First seen June 15, 2015. Last updated on March 05, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge TIM HORTONS #91 OH was first submitted to our database on June 15, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen TIM HORTONS #91 OH charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen TIM HORTONS #91 OH on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

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88% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Tyler Harris on April 13, 2017

Hello, I had this charge my account $200 dollars today throwing me in the negatives. It's clearly a scam and is charging people money. Endless time canceling things and opening a new acct to end it all.

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Herman Ziegler on April 14, 2017

Just noticed three charges against my card , each for $95.00.........!3 Apr 2017

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John Fowler on April 20, 2017

2 charges for 95$.

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Dan in Ohio on April 21, 2017

I just had a $95 charge appear. I have only been to local stores, no on line ordering. I contacted my bank to investigate.

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Samantha on April 21, 2017

One charge for $95 on Wednesday. Called my bank immediately seeing how I was sitting in school and my husband was at work, I'm clearly not spending $95 at Tim Hortons. Bank says the charge was at a Tim Hortons 2 hours away from my location. Cancelled my card. They reversed the charge. Now it's early Friday morning and the charge is there again. Will be calling as soon as they open.

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Ashli on May 10, 2017

Charge my card Monday for $200 and I was at work the whole time. I charge was in Ohio and I was clearly in Michigan hours away from where the charge was from. SMH took my grocery money from my two toddlers SMH.

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Bridget on May 13, 2017

I had 4 fraudulent charges for $95 on my debit card which I rarely use. My card was definitely copied since I still have it. I got the card cancelled but because it is my debit and not a credit card it has to be investigated by the bank before fully refunding me. I have never been to a Tim Horton's in my life, especially one in Ohio since I live in Massachusetts! It is infuriating that this scam has been going on for so long and yet still persists!

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Cassie on June 09, 2017

Me too, this morning. My bank was watching though, and $95 dollars is apparently a very suspicious charge to them. Sorry to everyone who they got. I can't use my account though until I put the card into an ATM that I have used before, with a new PIN. Just thought I'd let everyone know, it's still happening.

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Heather on June 10, 2017

I had 4 fraudulent charges for $95 on my debit card which I use very rarely and always at the same place. Some how some way someone must of copied my card because I still have my card. I got the card cancelled but I have to wait for it to be investigated by the bank before fully refunding me, which may not happen. It all depends on what the fraud department finds out. I have never been to a Tim Horton's in my life, especially since iI have never left New York. We dont even have a Tim Hortons in my town. It is infuriating that this scam has been going on for so long and yet it is still happening!

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Sara on June 17, 2017

Had 2 charges show up yesterday for $98. Thankful my bank shut the card down and are refunding the money. But what a pain.

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Cory on June 29, 2017

Two charges for $98 on Tuesday while at work. Got two texts for debit withdraws and called the bank immediately. Now I have to start a process to get my money back and my card was shut down. Shows the charges came from Columbus/Dublin. I was at work in Akron. Ridiculous.

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Penny Myers on June 29, 2017

Same happened to me yesterday. Called the bank, stopped the card and now getting charges reversed!

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Andrew on July 08, 2017

Had two charges for $98 from this Tim Horton's show up on my card today. Called in and got the card frozen, but the bank isn't open until Monday. Hope this gets resolved.

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Tracy on July 13, 2017

Had 2 charges for $98.00 each. See charges pending currently. Have blocked card and will contact bank in AM. Tim Horton's #91 OH 614-791-4200

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Lisa on July 18, 2017

Just charged me $98 and there is another $98 pending. This is ridiculous! Bank says I have to go in and file a dispute to get it back.

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Michele on November 17, 2017

Had 2 charges on November 16th. One for $38 and one for $60. Contacted bank to report. I live in MN.

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Michelle cox on March 05, 2021

this charge was on my card for the amount of 25.14 for a store #91 tim hortons im literally 4 hrs away and was at work

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