First seen March 16, 2015. Last updated on March 03, 2016.
The credit card charge TLF ALLANS FLOWERS PRESCOTT AZ was first submitted to our database on March 16, 2015. It has not been reported by any users.
Have you seen TLF ALLANS FLOWERS PRESCOTT AZ charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen TLF ALLANS FLOWERS PRESCOTT AZ on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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I am the owner of Allan's Flowers in Prescott AZ and I can assure you our charges are NOT a scam. Many people order from our Prescott Valley Florist location and their charges appear as Allans Flowers, perhaps this is where the confusion comes from. But we do not submit fradulent or scam charges to people's credit cards ever!