First seen December 16, 2021. Last updated on September 28, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge TUYA GLOBAL INC. was first submitted to our database on December 16, 2021. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen TUYA GLOBAL INC. charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen TUYA GLOBAL INC. on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

85% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Kogan Smarterhome (edit)
Website https://www.kogan.com/au/smarter-home/ (edit)
Phone 12139299506 (edit)
Category Camera cloud storage subscription (edit)
Description Camera cloud storage subscription (edit)

What people are saying...

Luis Heredia on December 16, 2021

I have 2 Tuya global inc. transactions on my credit card , one made on the 31st of Oct. 2021 for the amount of $4.49 the second on Nov. 30 2021 for the amount of $4.49 , these transactions were not made by me nore were approved by me to be made, what do I have to do to resolve this matter?

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Hernan Sanchez on March 26, 2022

I have 4 Tuya Global Inc charges in my debit card, all the same day March 3rd for the amount of $4.49 each. I am sure these transactions were not made by me. I will report it as suspicious in my bank.

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kenny on April 12, 2022

didnt authorize charge on credit card from tuya global inc

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Enrique 12 abril 2022 on April 12, 2022

Me aparece un cargo por $1599 pesos que no realizó yo

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Beth on April 27 2022 on April 27, 2022

Just found the Tuyu charge in my PayPal account. I was able to cancel through that app.

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DEBRA JEFFERY on June 02, 2022


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Carl, June 20, 2022 on June 21, 2022

Have a Tuya Global transaction for 99.99 US ending in a $128.87 CDN charge on my Visa. NOT GOOD

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Julie on June 24, 2022

It took my a while to realise this, but it's a video storage annual subscription for a CCTV I've purchased. However no invoice or any previous notification about the charge

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Keith on July 10, 2022

Just was charged $5.99 that I did not make. Please correct!

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Maira on September 10, 2022

I keep getting charges for Tuyca Global Inc every month, can anyone tell me what this is for???? Not even my bank can figure it out!

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Lars on October 06, 2022

Blivit debiterad via mitt Nordea betalkort 507,34 Mottagare Tuya Global inc Har aldrig varit i kontakt eller hört talas om dem förut Och vad för tjänst jag betalar för vet jag ej

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Rachael on October 22, 2022

I've been getting USD $4.49 charges each month and I've just figured out it's the cloud storage subscription for my kogan smarterhome app for my front door camera

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Phillip on November 01, 2022

I’ve been getting these every month for at least a year and I don’t know what the hell they are and I don’t know how to contact anybody

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Eva on November 03, 2022

I have also been a victim for these Tuya Global Inc in Santa Clara. Have Nedis cam. Tuya charge yearly every month 44,99 USD. This is a crime. They don't answer either. I was forced to change credit card.

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Adrianna on December 05, 2022

What are these charges ?? I’ve been getting charged by this company once a month for a year already !! I tried reporting it and nothing happened

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Cheryl on December 19, 2022

2 charges over $44 each I have no idea why please correct this

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Vicky on April 09, 2023

I just realized it was a charge cloud storage for a security camera I recently set up.

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It's my CCTV! on October 22, 2023

I was terrified when I first saw this. But it turns out it was a subscription for my cloud storage for my NEDIS CCTV security cameras. Not a scam, as I first thought.

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Geo on April 05, 2024

Just discovered this reoccurring charge. Thank goodness I was able to cancel it before it hit my account. I have no record of what this was originally. Can’t find what it was for either.

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Brody on September 28, 2024

Getting $44.99 per day charge on my PayPal account. Never heard of Tuya, after looking online, I don't have any of their smartdevices, cameras? called the customer number (China!) got no help was told she was only one there and couldn't answer questions with out my credit card info. Stay away from this company

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