First seen July 27, 2020. Last updated on March 22, 2025.
The credit card charge DRIVERSUPPORTBILL.COM was first submitted to our database on July 27, 2020. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Have you seen DRIVERSUPPORTBILL.COM charge on your credit card statement? Do you know what the source of this charge is? If you have seen DRIVERSUPPORTBILL.COM on your bank statement, debit card, or prepaid charge card please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
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Phone | 877-615-2403 (edit) |
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Purchased driver to connect to zoom. Following month same transaction recorded at double the cost.
je veux interrompre ce contrat
Deseo cancelar la cuenta de
We were charged ll.36 on our credit card and we had not signed up for this service. Please do not charge any more monthly fees or I will be getting in touch with the Attorney General's Office.
We were charged $9.99 on our credit card and we had not signed up for this service. Please do not charge any more monthly fees or I will be getting in touch with the Attorney General's Office.
A hustling Company! Do not do business with this company!
How do I stop this from charging me every month?
I am being charged $9.99 on my credit card and we had not signed up for this service. DO NOT CHARGE ANYMORE MONTHLY FEES or I will be getting in touch with the ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE1
Purchased driver to connect to zoom but understand now this was not necessary. Now getting a monthly charge.
SCAM -they keep charging me
Estou sendo cobrado $9.99 no meu cartão de crédito e não tínhamos nos inscrito para este serviço. NÃO COBRAR MAIS TAXAS MENSAIS ou entrarei em contato com a Procuradoria Geral da República1
Alos purchased this with Zoom. Charged a monthly unnecessary fee. Do not charge this fee any more
This is a scam charge. I made no commitment to this scumbag program. Nor solicited it in a download. It apparently piggybacks on other downloads. . I first noticed it on Sept 3rd it had removed from my account $14--95.. You cannot remove it through install as it is not in the registry I tried other avenues but they get too complex and it is better to go to your bank, to get attention and security' Good luck.SptBB7.
It looks like you have a couple spelling errors on your website such as the word "becuz". Check out a service like to help. We've used it in the past and liked it.
Yo no he comprado este producto y me estan pasando una suma de 9,99 Euros, si esto sigue tendré que denunciar el fraude.
I don't know who you are or what you do. the customer service line is phoney. You have done nothing for me but you keep taking $9.99 from my account. Stop Now. BBB is aware . Ohio State Attorney's office is aware .
This is a scam company. I'm 81 y/o and don't have a clue about this product. I called company and they insisted that I signed up .
Mein Mann ist letzten Monat verstorben und er hat seit September keinen Dienst mehr in Anspruch genommen und es ist nicht möglich das Abo zu kündigen.
1/26/2022 my vanilla gift card was charged $9.99 (Driver Support Bill) never authorized this is a scam
Saw this charge on my credit card in February 2021 for $9.99. Called the phone number. Spoke to "Jessica" who claimed I signed up for this in Oct 2020. "Jessica" said she would cancel my account and send me an email. Jessica claimed they have been billing me 9.99 since Oct 2020. I have received this charge 2 times Jan 2022 and Feb 2022. I did not sign up for this service.
Do not recall signing up for this service(?) Being charged 9.99 since 10/2020
arreter les paiements mensuel aujour d,hui
I keep getting a bill on my Paypal credit card form It is for $10.66. I want this to be cancelled, as I did not authorize it.
I just noticed that this charge was coming out of my account every month and I have no idea how it got there. I did not authorise it or sign up for anything. I have raised it as fraud with my bank.
A scam co. that must cheat people to get by no talent. please stop withdrawing any money from my credit card....I did not authorize the 12.82 that you keep recurring as a withdrawal
Please cancel my account as I have no use for this program. Please stop withdrawing from my credit card. jut cancel anytime immediately Thank you.
I did not sign up for this bill please stop charging my account
please cancel my driversupport...i can't afford it
I have been seeing this on my CC for the past 2 months---have NO idea what it is or what it is for. I have filed a dispute with my CC company (today)
did not sign up for recurring charge -- phoned driversupport the day I got my bill and they charged me another month because I did not cancel soon enough. this is a scam outfit and because it is a small monthly charge they probably get away scamming people that dont check credit card closely.
dear sir why am i being charged for this rip of as i can see no point except to ripp of the public sorry no idea whats going on. if its for credit cards i dont have one.
I have been getting the same $9.99 charge to my credit card each month as well. I talked to my bank and they commented that it looked like a donation. I informed them I had not given my permission to have this charged to by visa. The bank put in a fraud claim for this charge and put a stop on my credit card so that no more charges would be made. I ended up getting a new credit card number. If enough people who are getting this charge would let their bank know maybe they will be able to stop this from happening to others.
I too have been receiving this charge monthly. My bank advise me to contact this Driver company but I cannot get through to them. I will go back to my bank to see what they can do.
I am being charged for a service I never asked for. This is a scam but to cancel they want your credit card number. I don't think so
I purchased this because I couldn't figure out how to look at some files that needed a driver I could not figure out on my own. It worked. And I forgot about it. It is such a generic name I didn't recognize it on my bank statement. I just called their number 877-615-2407 and spoke to a person who asked for the email I signed up with and my zip code. She offered me a discount on additional services. I said no and cancelled. I will make sure the charges stop, but it seemed legit.
way u tok money from me i dint ask that
how do I unscribe
Tried to reset password so I could cancel but it just sends you to a loop. Called support number and referred me to and ended up here. Big SCAM. Don't even know what it is suppose to do .....
I too got the scam charge , want it cancelled there is not a phone number that picks up it all says go online
charged on my American Express on 8/19/23
I did not authorize this charge to my account
I have no idea how I became subscribed to this business - my drivers are all directly connected to the Intel website. I'm getting a monthly bill on my debit charge and I tried calling this company and all I got was a recorded message.
cancel this now!!!!
have no idea what this is
Did not apply for this so please cancel this subscription and refund the $9.99 to the card you charged and remove all card information and my personal information immediately. David A Groll
A Scam, not connected to Microsoft
Just found out they are not connected and they have my card info
Found this charge thru VISA. I didn't authorise it! Website shown above for Driversupport is considered untrustworthy by my Computer. I am contacting my bank to stop this ripoff.
no not that I am aware of. I don't even know what it is for
This company is a SCAM!!!! I never authorized these DIRT BALLS...............
money taken out of my checking account, i want refund of this money $ 7.99 right away
Je ne me suis jamais abonnée à ce service,Je ne sais même pas à quoi ça sert, ce prélèvement de 9,99 € est une arnaque
Why am getting billed? I didn't order it.Regund my money.
No sé lo que sea y, me están cobrando
I do not recognize this. Never ordered it
A charge of $14.11 was made on my TD credit card.
Driver support just charge me $10 and I don’t even know what it is
I have not heard of your company and have only just seen that $11.99 is being taken from my credit card monthly. Please confirm this will stop going forward. Can I recover any such payments in the past?
did not recieve any help or support
Charge appeared on my Barclay Credit Card and after 8 months I discovered it. Barclay said I should send a Dispute Billing Letter to their office and they, in turn, after at least 2 billing cycles will get back to me via letter or phone call since their back-office team handling the disputes doesn't have an email address!!! They never did verify my address or phone number!!!
Have been being charged monthly the same $9.99 (same as the $9.99 DriverSupportBill.Com) on my Barclay Card for something called Microsoft 36.
I want to be credited for the $9.99 bill. What is it?
The charge appeared on my bank statement (debit card)- I didn't know I had this subscription
I have been charged $9.99 on my credit card. I did not sigh up for this account. I should not be charged. I cannot acces the account to delete it because it doesn't exist!
A charge was posted on my credit card, without my authorization on December 3,2024 and a January 3, 2024. My were able to decline the last attempt. I have submitted a fraud report for the December charge. What in the hell? How did they access my card number?
Unknown payments made from account to this company
This charged showed up in my bank registry, however, I did not sign up for this service. I received a noted that my drivers needed to me updated on my Dell Laptop, but I thought the notice was from Dell Support. Otherwise, I would not have signed up for a monthly service charge because I can download free drivers from my PC. I will contact my bank to dispute the charge, as it is apparently a SCAM.
This has caused me a headache, has showed up on my account 3 times now, all 3 times I’ve been given a new bank card but didn’t do any good. I figure that someone in one of the places we regularly visit is fraudulently selling our account.
Apparently, their rates have gone up! I'm being charged 10.75/month and had wanted help once, not on a recurring basis.
a charge of $9.99 appeared on my credit card bill and I had no idea how it got there. and try to cancel it??? what a mess! still not sure it's gone
$7.99 per month just showed up on our bank account
on my discover charge card 9.99
I think I have the solution but not sure I will see if driver support bills me next month then I’ll let everyone know what I done
$9.99 out of my bank account; DriverSupport claims I have an account, but when I ask for password update they don't reply.
Avgift drages varje månad från bankkonto av DriverSupport
charged my credit card 2/6/24
I noticed this charge on my bill recently. When I check previous statements I found it on four. How do I get rid of it. I did not authorize it.
Nie wiem dlaczego pobrano z mojego konta bankowego42,44 zł. Nie zawierałem z tą firnmą żadej umowy. Skąd wiedzą o numerze mojego konta bankowego?
Want to be credited. Never asked to join Driver support. thank you. larry weisman 870/4345018 and
Saw these charges went back as far as 6/2023 up to date not knowing what it's for don't know how to get rid of it
i have a bill on my bank account fromm driver support, and i have no idea about them so i want to cancel it
I still am getting $9.99 taken from my debit card every month for this charge and I have never heard of them and I don’t use it. What do I do? They take it out every month!
I still getting chargers on my credit card of $28.00 a month, can't cancel, how do i fix this.
just seen it on my bank statement
please delete this service from my name.
i did not sign up for this i am stuck in an online loop o cancel very irritating!!!
trying to cancel
Why aren’t you charging me? 995? I didn’t sign up for this.
I have no idea what this is...I have never talk any one on this .. this charge will end
Didn’t sign up for this!!
Unknown to me
Never subscribed to this yet it’s being took out of my account all the time
Never saw this charge until now. Did not authorize all these months of taking my money.
Un approved charges. called the phone number on my charge. Auto answer says go to website. There is no driver Thus cant cancel. This is a recurring charge.
Don't remember ordering this feature, but being billed on a credit card
I have not purchased anything from this dealer
Do not recognise and have not authorised the charge against my debit card
I was charged by this company without any purchase
Why did I get two charges in my debit card?
I did not sign up for this and very difficult to cancel.
I'm being charged $9.99 on my credit card and I did not authorize this charge. DO NOT CHARGE ANYMORE MONTHLY FEES or I'll be calling the Attorney General's office!
I'm being charged $9.99 on my credit card and I did not authorize this charge. DO NOT CHARGE ANYMORE MONTHLY FEES or I'll be calling the Attorney General's office!
I was charge $9.99 on July 6, 2024. I did not authorize this charge.
On 7/17 my card was changed $21.68. I did NOT authorize this charge. Please credit this immediately.
I found two charges on the same day for $9.99 from this outfit. I didn't authorize any service with them and have no idea how they even got my card numbers. Hell to pay if they do it again.
I can’t figure out what this charge is for, I am being charged for this for a few months and now it has been raised. What is this for when I never authorized any charges from this company. Who sre you and why are you taking my money???😡😡😡
There is a charge of $21.68 on 7/17. I did NOT authorize this and want it refunded immediately. This is the 3rd attempt !!! I think it a scam and chicken !$^# not being able to talk with a representative. Please correct this charge. Jana wells
I have no idea what this charge is for. I didn’t subscribe to this charge and would like the charge stopped also want a refund
My account was charged $19,98
I want this cancelled immediately. And I want my money returned for 9.99. And do not want it.
I did not order this, it was put on my credit card...How can they do that? I want to be reinbursed for this charge of $9.99....they charged my card, so I guess they have my information....
Fraudulent two charges to my debit card. I demand a refund: : Aug 20 2024 Purchase DRIVERSUPPORTBILL.COM,7600 Capital of Texas HAUSTIN TXUS Add a category -$9.99 Date: August 20, 2024 Aug 20 2024 Purchase DRIVERSUPPORTBILL.COM,7600 Capital of Texas HAUSTIN TXUS Add a category -$9.99
I did not order this subscription. Please cancel.
I did not order this subscription, please cancel and refund amounts Aug. 19, 2024 $10.67 Aug 19, 2024 $10.66
This charge appeared on my Discover Card. I don't know what it is for.
Please Cancel
they try taking out of my bank account an my bank pick it up as fraud. i dont want it an they want to charge me 37$ to remove it .. im not paying that to have it remove
I have been charged $10.81 from, for several months now. I even canceled my credit card but the NEW ONE had the same charge on it!!!! I KNOW this is not something I purchased. When I call the phone number listed next to my cc charge (512) 373-3518, the man who answered acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. He said it was his personal cell phone.
I saw the charge on my bank account with a number connection, thought it was a phone number - would not go through. When I tried the website using Microsoft as a lead in, a bunch of malarkey showed up with now way to find out what “Drivers Support is. Called my bank and disputed the charge. The bank agreed it was bogus and locked Drivers Support out of my account. Interestingly enough, for some reason I got an email stating to the effect sorry to see you go and my payments were being refunded.havent seen anything deposited to my account! Go figure! Disgusting, fraudulent, sinful service. SHAME ON DRIVERS SUPPORT!
Charged for what I never subscribed to. Please refund the charges to my credit card
Two charges were made to my credit card on the same day. Oct13 2024 I have never heard of this company. I called and got no help.
Never subscribed
My credit card is being charged for $9.99 monthly for a service I'm not getting. Please discontinué this charge now. Thanks.
I recently noticed a $19.98 charge on my account via that I did not authorize. I am in the process of finding out more information on this, as this wasnt something that I had authorized.
Why do I have 2 amounts charged to me on this bill
What is the $ 9.99 charge on my bill
My Husband John Dent passed away on 4/11/2024 so I need to cancel how do I do that.
Found this charge on my credit card do not know why
I’ve been charged 19.98 for the last two months
wish to cancel this charge, reinbursement is needed of 19.98 per month.
I didn’t order anything from there
I have been charged this monthly for awhile now $9.99 each time and have absolutely no idea what it is just need it gone.
I have 2 charges of $19.99 back to back months... this needs to stop and refund made.
Correction: the charge is for $19.98. This page suspiciously is useless also.
I have been charged $17.25 for driver support which I don’t know about. That payment has come out of my bank account. I need it stopped. Scam
was also scam by these people to upload a drivers for my portable ASUS COMPUTER NOW THEY ARE CHARGING ME $14.95 per months is was supposed to be one charge of $9.95 .. fraud charges ..bloc it our now @
This is a scam! If you are being charged for this fake crap, call your credit card company and report it as fraud. Yes, it is a pain to have to get a new card, but they got me for 9 months at $9.99 per month! They need to be prosecuted. I have no idea how they got my information, I had never heard of the company before!
I dont know what this is
This is an unauthorized re-occurring charge that appears monthly on my CC statement that has nothing to do with the Microsoft site I went to. I want this charge cancelled and to report this scam.
how do I stop money coming out o
I took my computer into Best Buy, St. Louis, MO for service and I came out with this charge $10 appearing on my monthly credit card bill. I called the company number, listed on my credit card statement and was told the charge would be removed. It hasn't been removed. I will contact the company again to see if they will honor their "remove" for this charge.
Just started showing up on my credit card.
Never authorized this charge
please stop charging me this fee on my credit card I don't want this service
I've never had any dealings with company and never authorised this transaction. Obviously a FRAUD
Did not authorize this charge
It was presented as a "one off" payment for support. Had no support and payment deducted monthly. Scam!
I have no idea who this is and/or why they are charging me and for what.
I started seeing your ads/input about two weeks ago when I had tech person install my new printer. Now I am seeing a bill for $9.99 in my checking account. I do not want your disruptive service and I want my money back. Didrik Krogh 702 308 0252. If you do not remedy this situation, I will report it the FTC.
I started seeing your activity on my pc shortly after a tech had installed my new printer. I do not want your service and find it disruptive to my computer use. Now I see that I have been charged $9.99 for a service that I do not want, nor did I solicit it. I want the charge returned to my bank account. Should you fail to fix this I will report it to the FTC. Didrik Krogh
appeared on my bank statement
I didn’t recognise the bank account reference
This was a charge for $9.99 on my credit card.
i was told by discover it is the new name of kaspersky
Have not ever requested this Service
Have not requested this service
I never signed up for drivers support bill anddont even know what it is I have had credit card charges for several months
Saw a charge of $9.99 on our credit card in October 2024. Did not know why. Checked with a computer expert who said we did not need it, and to cancel it. Called company who charged us $14.95 to cancel and referred us to Xpendity who charged us monthly for their services. Still trying to get out of this scam.
I have seen this charge on my credit card for years. I wasn't sure what it was for. I am not computer savey at all, didn't know how to stop this charge. I did not authorize this nor have I ever used it's services. Please help me stop this charge.