First seen September 27, 2022. Last updated on July 21, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH was first submitted to our database on September 27, 2022. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

94% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Russell on September 27, 2022

Charged for Prime subscription

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Jay on January 14, 2023


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Sheila Hannah on January 31, 2023

Yes, my husband has been charged $6.99 three times never had anything to do with Amznprime will have to go to the bank.

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Angel on February 19, 2023

Have been charged 4 times already since 31-Oct-2022, have no idea what's going on!!! 31 Jan 2023 Visa Purchase Amznprimeau AUD 6.99 converted at 0.90 $7.79 04 Jan 2023 Visa Purchase Amznprimeau AUD 6.99 converted at 0.92 $7.62 01 Dec 2022 Visa Purchase Amznprimeau AUD 6.99 converted at 0.92 $7.66 31 Oct 2022 Visa Purchase Amznprimeau AUD 6.99 converted at 0.90 $7.85

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Cyra on February 25, 2023

Yes, it's a scam, my company card has been charged $59 in Dec 2022 for AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH I never paid Amazon using this card and also I was not even in the country those days. Just found it today, locked the card and raised it with the bank. I have not lost the card, it's still with me. It seems that we need to check every transaction carefully very often!!

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Jess X on March 17, 2023

same ,been chased 3 times 6.99 in the last two days, when I checked the Netbank, it been charged since Jan. I checked all my amazon account and no subscription made, never... . and how can a suscription fee charged 3 times at the same amount in 2 consecutive days...? Now I'm on the phone to Netbank and still wait to speak to someone over 1:05hr....

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laura on April 14, 2023

Wondered what this was when I looked it up it someone has mentioned it back in 2008 going to Amazon ? They said cancel your card which I dont leave details I didnt think & change Amazon Password

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Steve on April 16, 2023

Its a SCAM. problem is you cant contact them. Go to the bank and ask them to stop any future payments from your account(s),

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Toby on April 22, 2023

Had this fraudulent charge on my account today AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUT AUS -$59. A nightmare trying to dispute it with my credit card company who would do little until I reported it to Amazon. Amazon helped and refunded. Go to your account click in customer service click on report something suspicious then go though the prompts until "request a callback" prompt appears. Enter your phone number and a helpful representative from Amazon will call you to help sort it out.

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Patricia on May 31, 2023


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Maja on May 31, 2023

They have been charging the credit card twice on 16th of every month since Dec 2022 and added in an extra one on the 3rd of the month since January 2023. Didn't notice it until May 2023!

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Jimmy on May 31, 2023

I only noticed this on my credit card after 15 months! It's a SCAM, I think I will have to report to bank.

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chloe on June 08, 2023

4x charges to company card. Never used amazon! each charge $6.99 three last month and on this month. No idea how they got card details!

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Brian on June 15, 2023

I think it's scam, This week I had 3 x $6.99 charged to my credit card, I have nothing to do with Amazon! It's in my Banks court.

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Paul on July 04, 2023

I had 4 times of AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH, amount A$ 9.99 on my credit card, two weeks apart. I have an Amazon account for purchasing goods, but it is with another credit card; no Amazon Prime membership at all. This particular card has no linkage to any Amazon account. I disputed this with the bank and they refunded the amounts. I am just suspecting, when I do touch & go purchases in shops, whether the security cameras mounted in counters can be used to get the card details and do Scams similar to this.

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MILES on July 26, 2023

I do use amazon & discovered I am being charged $6.99 per month for something I did not sign up for AMAZAUPRIME MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH .I went to cancel only to discover i do not have a prime account with amazon hmmm. Will try suggested approach through my real account with amazon .

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Ray on August 17, 2023

Same thing with amznprimeau. I reported it to my bank the same day a charge of $9.99 on 17 th of last mon th. Thecard was cncelled immediately and a new one issued and I changed th pin no. Today 17th of this month same again on the new card. GRRRR charge was placed late on a Friday when the bank was closed for the weekend and I was unable to speak to the bank. Luckily I check my act regularly on line and was able lock the card straight away and submit a fraud notice to the bank. So Im down $20 so far and I wonder how they got my new card details so quickly. I have made a purchase from Amazon in between so maybe they hsve accesss to amazon orders. It is not from touch and go because I always enter my pin no manually. BEWARE people.

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John on August 21, 2023

Yes has to be a Scam! Contacted Amazon and they told me that my account is not active. Chatted to a friend from Canada and he had to get his computer/phone cleaned out and order a new credit card!

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May on September 13, 2023

$9.99 charged twice showing AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH - for no reason! Unable to get any assistance from anyone for a refund - will have to go to the bank and go through that whole stress of getting a new card! Really cross

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Tina 13th September 2023 on September 17, 2023

Also been charged with VISA AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH. $9.99. Luckily I have only been charged once and am now waiting for a phone call back from my bank. Hopefully, this one can be sorted out quickly.

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Rodeo on September 19, 2023

Scam! Charged 4 times in 2 months. Cancelled card with ANZ directly and they reversed the charges.

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Lala on September 21, 2023

Charged 3 x $9.99 in one day. Have no acct with Amazon

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chris on September 21, 2023

I don't know who they are.

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Will on September 29, 2023


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Will on September 29, 2023

*UPDATE* Found that I had been charged on my account, while I was looking at my account. Who knew they were actually different? Not me. Please check you AU account before cancelling your card. Amazon snuck the subscription to prime into a purchase I made - but it was a 'legitimate' charge and easy to cancel once I found the right account. My .AU login details were the same as my original Amazon login details... imagine they are for everyone, but when looking at my original Amazon account, couldn't find the charge. Still dodgy from Amazon but probably not illegal.

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Lou on October 01, 2023

I was charged $6.99 every month for 6 month I finally found the reason do not click on amazon prime the sub channels like paramount or Disney, you automatic subscribe to that channel.

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Scarlett on October 08, 2023

I have two charges from AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH I do not use Amazon or have an account.

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ibmar on October 22, 2023

I'd like to know why I have been charged with this....oh and BTW who are you?

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Kerry on October 27, 2023

taken from bank account, unknown

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Pat on October 27, 2023

Charged to my Visa Card. How prevent future charges? Is there any way other than cancelling card. Please advise. Thanks

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Warren Morris on November 04, 2023

$9.99 fee deducted from my account.

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RICHIE BRIDGETT ON NOVEMBER 4, 2023 on November 04, 2023


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Margaret on November 17, 2023

Same as above - just appeared on my bank statement.

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Helen Ford on November 21, 2023

An amount which has gone up to $9.99 has been taken out my credit card for perhaps 12 months. Unfortunately I did not follow it up. I do not have a membership of Amazon. Please how do I stop this charge?

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Pseudonym Gazz on November 29, 2023

Here’s another person who “donated” to AMZNPRIMEAU MEMBERSHIP SYDNEY SOUTH AU without consent. For anyone questioning the legitimacy of these payments, it’s a scammer imitating Amazon. Notice that there’s no order number, receipt number or whatever specific to tie the payment to. Amazon uses more specific info in the bank statements. The scammer charges small amounts in a regular cycle so we’re less likely to notice. If you see payments like this, call your bank & get their fraud team to block the card. Don’t hesitate.

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Frank Butler on December 31, 2023

Being charged $9.99 for membership which i did not approve. How do I cancel

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Jane Murphy on January 05, 2024

I signed up to an Audible free trial and found this charge. This is not the first time this has happened.

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Hermine on February 01, 2024

I have been charged $9.99 on the Transaction date 15/01/2024 Processed date 17/01/2024

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Hermine de Vryer on February 01, 2024

How do I get it back $9.99

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Kate on February 06, 2024

Never signed up but am being charged

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Adrian on February 09, 2024

I have been charged this every month since last November and it comes out of my account on the 8th of every month since 8th Nov 2023.

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Josie on February 17, 2024

I have been charged twice.

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Mandy on February 21, 2024

I have been charged 3 times in one day in February 2024

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Meridith on February 25, 2024

I was charged $9.99 from this company and it says its a gym in sth Sydney

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Tracy O on March 04, 2024

This amount has been charged from my account since 4/8/2023 on a monthly basis, with no authorisation from myself.

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Roxanne Kemp on March 09, 2024

I have just had $79 taken out of my account! I did not authorise this!

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Fabe on March 25, 2024

I've been charged 9.99. Don't remember using this at all

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krystal K on April 06, 2024

I have been getting charged 9.99 per month for over a year. I thought it might be prime membership but have realized that it is a scam

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Jane on April 11, 2024

Me too change my card but thy know new card and still charge my new card I am not any member I don’t where thy got my card numbers thy are scum why companies doing this

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Suzanne Suzanne Buchanan Gould on April 17, 2024

I have ordered a few things online and this popped up on my statement and had no idea what it was. I have disputed this by email but no response yet

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Suzanne Suzanne Buchanan Gould on April 17, 2024

watch out for this!

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Tracey on April 23, 2024

An amount of $79 deducted from my card. I have never subscribed to Prime. I realise this is a scam. Have reported to my bank.

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richard milner on April 26, 2024


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chris finlayson on May 02, 2024


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Bob newcastle on May 10, 2024

It’s Amazon prime au membership $79 per year

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Lesley Arjonilla on May 14, 2024

Appears as a debit charge on my bank account

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Richard Kemp on May 22, 2024

I wish to cancel the $9.99 charge

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Bronwyn Anderson on May 26, 2024

I have also been caught by this scam but only realised it months after the charges did they get my details?

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Amanda Scibilia on May 26, 2024

OMG. It's no wander Jeoff Bezos is the richest person on the planet. I CANNOT cancel this withdrawal of $9.99 x 2 each month. My bank has given me a new credit card and refunded some and is fighting for me however, I've just been charged again, so that didn't help with a new card. this has got to be a scam or Amazon is the biggest scam in the world. It's impossible to navigate their website. And no one will talk to me......

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Dorothy E Yeomans on May 27, 2024

this is an unauthorised charge to my credit card

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Ian Brock on July 12, 2024

This is an Amazon SCAM. I noticed the third $9.99 CC payment to this PRIMEAU. I have an Amazon account and have occasionally purchased there. I never intentionally signed up for Prime, never knew I had it, and never wanted it. I saw them offering me a FREE Month of Prime - and unable to remove the FREE month, canceled the purchase. I have now closed my Amazon account, had the bank reverse the charges, and ordered a new CC as I obviously cannot trust Amazon with my CC number. I will work around them, purchasing elsewhere. If you have an Amazon account I recommend you close it as like me, one day they will trick you into some subscription.

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Beryl on July 14, 2024

An amount of $79 deducted from my card. I have never subscribed to Prime.

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Ian on July 18, 2024

$9.99 deducted at regular intervals for a long time before found

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Nette HILTON on July 21, 2024

Credit card 08/06/2024 Credit card 08/07/2024

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