First seen August 11, 2018. Last updated on March 27, 2020.

The credit card or debit card charge RENTALCARTOLLPH131865 PARRAMATTA was first submitted to our database on August 11, 2018. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen RENTALCARTOLLPH131865 PARRAMATTA charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen RENTALCARTOLLPH131865 PARRAMATTA on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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87% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Mr Mohd Haziq on August 11, 2018

there were two transactions in my account on 3 august 2018 hours 6.26pm where there was a transaction of $ 12.42 and 4 august 2018 of $ 5.60 at 6.20pm

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Robyn on October 21, 2018

I have had countless charges from this and I rented a truck from budget in may this yr. Bloody flogs!!! Bout time some thing is done about it

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Peter on October 22, 2018

I have just received one, what do we do about this?

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Don on October 22, 2018

just got toll charge for sydney even though i rented car in Perth!

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Mmmmm on November 10, 2018

i rented a car but paid for tolls already but keep getting charged weird amounts and The car was not rented in Sydney and I have been charged for tolls in Sydney somehow My bank had to cancel my card

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Karen on Dec 7th, 2018 on December 09, 2018

I was picked up in a Taxi combined Cab in City to Glendenning at 9am transaction took place at 9H35am. My Credit card company advised me they declined the transaction due to expiry date entered incorrectly. Not sure how they even got my card details .....mmmm very suspicious & the last time I rented a car was in Brisbane over a month ago so not sure if this is related? Seems a lot of this is going on now.

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Ali on December 20, 2018

I rented a car in Bundy in late August to drive to Brisbane and back. Passed a toll in Bris and payed for it directly to the company. On Dec. 7, 2018 a transaction in the amount of 7.85 was credited from my account. I never was in Sydney in my life. It seems that some credit card info leaked from rental companies and some people are using it in their advantage :(((

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LuluFra on February 01, 2019

I called the number - on answering a recorded message says “welcome to RMS E-Toll”

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Marcus on July 09, 2019

Rented a car from Budget in Brisbane. Got charged $7.85 from Paramatta toll road, I haven't been anywhere near there

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Thommo on February 27, 2020

Rented a Budget car in Cairns in December and a toll charge for Sydney appeared on my credit card in February. Something seriously wrong. I will not use Budget ever again.

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Alexandre on March 24, 2020

Le loueur de voiture m'a dit que le péage était inclus. Apparemment non !

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Helen February 18 2020 on March 27, 2020

Had a credit card bill on 17 March with charges from Rentalcartollph131865 amounting to £88.69. We did not travel to Sydney during our visit to Australia. The car was rented from Rental cars!

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