for a theatre show in London. Scam.

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