First seen October 01, 2014. Last updated on October 07, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge ENTERTAINMENT PUBL CROWS NEST AU was first submitted to our database on October 01, 2014. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

Have you seen ENTERTAINMENT PUBL CROWS NEST AU charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen ENTERTAINMENT PUBL CROWS NEST AU on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

46% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant Entertainment book (edit)
Website entertainmentbook.com.au (edit)
Phone (02) 9016 1300 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Discount coupon book (edit)

What people are saying...

Joy Smith on May 29, 2017

I have no idea what this $12.50 charge is against my Visa Card. It came 1 day after I purchased my Entertainment Book from Cancer Council Perth

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Nedi Howard on June 13, 2017

I spotted this charges on my credit card in the past. Because it was smaller amount at that time, i didn't worry too much. Now its been appearing every so often and i realised that I never authorised any transaction with this merchant. I disputed an amount of $25 that was charged on 06/01/17, which I haven't got any charge back yet, now another one of $50.00 with my new card! Who the hell are these people? I have reported it again with Coles Mastercard and I hope that someone put a stop on this. It's very inconvenient!!

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Scoobiedoodle on October 02, 2017

yupe got this too... and reported to citibank as I have never authorised this.

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Chris on February 19, 2018

It's the entertainment book - Mine were for gift vouchers I purchased through them

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Anne on August 21, 2018

The charge from this group was for a chemist warehouse voucher that I purchased through the Entertainment Book

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Lawrie on August 29, 2018

$70 taken from my account have no idea why have reported to Citibank

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Roger M on September 19, 2018

Two transactions - $450.00 and $70.88 on my Suncorp Visa Card 18/09. Not authorised by me and reported to Suncorp Bank.

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R.K on September 19, 2018

3 transactions made on my Citibank credit card as well $450.00, $70.88 & $900 on 17/09/2018.

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Wiki on September 22, 2018

SAFE.. This was a charge from the entertainment book which I bought gift cards from.

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Owen on December 09, 2018

When i saw a $90 visa card debit for this merchant I couldn't account for it and suspected a scam. Eventually i realised that the charge was for a chemist warehoucher that i had bought online from the entertainment book.

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Paul on January 23, 2019

Same ,$450 on my Citi bank card they notified me of the fraud but are now refusing to credit the money back .WTF

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Felicia on February 05, 2019

Got over $2,800 charged from this company over 4 days. There is no way this is legit.

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Iya on December 29, 2019

This was a charge for movies e-vouchers purchased using Entertainment Book

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Komal on July 21, 2020

I got 480.94 x 4 transactions and 1 more of 69.99 - on my HSBC card = I am 100% sure I haven't done this transaction its almost $2,000 and I have reported them to HSBC

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Tom Hoang on October 06, 2020

I initially thought this was a scam, however I found out that this was legit as I bought Ipad for my son using the discount vouchers. If you ever use the entertainment book / discount vouchers think twice before complaining like me!

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Maria on January 11, 2021

I got a charge on my HSBC credit card for $491.06 that shows as Entertainment Publ Crows Nest. I did not authorise this and have not purchased an Entertainment book or anything related to it. This is fraud.

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Cass on February 02, 2021

Charge on my credit card for $331.00. Was not me. Reported to credit card company.

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Geoff on February 03, 2021

Yep, same here. 3 transactions from this biller on HSBC card. $491.06, $240.47 & $480.94, plus a random RACV charge. Card was destroyed pending closure, so I know these aren't from me. Seems like someone has unlawfully obtained HSBC card details.

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Alex McCrory on February 13, 2021

I received 3 transactions from them totaling nearly $1000 this should be stopped its is fraudulent

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Anne on February 27, 2021

Same charge of 491.06 on my HSBC card. Have reported and cancelled my card, but it does look like some sort of data breach.

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Adrian on October 19, 2021

Two charges of $1,154.25 and $480.94 (I note that this dollar amount matches Komal's post), so this is definitely fraud. I bank with HSBC, note that there are a lot of HSBC customers commenting here. HSBC needs to ensure this merchant is reported to the police.

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Adrian on October 20, 2021

All sorted. Gift cards, but did not show the retailer. Not a scam for me now.

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Alexey on June 18, 2022

Rebel Sport voucher I purchased through Budget Direct Rewards app

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Diana on July 07, 2022

Mine was legitimate. It was an egiftcard i bought through Budget Direct Rewards, partnering with Entertainment Book

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Shiva on July 25, 2022

E-gift card bought on Frequent Values Entertainment website/app

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Kevin on January 31, 2024

Mine was legitimate. It was an egiftcard i bought through Budget Direct Rewards app.

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Gus on March 25, 2024

I thought it was a scam but then I remembered I used a voucher for rebel sports bought through budget direct rewards.

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Julie on October 07, 2024

2 charges of $1202.34 and a third for $982.12, banks Fraud team picked up the third. All are fraudulent as not authorised. Likely card compromised and then used to buy gift cards.

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