First seen October 31, 2014. Last updated on December 13, 2023.
The credit card charge YELPINC*BIZSERVICES YELP.COM CA was first submitted to our database on October 31, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen YELPINC*BIZSERVICES YELP.COM CA charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen YELPINC*BIZSERVICES YELP.COM CA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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Excessive charge for absolutely no benefit. Difficult to cancel.
My visa was just charged $383.33 for Yelpinc*Bizservices CA. I called and reported my card number stolen and they're canceling my card number. I asked if they could tell me anything about the charge and they said the only thing different about my transactions and this one is that it was done electronically without the card present.
This company engages in extremely fraudulent practices. I was told I could easily cancel at any time if I wasn't satisfied with the marketing results and that the charge was dependent on the positive results, never to be charged more than $400,and the promise of being able to check in with the rep on a weekly basis, but that didn't happen. Two months of $600 charges later, I cancelled the contract, only to get another charge of $600 later in the month. I called the day after the money was charged to the card and was told that there were details outlined in the contract that a cancellation could only occur 30 days after notification of cancellation, which was not what I was told. After explaining that I was told that I could cancel at any time, they wouldn't take off the $600 charge, but they assured me that it was now cancelled and there would be no more payments. The very next day, the account was charged an additional $700. I will never do business with this company again.
Agree with all complains!!