First seen March 07, 2015. Last updated on January 14, 2024.

The credit card charge 324 PBC DETROIT MI DPC 0DETROIT MI was first submitted to our database on March 07, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen 324 PBC DETROIT MI DPC 0DETROIT MI charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen 324 PBC DETROIT MI DPC 0DETROIT MI on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

70% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Pepsi vending machine (edit)
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What people are saying...

Porshiana on March 11, 2016

A pop machine located in Walmart entrance area that accepts credit card payments. This was the Walmart in Southgate, MI

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Denise on June 05, 2016

Vending machines accept credit / debit cards and people are forgetting they used them and paid 1.60 for a bottle of pop.

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Joe on July 20, 2018

Scam small amount that will try to get authorization so it can begin actually taking money out of your card. Block this charge and change your card number.

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Jessica on September 30, 2018

I had used my card at Southland Mall at a Pepsi vending machine and it showed up as PBC Detroit. I had forgotten and googled it. When I saw this post it made sense. I had initially thought fraud. Lol

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N/A on March 13, 2022

Mine was for a vending machine at my work. Was worried.

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Kam on March 07, 2023

Vending machine at work

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Did not authorize these small w/d from any of my accounts. After researching this company, they try to take small amounts, then larger amounts. Its a scam!! on November 29, 2023

Once Detroit Mi DPC 324 Detroit Mi, US

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Pbc Detroit Mi dpc 324 on November 29, 2023

Did not authorize this w/d attempt of $1.75. This company is a scam

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Zack on January 14, 2024

There were many payments of like $3.60 then return after payment after return I just got this card too

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