First seen February 06, 2014. Last updated on January 13, 2024.

The credit card charge PSV*HEALTH SCIENCES 888 MD CONTINUITY/SUBSCRIPTION MERCHANTS was first submitted to our database on February 06, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen PSV*HEALTH SCIENCES 888 MD CONTINUITY/SUBSCRIPTION MERCHANTS charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen PSV*HEALTH SCIENCES 888 MD CONTINUITY/SUBSCRIPTION MERCHANTS on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

97% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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What people are saying...

Judy on August 13, 2020

I just discovered this on my credit card: PSV*Health Sciences 888-2405317 md and a charge of $39.68.

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JKelley on November 28, 2020

$39.87 was charged on my visa credit card for PSV Health Sciences on Nov 23, 2020. I did NOT order anything. From reading...this is a SCAM. How did they charge this to my account? This is ridiculous and against the law. It's stealing money from me that I don't have. What do I do?

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Gene on August 02, 2021

Got charge $39.22 don't know who they are.i'll never get that back. Got to go to bank and change everything.

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JMiller on September 20, 2021

Just noticed a PSV Health Services Ins. charge for 38.48 that I didn't authorize nor do I know who the provider is...

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PCusasto on May 12, 2022

Just was charged $40.48 on my Visa credit card. I did not order anything. PLEASE REVERSE THIS CHARGE ASAP!!!!

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P EDWARDS on December 14, 2022

I was charged on my credit card by these people or whoever they are..the password health science..I canceled my credit card to get a new is they getting folk credit card to be able to charge them.

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TJ Brown on May 18, 2023

Just found a $37.00 charge on my debit card from PSV* Health Sciences and I don't have a clue who they are nor have I charged anything recently for that amount. Had to cancel my card and wait for a new one. This ticks me off!!!

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Deborah Braxl on January 13, 2024

I was charged 37.00 by PSV Health Sciences Institute today on my credit card and notified me in a text from 66368. Phone number 816-272-8107. I did not subscribe The bank had to close my Visa account.

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