First seen July 17, 2015. Last updated on October 30, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge HOLIDAY SALES INC LAS VEGAS NV was first submitted to our database on July 17, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Have you seen HOLIDAY SALES INC LAS VEGAS NV charge on your credit card? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen HOLIDAY SALES INC LAS VEGAS NV on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!

Do you recognize this charge?

71% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Charge Information

Merchant HalloweenTown Christmas Trees (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category Holiday (edit)
Description Event (edit)

What people are saying...

Giselle on October 27, 2016

I do not know who this is! this company made charges to my account like 5 times, each time the amount increased! I filed a claim and will be suing them!! they messed with the wrong person!!!

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Eric on November 18, 2016

Same thing has happened to me 25$ was rakwn from my accountwill be going to my bank and figuring this out

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EVAN on October 17, 2017

It was a carnival company.

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steven on November 03, 2017

This charge comes from the small carnivals that come into town every so often

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Cesar on December 21, 2018

There is a charge of $154.28 on my card dated December 16, 2018 and I don't recognize either the company name, Holiday Sales Inc. Las Vegas, or the amount. I have no idea what that charge is for.

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Lynne D on January 18, 2019

I just called my bank to find out why I got charged $200 from this company that I am not aware of. I found out they sell Christmas Trees. Then I realized we did buy Christmas tree therefore the charge is legit. I just didn't know what's the merchant name for their credit card. All is good :--))

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Kristy on December 15, 2020

They just pulled $433 from my account. Have no idea who these people are.

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Rosa Kreuzer on October 13, 2021

My account was charged $97 today and I have no idea who this is?

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Madelynn on October 18, 2021

My card was charged and I did not go there this year. I did go in past years but at all this year. my credit card company did not find in my favor because they said the chip was read and that means it had to be me.

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Clinton on October 23, 2021

Was the Halloween pumpkin patch.

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Del on 10/12/2021 on October 30, 2021

My account was charge $97.44 with this Company without a card. I don't know how they do this but I am still disputing this with my Bank.

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